SyncMedia Examples

Last updated Thu Dec 17 2020

This document is a work in progress

HTML document with audio narration

This is a typical example of a structured document with audio narration. It features:

SyncMedia presentation

        <sync:track sync:trackType="contentDocument" sync:defaultSrc="file.html" 
            sync:defaultFor="text" sync:label="Page">
            <param name="cssClass" value="highlight"/>
        <sync:track sync:trackType="audioNarration" sync:label="Narration" 
            sync:defaultSrc="audio.mp3" sync:defaultFor="audio" />
            <audio src="#t=0,5"/>
            <text src="#h1"/>
            <audio src="#t=5,10"/>
            <text src="#p1"/>
            <audio src="#t=10,15"/>
            <text src="#p2"/>
        <par sync:role="doc-pagebreak">
            <audio src="#t=15,17"/>
            <text src="#pg"/>
            <audio src="#t=17,20"/>
            <text src="#p3"/>
            <audio src="#t=20,22"/>
            <text src="#h2"/>
        <par sync:role="table">
            <text src="#table"/>
                    <audio src="#t=22,25"/>
                    <text src="#tr1">
                    <audio src="#t=25,30"/>
                    <text src="#tr2">
                    <audio src="#t=30,35"/>
                    <text src="#tr3">
                    <audio src="#t=35,40"/>
                    <text src="#tr4">
            <audio src="#t=40,45"/>
            <text src="#p4">

HTML document

This is the corresponding HTML document for the above SyncMedia presentation.

<!DOCTYPE html>
            body {
                background-color: #FFE1E6;
                line-height: 2;
            table {
                border-collapse: collapse;
                background-color: azure;
            thead {
                background-color: navy;
                color: white;
            td {
                border: thin black solid;
                padding: 0.5rem;
            .highlight {
                background-color: lightyellow;
            #table.highlight {
                border: thick solid yellow;
                background-color: azure;
            #tr1.highlight {
                color: yellow;
                background-color: navy;

            <h1 id="h1">Los Angeles, California</h1>
            <p id="p1">Anim anim ex deserunt laboris voluptate non exercitation ad consequat tempor et.</p>
            <p id="p2">Officia cillum commodo qui amet exercitation veniam.</p>
            <span id="pg4">4</span>
            <p id="p3">Aliqua mollit officia commodo nulla sunt excepteur in ex nostrud dolore dolor do in.</p>
            <h2 id="h2">Average Summer Temperatures in Los Angeles</h2>
            <table class="highlight" id="table" summary="average summer temperatures in los angeles">
                    <tr id="tr1" >
                    <tr id="tr2" class="highlight">
                    <tr id="tr3">
                    <tr id="tr4">
            <p id="p4">Proident est veniam eu ea est culpa amet.</p>

Audio-only presentation

Presentation with secondary audio

Video with text transcript

EPUB with separate audio overlay

SVG comic with audio narration