Standalone Packaging of SyncMedia

Last updated Tue Sep 15 2020

This document is a work in progress

This document was taken from this post


A Sync Media file can be "containarized" to allow the embedding of some or all of the resources that are referenced by its Sync Media Document. The container format used in these cases is the OCF Zip Container ( minus EPUB specific semantics). The OCF format has all of the features, such as encryption; signing etc, needed for the current version as well as foreseeable future versions of Sync Media.

Side-loaded Sync Media

One of the objectives of the Sync Media specification is to let a Sync Media Player add synchronized media, such as Media Overlays, to an existing resource without the need to alter the resouce. This will help the adoption of synchronized media features in the accessibility space by enabling "non-destructive" methods to adding additional modes of narration to existing media resources.


Files are represented as cursive

<container version="1.0" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container">
        <rootfile full-path="my-sync-comic.smil"
            media-type="application/smil+xml" />