Vocabulary used during the project
- Rightsholder: person or organization that owns the legal rights to something, in our case Web resources. (Wiktionary)
- Publisher: person or organization that makes Web resources available to the public.
- TDM Actor: person or organization practicing TDM (on Web resources in our case).
- TDM Agent: software accessing Web resources for TDM purposes.
- TDM License: description of the terms and conditions by which a TDM actor can process a given Web resource.
- TDM Policy: machine-readable structure providing a way for TDM Actors to contact rightsholders in order to acquire TDM Licenses.
- TDM Rights: rights to process a Web resource via TDM techniques, for a certain purpose (e.g commercial / research).
- URL: Uniform Resource Locator, also named Web address (Wikipedia)
- Web resource: identifiable thing available on the Web (Wikipedia). Web resources are located using URLs.
- Web page: Web resource formatted in HTML.