Annotation Protocol: All Results

For an explanation of the implementation codes and other conventions used in this report, see the README file.

Test files: 1; Total subtests: 45

Test Files

  1. /annotation-protocol/server/server-manual.html
Test Show/Hide MessagesCC01DI01RI01
Annotation Pages MUST have a link to the next page in the sequence, using the next property (if not the last page)PASSPASSPASS
Annotation Pages MUST have a link to the previous page in the sequence, using the prev property (if not the first page)PASSPASSPASS
Annotation Pages must have a link to the container they are part of, using the partOf propertyPASSPASSPASS
Annotation Server MUST respond with a 201 Created code if the creation is successfulPASSPASSPASS
Annotation deletion with DELETE method MUST return a 204 statusPASSPASSPASS
Annotation server SHOULD use HTTPS rather than HTTPFAILPASSFAIL
CC01: assert_equals: Server is not using HTTPS expected "http:" but got "https"
RI01: assert_equals: Server is not using HTTPS expected "http:" but got "https"
Annotation update must be done with the PUT methodPASSPASSPASS
Annotations MUST have a Content-Type header with the application/ld+json media typePASSPASSPASS
Annotations MUST have a Link header entry where the target IRI is and the rel parameter value is typePASSPASSPASS
Annotations MUST have a Vary header with Accept in the valuePASSPASSPASS
Annotations MUST have an ETag headerPASSPASSPASS
Annotations MUST support GET (check Allow on GET)PASSPASSPASS
Annotations MUST support HEAD (check Allow on GET)PASSPASSPASS
Annotations MUST support HEAD methodPASSPASSPASS
Annotations MUST support OPTIONS (check Allow on GET)PASSPASSPASS
Annotations MUST support OPTIONS methodPASSPASSPASS
Container MUST end in a "/" characterPASSPASSPASS
Container's Content-Location and id MUST matchPASSPASSPASS
Containers MUST advertise its type by including a link where the rel parameter value is type and the target IRI is the appropriate Container TypePASSPASSPASS
Containers MUST advertise that it imposes Annotation protocol specific constraints by including a link where the target IRI is, and the rel parameter value is the IRI
Containers MUST have a Content-Type header with the application/ld+json media typePASSPASSPASS
Containers MUST have a Vary header with Accept in the valuePASSPASSPASS
Containers MUST have an ETag headerPASSPASSPASS
Containers MUST include a Content-Location header with the IRI as its valuePASSPASSPASS
Containers MUST response with the JSON-LD representation (by default)PASSPASSPASS
Containers MUST return a Link header (rfc5988) on all responsesPASSPASSPASS
Containers MUST return a description of the container with AnnotationCollectionPASSPASSPASS
Containers MUST return a description of the container with BasicContainerPASSPASSPASS
Containers MUST support GET (check Allow on GET)PASSPASSPASS
Containers MUST support HEAD (check Allow on GET)PASSPASSPASS
Containers MUST support HEAD methodPASSPASSPASS
Containers MUST support OPTIONS (check Allow on GET)PASSPASSPASS
Containers MUST support OPTIONS methodPASSPASSPASS
Created Annotation MUST have an id propertyPASSPASSPASS
Created Annotation MUST have an id that starts with the Container IRIPASSPASSPASS
Created Annotation MUST preserve any canonical IRIPASSPASSPASS
Location header SHOULD match the id of the new AnnotationPASSPASSPASS
Response contains annotations via items when it SHOULD NOTPASSPASSPASS
Response contains annotations via ldp:contains when it SHOULD NOTPASSPASSPASS
SHOULD NOT [receive] the Prefer header when requesting the pagePASSPASSPASS
SHOULD have a link to the first page of its contents using firstPASSPASSPASS
SHOULD have a link to the last page of its contents using lastPASSPASSPASS
SHOULD include Prefer in the Vary headerPASSPASSPASS
SHOULD include the total property with the total number of annotations in the containerPASSPASSPASS
SHOULD return the full annotation descriptions-PASS-