Less Than 2 Passes

Test files without 2 passes: 2; Subtests without 2 passes: 39; Failure level: 39/106 (36.79%)

Test Files

  1. /notifications/interfaces.html (18/39, 46.15%, 16.98% of total)
  2. /notifications/lang.html (21/37, 56.76%, 19.81% of total)
/notifications/interfaces.html (18/39, 46.15%, 16.98% of total)OKOKOK
Notification interface object lengthFAILPASSFAIL
Notification interface: existence and properties of interface prototype objectFAILPASSFAIL
Notification interface: attribute onclickFAILPASSFAIL
Notification interface: attribute onshowFAILPASSFAIL
Notification interface: attribute onerrorFAILPASSFAIL
Notification interface: attribute oncloseFAILPASSFAIL
Notification interface: attribute titleFAILPASSFAIL
Notification interface: attribute dirFAILPASSFAIL
Notification interface: attribute langFAILPASSFAIL
Notification interface: attribute bodyFAILPASSFAIL
Notification interface: attribute tagFAILPASSFAIL
Notification interface: attribute iconFAILPASSFAIL
Notification interface: new Notification("foo") must inherit property "title" with the proper type (6)FAILPASSFAIL
Notification interface: new Notification("foo") must inherit property "lang" with the proper type (8)FAILPASSFAIL
Notification interface: new Notification("foo") must inherit property "body" with the proper type (9)FAILPASSFAIL
Notification interface: new Notification("foo") must inherit property "icon" with the proper type (11)FAILPASSFAIL
EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,boolean) on new Notification("foo") with too few arguments must throw TypeErrorFAILPASSFAIL
EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,boolean) on new Notification("foo") with too few arguments must throw TypeErrorFAILPASSFAIL
/notifications/lang.html (21/37, 56.76%, 19.81% of total)OKOKOK
Roundtripping lang "Latn-de". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL
Roundtripping lang "Latf-de". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL
Roundtripping lang "tic-tac-tac-toe". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL
Roundtripping lang "cocoa-1-bar". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL
Roundtripping lang "cocoa-a-bar". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL
Roundtripping lang "en-". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL
Roundtripping lang "en--". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL
Roundtripping lang "foo--bar". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL
Roundtripping lang "id---Java". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL
Roundtripping lang "fr-x". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL
Roundtripping lang "fr-xenomorph". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL
Roundtripping lang "fr-x-xenomorph". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL
Roundtripping lang "a". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL
Roundtripping lang "a-fr-lang". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL
Roundtripping lang "b-fr-lang". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL
Roundtripping lang "es1-KK-aa-bb-cc-dd". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL
Roundtripping lang "es2-KL-aa-bb-cc-dd". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL
Roundtripping lang "es3-KM-aa-bb-cc-dd". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL
Roundtripping lang "fooÉ". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL
Roundtripping lang "foöÉ-bÁr". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL
Roundtripping lang "foöÉbÁr". Expecting "".FAILFAILFAIL