This specification describes a Data Integrity Cryptosuite for use when generating digital signatures using the BBS signature scheme. The Signature Suite utilizes BBS signatures to provide selective disclosure and unlinkable derived proofs.
The Working Group is actively seeking implementation feedback for this specification. In order to exit the Candidate Recommendation phase, the Working Group has set the requirement of at least two independent implementations for each feature, both mandatory and optional, in the specification. For details on the conformance testing process, see the test suites listed in the implementation report.
This specification defines a cryptographic suite for the purpose of creating, verifying, and deriving proofs using the BBS Signature Scheme in conformance with the Data Integrity [[VC-DATA-INTEGRITY]] specification. The BBS signature scheme directly provides for selective disclosure and unlinkable proofs. It provides four high-level functions that work within the issuer, holder, verifier model. Specifically, an issuer uses the BBS `Sign` function to create a cryptographic value known as a "BBS signature" which is used in signing the original credential. A holder, on receipt of a credential signed with BBS, then verifies the credential with the BBS `Verify` function.
The holder then chooses information to selectively disclose from the received credential and uses the BBS `ProofGen` function to generate a cryptographic value, known as a "BBS proof", which is used in creating a proof for this "derived credential". The cryptographic "BBS proof" value is not linkable to the original "BBS signature" and a different, unlinkable "BBS proof" can be generated by the holder for additional "derived credentials", including any containing the exact same information. Finally, a verifier uses the BBS `ProofVerify` function to verify the derived credential received from the holder.
Applying the BBS signature scheme to verifiable credentials involves the processing specified in this document. In general the suite uses the RDF Dataset Canonicalization Algorithm [[RDF-CANON]] to transform an input document into its canonical form. An issuer then uses selective disclosure primitives to separate the canonical form into mandatory and non-mandatory statements. These are processed separately with other information to serve as the inputs to the BBS `Sign` function along with appropriate key material. This output is used to generate a secured credential. A holder uses a set of selective disclosure functions and the BBS `Verify` function on receipt of the credential to ascertain validity.
Similarly, on receipt of a BBS signed credential, a holder uses the RDF Dataset Canonicalization Algorithm [[RDF-CANON]] to transform an input document into its canonical form, and then applies selective disclosure primitives to separate the canonical form into mandatory and selectively disclosed statements, which are appropriately processed and serve as inputs to the BBS `ProofGen` function. Suitably processed, the output of this function becomes the signed selectively disclosed credential sent to a verifier. Using canonicalization and selective disclosure primitives, the verifier can then use the BBS `verifyProof` function to validate the credential.
Terminology used throughout this document is defined in the Terminology section of the [[[VC-DATA-INTEGRITY]]] specification.
A conforming proof is any concrete expression of the data model that complies with the normative statements in this specification. Specifically, all relevant normative statements in Sections and of this document MUST be enforced.
A conforming processor is any algorithm realized as software and/or hardware that generates or consumes a conforming proof. Conforming processors MUST produce errors when non-conforming documents are consumed.
This document contains examples of JSON and JSON-LD data. Some of these examples are invalid JSON, as they include features such as inline comments (`//`) explaining certain portions and ellipses (`...`) indicating the omission of information that is irrelevant to the example. Such parts need to be removed if implementers want to treat the examples as valid JSON or JSON-LD.
The following sections outline the data model that is used by this specification for verification methods and data integrity proof formats.
These verification methods are used to verify Data Integrity Proofs [[VC-DATA-INTEGRITY]] produced using BLS12-381 cryptographic key material that is compliant with [[CFRG-BBS-SIGNATURE]]. The encoding formats for these key types are provided in this section. Lossless cryptographic key transformation processes that result in equivalent cryptographic key material MAY be used during the processing of digital signatures.
The Multikey format, as defined in [[VC-DATA-INTEGRITY]], is used to express public keys for the cryptographic suites defined in this specification.
The `publicKeyMultibase` property represents a Multibase-encoded Multikey expression of a BLS12-381 public key in the G2 group. The encoding of this field is the two-byte prefix `0xeb01` followed by the 96-byte compressed public key data. The 98-byte value is then encoded using base58-btc (`z`) as the prefix. Any other encodings MUST NOT be allowed.
Developers are advised to not accidentally publish a representation of a private key. Implementations of this specification will raise errors in the event of a value other than `0xeb01` being used in a `publicKeyMultibase` value.
{ "id": "", "type": "Multikey", "controller": "", "publicKeyMultibase": "zUC7EK3ZakmukHhuncwkbySmomv3FmrkmS36E4Ks5rsb6VQSRpoCrx6 Hb8e2Nk6UvJFSdyw9NK1scFXJp21gNNYFjVWNgaqyGnkyhtagagCpQb5B7tagJu3HDbjQ8h 5ypoHjwBb" }
{ "@context": [ "", "" ], "id": "", "verificationMethod": [{ "id": "", "type": "Multikey", "controller": "", "publicKeyMultibase": "zUC7EK3ZakmukHhuncwkbySmomv3FmrkmS36E4Ks5rsb6VQSRpoCr x6Hb8e2Nk6UvJFSdyw9NK1scFXJp21gNNYFjVWNgaqyGnkyhtagagCpQb5B7tagJu3HDbjQ8h 5ypoHjwBb" }] }
A proof contains the attributes specified in the Proofs section of [[VC-DATA-INTEGRITY]] with the following restrictions.
The `verificationMethod` property of the proof MUST be a URL. Dereferencing the `verificationMethod` MUST result in an object containing a `type` property with the value set to `Multikey`.
The `type` property of the proof MUST be `DataIntegrityProof`.
The `cryptosuite` property of the proof MUST be `bbs-2023`.
The value of the `proofValue` property of the proof MUST be a BBS signature or BBS proof produced according to [[CFRG-BBS-SIGNATURE]] that is serialized and encoded according to procedures in section .
The following algorithms describe how to use verifiable credentials with the BBS Signature Scheme [[CFRG-BBS-SIGNATURE]]. When using the BBS signature scheme the SHA-256 variant SHOULD be used.
Implementations SHOULD fetch and cache verification method information as early as possible when adding or verifying proofs. Parameters passed to functions in this section use information from the verification method — such as the public key size — to determine function parameters — such as the cryptographic hashing algorithm.
When the RDF Dataset Canonicalization Algorithm [[RDF-CANON]] is used, implementations of that algorithm will detect dataset poisoning by default, and abort processing upon detection.
This algorithm is used to configure a cryptographic suite to be used by the Add Proof and Verify Proof functions in [[[VC-DATA-INTEGRITY]]]. The algorithm takes an options object ([=map=] |options|) as input and returns a [=data integrity cryptographic suite instance|cryptosuite instance=] ([=struct=] |cryptosuite|).
The following algorithm creates a label map factory function that uses an HMAC to shuffle canonical blank node identifiers. The required input is an HMAC (previously initialized with a secret key), |HMAC|. A function, labelMapFactoryFunction, is produced as output.
It should be noted that step 1.2 in the above algorithm is identical to step 1.2 in Section 3.3.4 `createHmacIdLabelMapFunction` of [[DI-ECDSA]], so developers might be able to reuse the code or call the function if implementing both.
The following algorithm serializes the base proof value, including the BBS signature, HMAC key, and mandatory pointers. The required inputs are a base signature |bbsSignature|, |bbsHeader|, |publicKey|, an HMAC key |hmacKey|, an array of |mandatoryPointers|, |featureOption|, and, depending on the |featureOption| value, possibly a |signer_nym_entropy| value. A single base proof string value is produced as output.
The following algorithm parses the components of a `bbs-2023` selective disclosure base proof value. The required input is a proof value (|proofValue|). A single object, parsed base proof, containing six or seven elements, using the names "bbsSignature", "bbsHeader", "publicKey", "hmacKey", "mandatoryPointers", "featureOption", and possibly optional feature parameter "signer_nym_entropy", is produced as output.
indicating that it is a `multibase-base64url-no-pad-encoded` value,
an error MUST be raised and SHOULD convey an error type of
The following algorithm creates data to be used to generate a derived proof. The inputs include a JSON-LD document (|document|), a BBS base proof (|proof|), an array of JSON pointers to use to selectively disclose statements (|selectivePointers|), an OPTIONAL BBS |presentationHeader| (byte array that defaults to an empty byte array if not present), a |featureOption| indicator, additional inputs as required by the |featureOption| (see Add Derived Proof), and any custom JSON-LD API options (such as a document loader). A single object, disclosure data, is produced as output, which contains the following fields: |bbsProof|, |labelMap|, |mandatoryIndexes|, |selectiveIndexes|, |presentationHeader|, |revealDocument|, and, if computed, |pseudonym|.
The following algorithm compresses a label map. The required input is label map (|labelMap|). The output is a compressed label map.
The following algorithm decompresses a label map. The required input is a compressed label map (|compressedLabelMap|). The output is a decompressed label map.
The following algorithm serializes a derived proof value. The required inputs are a BBS proof (|bbsProof|), a label map (|labelMap|), an array of mandatory indexes (|mandatoryIndexes|), an array of selective indexes (|selectiveIndexes|), a BBS presentation header (|presentationHeader|), the |featureOption| indicator, and, depending on the |featureOption| value, a |nym_domain|, |pseudonym|, and/or |lengthBBSMessages| value. A single derived proof value, serialized as a byte string, is produced as output.
The following algorithm parses the components of the derived proof value. The required input is a derived proof value (|proofValue|). A single derived proof value object is produced as output, which contains a set of six to nine elements, having the names "bbsProof", "labelMap", "mandatoryIndexes", "selectiveIndexes", "presentationHeader", "featureOption", and, depending on the value of the |featureOption| parameter, "nym_domain", "pseudonym", and/or "lengthBBSMessages".
), indicating that
it is a `multibase-base64url-no-pad-encoded` value,
an error MUST be raised and SHOULD convey an error type of
The following algorithm creates the data needed to perform verification of a BBS-protected verifiable credential. The inputs include a JSON-LD document (|document|), a BBS disclosure proof (|proof|), and any custom JSON-LD API options (such as a document loader). A single verify data object value is produced as output containing the following fields: |bbsProof|, |proofHash|, |mandatoryHash|, |selectiveIndexes|, |presentationHeader|, |nonMandatory|, |featureOption|, and, possibly, |pseudonym| and/or |lengthBBSMessages|.
The `bbs-2023` cryptographic suite takes an input document, canonicalizes the document using the RDF Dataset Canonicalization Algorithm [[RDF-CANON]], and then applies a number of transformations and cryptographic operations resulting in the production of a data integrity proof. The algorithms in this section also include the verification of such a data integrity proof.
The following algorithm specifies how to create a [=data integrity proof=] given an unsecured data document. Required inputs are an unsecured data document ([=map=] |unsecuredDocument|), a set of proof options ([=map=] |options|), an array of mandatory JSON pointers (|mandatoryPointers|), a |featureOption| indicator parameter, and, depending on the |featureOption|, a |commitment_with_proof| byte array. A [=data integrity proof=] ([=map=]), or an error, is produced as output.
The |featureOption| parameter is used to indicate which optional feature, if any, is being used. It can take one of the following values: `"baseline"`, `"anonymous_holder_binding"`, `"pseudonym"`, or `"holder_binding_pseudonym"`. Note that `"baseline"` is used to denote the case of no optional features. If |featureOption| is set to `"anonymous_holder_binding"`, `"pseudonym"`, or `"holder_binding_pseudonym"`, the |commitment_with_proof| input MUST be supplied. If |featureOption| is set to `"pseudonym"` or `"holder_binding_pseudonym"`, the |signer_nym_entropy| input MUST be supplied.
The following algorithm specifies how to transform an unsecured input document into a transformed document that is ready to be provided as input to the hashing algorithm in Section .
Required inputs to this algorithm are an unsecured data document (|unsecuredDocument|) and transformation options (|options|). The transformation options MUST contain a type identifier for the cryptographic suite (|type|), a cryptosuite identifier (|cryptosuite|), and a verification method (|verificationMethod|). The transformation options MUST contain an array of mandatory JSON pointers (|mandatoryPointers|) and MAY contain additional options, such as a JSON-LD document loader. A transformed data document is produced as output. Whenever this algorithm encodes strings, it MUST use UTF-8 encoding.
The following algorithm specifies how to cryptographically hash a transformed data document and proof configuration into cryptographic hash data that is ready to be provided as input to the algorithms in Section .
The required inputs to this algorithm are a transformed data document (|transformedDocument|) and canonical proof configuration (|canonicalProofConfig|). A hash data value represented as an object is produced as output.
The following algorithm specifies how to generate a proof configuration from a set of proof options that is used as input to the base proof hashing algorithm.
The required inputs to this algorithm are proof options (|options|) and the unsecured data document (|unsecuredDocument|). The proof options MUST contain a type identifier for the cryptographic suite (|type|) and MUST contain a cryptosuite identifier (|cryptosuite|). A proof configuration object is produced as output.
The following algorithm, to be called by an issuer of a BBS-protected Verifiable Credential, specifies how to create a base proof. The base proof is to be given only to the holder, who is responsible for generating a derived proof from it, exposing only selectively disclosed details in the proof to a verifier. This algorithm is designed to be used in conjunction with the algorithms defined in the Data Integrity [[VC-DATA-INTEGRITY]] specification, Section 4: Algorithms. Required inputs are cryptographic hash data (|hashData|), |featureOption|, and, if required, |commitment_with_proof|. If |featureOption| is set to `"anonymous_holder_binding"`, `"pseudonym"`, or `"holder_binding_pseudonym"`, the |commitment_with_proof| input MUST be supplied; if not supplied, an error MUST be raised and SHOULD convey an error type of PROOF_GENERATION_ERROR. If |featureOption| is set to `"pseudonym"` or `"holder_binding_pseudonym"`, the |signer_nym_entropy| input MUST be supplied; if not supplied, an error MUST be raised and SHOULD convey an error type of PROOF_GENERATION_ERROR. A single digital proof value represented as series of bytes is produced as output.
The following algorithm, to be called by a holder of a `bbs-2023`-protected verifiable credential, creates a selective disclosure derived proof. The derived proof is to be given to the verifier. The inputs include a JSON-LD document (|document|), a BBS base proof (|proof|), an array of JSON pointers to use to selectively disclose statements (|selectivePointers|), an OPTIONAL BBS |presentationHeader| (a byte array), a |featureOption| parameter, additional parameters supporting the |featureOption| selected (see below), and any custom JSON-LD API options, such as a document loader. A single selectively revealed document value, represented as an object, is produced as output.
If |featureOption| equals `"anonymous_holder_binding"`, the REQUIRED additional inputs are |holderSecret| and |proverBlind|. These would have been precomputed by the holder. See Anonymous Holder Binding for background information.
If |featureOption| equals `"pseudonym"`, the REQUIRED additional inputs are |prover_nym| and |proverBlind|, which are both known to the holder, and |nym_dofmain|, which is either set by the holder or communicated to the holder by the verifier. See Credential-Bound Pseudonyms for background information.
If |featureOption| equals `"holder_binding_pseudonym"`, the REQUIRED additional inputs are |holder_secret|, |prover_nym|, and |proverBlind|, which are all known to the holder, and |nym_dofmain|, which is either set by the holder or communicated to the holder by the verifier. See Holder Binding and Pseudonyms for background information.
The following algorithm specifies how to verify a [=data integrity proof=] given an secured data document. Required inputs are a secured data document ([=map=] |securedDocument|). This algorithm returns a verification result, which is a [=struct=] whose [=struct/items=] are:
To verify a derived proof, perform the following steps:
The cryptographic properties of BBS signatures permit variants that can support advanced functionalities. This specification is limited to supporting only the most relevant of these enhancements, which we explain in the following sections. The variables |commitment_with_proof|, |holder_secret|, |prover_nym|, |signer_nym_entropy|, and |pseudonym| are associated with these features and are not otherwise needed for BBS signatures and proofs.
The optional BBS features described in this section, and included in the algorithms in this specification, are at risk and will be removed before the finalization of this specification if their respective specifications at the IETF do not reach RFC status on the same timeline or if there are not at least two independent implementations for each optional feature.
This feature binds, at the time of issuance, a document with base proof, to a secret, known only to a holder, in such a way, that only that holder can generate a revealed document with derived proof that will verify. For example, if an adversary obtained the document with base proof, they could not create a revealed document with derived proof that can verify.
To provide for this functionality, a holder generates a |holder_secret| value which should generally be at least 32 bytes long and cryptographically randomly generated. This value is never shared by the holder. Instead, the holder generates a commitment, along with a zero knowledge proof of knowledge of this value, using the "Commitment Computation" operation of [[CFRG-Blind-BBS-Signature]]. This computation involves cryptographically random values and computes the |commitment_with_proof| and |secret_prover_blind| values. The |commitment_with_proof| is conveyed to the issuer, while the |secret_prover_blind| is kept secret and is retained by the holder for use in generation of derived proofs. Note that a holder can run the "Commitment Computation" operation multiple times, to produce unlinkable |commitment_with_proof| values for use with different issuers.
The issuer, on receipt of the |commitment_with_proof|, follows the procedures of this specification, and uses the "Blind Signature Generation" operation of [[CFRG-Blind-BBS-Signature]] to produce a base proof (signature) over the document, with the |commitment_with_proof| furnished by the holder.
When the holder wants to create a selectively disclosed document with derived proof, they use the procedures of this specification and the "Proof Generation" operation of [[CFRG-Blind-BBS-Signature]]. They use their |holder_secret| as the only "message" in the |commited messages| array, and supply their |secret_prover_blind|.
Verification of the revealed document with derived proof uses the procedures of this specification and the "Proof Verification" operation of [[CFRG-Blind-BBS-Signature]].
BBS-signed Verifiable Credentials as specified in this document allow for selective disclosure and unlinkable cryptographic proof artifacts. By "unlinkable", we mean that the cryptographic information in the derived proofs cannot be linked to other proofs nor the original signature. This implies that a verifier cannot determine whether a holder has presented the same credential before (with a different proof instantiation), nor can they assert some type of identity. Credential-bound pseudonyms provide a privacy preserving mechanism to allow for the limited linkability of a cryptographic pseudonym. Such a pseudonym may be determined strictly by the holder, or jointly by the holder and the verifier.
This type of cryptographic pseudonym (cryptographic identifier/name) is computed from two parts. The first part, the |nym_secret|, is specified by, and will only be known by, the holder; the second part, the |nym_domain|, may be specified by either the holder or the verifier, and will be shared between the holder and verifier. An issuer binds a credential to a |nym_secret| during the issuance process. A holder can then compute pseudonyms from the |nym_secret| and prove to verifiers that these pseudonyms are bound to the credential they are presenting. Cryptographic pseudonyms computed from the same |nym_secret| but different |nym_domain| values are unlinkable.
The holder might choose a |nym_domain| to give themselves a pseudonym for some
type of public forum, e.g., choose |nym_domain| = "Mark Twain"
The cryptographic pseudonym calculated by the holder from this |nym_domain|
with their |nym_secret| is essentially unique, and no entity that does not both
know the |nym_secret| and possess the base verifiable credential bound to the
pseudonym could assert this pseudonymous identity. Note that the doublet of
(|nym_domain|, pseudonym) has to be sent with the derived credential to assert
this pseudonymous identity.
In a different situation, a holder may be using a service from a verifier where the verifier wants to track visits over time or monitor use of some resource by the holder. In this case, the verifier chooses the |nym_domain| that the holder needs to use when presenting their derived credential. For example, a verifier might specify a public |nym_domain| tied to their DNS domain (e.g., `"www.nym.example"`) for the holder to use. A verifier could also demonstrate that they support data minimization, of a sort, by periodically changing the |nym_domain| (e.g., tying it to a date, `"www.nym.example/2025-01-02"`). This specification does not dictate values for the |nym_domain|.
Finally, to prevent a malicious holder who obtains another holder's |nym_secret| from getting a credential bound to that value, the operations from the [[CFRG-Pseudonym-BBS-Signature]] have the issuer add a randomization factor, |signer_nym_entropy|, that is securely "mixed" with the holder's portion, the |prover_nym|, during signature generation. This results in a |nym_secret| for which the issuer can provide cryptographic assurance that it is unique, to be used by the holder.
An outline of the creation and use of credential-bound pseudonyms is shown in the steps below.
Anonymous holder binding and credential-bound pseudonyms are, in a sense, orthogonal features, and a holder and credential ecosystem may wish to use both at the same time. For instance, a holder may wish to bind a verifiable credential to a |holder_secret|, so that only a holder knowing this value can generate a derived proof from the base proof, and bind a |nym_secret| to the base proof so that pseudonyms can be bound to the derived proof. This corresponds to the |featureOption| being equal to `"holder_binding_pseudonym"`.
An outline of the creation and use of both anonymous holder binding and credential bound pseudonyms is given in the following steps.
This section provides summaries of the inputs, outputs, proof serialiation, tasks, and procedures for "baseline" BBS proofs as well as those for the optional features. By baseline BBS, we mean BBS base and derived proofs without additional features. All the optional features are "additive" in the sense that some additional input, task, or output is generated in addition to those of the "baseline" BBS signatures/proofs.
Name | Tasks | Inputs | Signing Algorithm |
Baseline BBS | baseline: BBS signature generation from VC | baseline: document, proof options, key material, mandatory pointers | BBS |
Anonymous Holder Binding | baseline | baseline + commitment with proof from holder | Blind BBS |
Credential-Bound Pseudonyms | baseline + generate |signer_nym_entropy| | baseline + |signer_nym_entropy|, commitment with proof from holder | Pseudonym BBS |
Holder Binding and Pseudonyms | baseline + generate |signer_nym_entropy| | baseline + |signer_nym_entropy|, commitment with proof from holder | Pseudonym BBS |
Name | Proof Header Bytes | Serialized Output |
Baseline BBS | `0xd9`, `0x5d`, and `0x02` | baseline: bbsSignature, bbsHeader, publicKey, hmacKey, and mandatoryPointers |
Anonymous Holder Binding | `0xd9`, `0x5d`, and `0x04` | baseline |
Credential-Bound Pseudonyms | `0xd9`, `0x5d`, and `0x06` | baseline + |signer_nym_entropy| |
Holder Binding and Pseudonyms | `0xd9`, `0x5d`, and `0x08` | baseline + |signer_nym_entropy| |
Name | Tasks | Inputs | Proof Generation Algorithm |
Baseline BBS | BBS derived proof generation from VC with base proof | baseline: (from base proof serialization) bbsSignature, bbsHeader, publicKey, hmacKey, and mandatoryPointers; selectivePointers (holders choice) | BBS |
Anonymous Holder Binding | baseline | baseline + |holder_secret|, |prover_blind| (both known to holder) | Blind BBS |
Credential Bound Pseudonyms | baseline + compute |nym_secret|, compute |pseudonym| | baseline + |prover_nym|, |prover_blind| (all known to holder), |signer_nym_entropy| (included in base from issuer), |nym_domain| | Pseudonym BBS |
Holder Binding and Pseudonyms | baseline + compute |nym_secret|, compute |pseudonym| | baseline + |holder_secret|, |prover_nym|, |prover_blind| (all known to holder), |signer_nym_entropy| (included in base from issuer), |nym_domain| | Pseudonym BBS |
Name | Proof Header Bytes | Serialized Output |
Baseline BBS | `0xd9`, `0x5d`, and `0x03` | baseline: bbsProof, compressedLabelMap, mandatoryIndexes, selectiveIndexes, presentationHeader |
Anonymous Holder Binding | `0xd9`, `0x5d`, and `0x05` | baseline |
Credential Bound Pseudonyms | `0xd9`, `0x5d`, and `0x07` | baseline + |pseudonym|, |nym_domain| |
Holder Binding and Pseudonyms | `0xd9`, `0x5d`, and `0x09` | baseline + |pseudonym|, |nym_domain| |
Name | Inputs | Proof Verification Algorithm |
BBS baseline | baseline: (from derived proof serialization) bbsProof, compressedLabelMap, mandatoryIndexes, selectiveIndexes, presentationHeader | BBS |
Anonymous Holder Binding | baseline | Blind BBS |
Credential-Bound Pseudonyms | baseline + |pseudonym| (included in derived proof), |nym_domain| | Pseudonym BBS |
Holder Binding and Pseudonyms | baseline + |pseudonym| (included in derived proof), |nym_domain| | Pseudonym BBS |
Before reading this section, readers are urged to familiarize themselves with general security advice provided in the Security Considerations section of the Data Integrity specification.
The security of the base proof is dependent on the security properties of the associated BBS signature. Digital signatures might exhibit a number of desirable cryptographic properties [[Taming_EdDSAs]] among these are:
EUF-CMA (existential unforgeability under chosen message attacks) is usually the minimal security property required of a signature scheme. It guarantees that any efficient adversary who has the public key of the signer and received an arbitrary number of signatures on messages of its choice (in an adaptive manner): , cannot output a valid signature for a new message (except with negligible probability). In case the attacker outputs a valid signature on a new message: , it is called an existential forgery.
SUF-CMA (strong unforgeability under chosen message attacks) is a stronger notion than EUF-CMA. It guarantees that for any efficient adversary who has the public key of the signer and received an arbitrary number of signatures on messages of its choice: , it cannot output a new valid signature pair , such that (except with negligible probability). Strong unforgeability implies that an adversary cannot only sign new messages, but also cannot find a new signature on an old message.
In [[CDL2016]] under some reasonable assumptions BBS signatures were proven to be EUF-CMA. Furthermore, in [[TZ2023]], under similar assumptions BBS signatures were proven to be SUF-CMA. In both cases the assumptions are related to the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem which is not considered post large scale quantum computing secure.
Under non-quantum computing conditions [[CFRG-BBS-SIGNATURE]] provides additional security guidelines to BBS signature suite implementors. Further security considerations related to pairing friendly curves are discussed in [[CFRG-PAIRING-FRIENDLY]].
The security of the derived proof is dependent on the security properties of
the associated BBS proof. Both [[CDL2016]] and [[TZ2023]] prove that a
BBS proof is a zero knowledge proof of knowledge of a BBS
As explained in [[CFRG-BBS-SIGNATURE]] this means:
a verifying party in receipt of a proof is unable to determine which signature was used to generate the proof, removing a common source of correlation. In general, each proof generated is indistinguishable from random even for two proofs generated from the same signature.
The proofs generated by the scheme prove to a verifier that the party who generated the proof (holder/prover or an agent of theirs) was in possession of a signature without revealing it.
More precisely, verification of a BBS proof requires the original issuers public key as well as the unaltered, revealed BBS message in the proper order.
Selective disclosure permits a holder to minimize the information revealed to a verifier to achieve a particular purpose. In prescribing an overall system that enables selective disclosure, care has to be taken that additional information that was not meant to be disclosed to the verifier is minimized. Such leakage can occur through artifacts of the system. Such artifacts can come from higher layers of the system, such as in the structure of data or from the lower level cryptographic primitives.
For example the BBS signature scheme is an extremely space efficient scheme for producing a signature on multiple messages, i.e., the cryptographic signature sent to the holder is a constant size regardless of the number of messages. The holder then can selectively disclose any of these messages to a verifier, however as part of the encryption scheme, the total number of messages signed by the issuer has to be revealed to the verifier. If such information leakage needs to be avoided then it is recommended to pad the number of messages out to a common length as suggested in the privacy considerations section of [[CFRG-BBS-SIGNATURE]].
At the higher levels, how data gets mapped into individual statements suitable for selective disclosure, i.e., BBS messages, is a potential source of data leakage. This cryptographic suite is able to eliminate many structural artifacts used to express JSON data that might leak information (nesting, map, or array position, etc.) by using JSON-LD processing to transform inputs into RDF. RDF can then be expressed as a canonical, flat format of simple subject, property, value statements (referred to as claims in the Verifiable Credentials Data Model [[VC-DATA-MODEL-2.0]]). In the following, we examine RDF canonicalization, a general scheme for mapping a verifiable credential in JSON-LD format into a set of statements (BBS messages), for selective disclosure. We show that after this process is performed, there remains a possible source of information leakage, and we show how this leakage is mitigated via the use of a keyed pseudo random function (PRF).
RDF canonicalization can be used to flatten
a JSON-LD VC into a set of
statements. The algorithm is dependent on the content of the VC and
also employs a cryptographic hash function to help in ordering the
statements. In essence, how this happens is that each JSON object that
represents the subject of claims within a JSON-LD document will be assigned an
id, if it doesn't have an `@id` field defined. Such ids are known as
blank node ids. These ids are needed to express claims as simple
subject, property, value statements such that the subject in each claim can be
differentiated. The id values are deterministically set per
[[RDF-CANON]] and are based on the data in the document and the
output of a cryptographic hash function such as SHA-256.
Below we show two slightly different VCs for a set of windsurf sails and their canonicalization into a set of statements that can be used for selective disclosure. By changing the year of the 6.1 size sail we see a major change in statement ordering between these two VCs. If the holder discloses information about just his larger sails (the 7.0 and 7.8) the verifier could tell something changed about the set of sails, i.e., information leakage.
{ "@context": [ "", { "@vocab": "" } ], "type": [ "VerifiableCredential" ], "credentialSubject": { "sails": [ { "size": 5.5, "sailName": "Kihei", "year": 2023 }, { "size": 6.1, "sailName": "Lahaina", "year": 2023 // Will change this to see the effect on canonicalization }, { "size": 7.0, "sailName": "Lahaina", "year": 2020 }, { "size": 7.8, "sailName": "Lahaina", "year": 2023 } ] } }
Canonical form of the above VC. Assignment of blank node ids, i.e., the
labels are dependent upon the content of the VC and this also
affects the ordering of the statements.
_:c14n0 <> "Lahaina" . _:c14n0 <> "7.8E0"^^<> . _:c14n0 <> "2023"^^<> . _:c14n1 <> <> . _:c14n1 <> _:c14n4 . _:c14n2 <> "Lahaina" . _:c14n2 <> "7"^^<> . _:c14n2 <> "2020"^^<> . _:c14n3 <> "Kihei" . _:c14n3 <> "5.5E0"^^<> . _:c14n3 <> "2023"^^<> . _:c14n4 <> _:c14n0 . _:c14n4 <> _:c14n2 . _:c14n4 <> _:c14n3 . _:c14n4 <> _:c14n5 . _:c14n5 <> "Lahaina" . _:c14n5 <> "6.1E0"^^<> . _:c14n5 <> "2023"^^<> .
Updated windsurf sail collection, i.e., the 6.1 size sail has been updated to the 2024 model. This changes the ordering of statements via the assignment of blank node ids.
{ "@context": [ "", { "@vocab": "" } ], "type": [ "VerifiableCredential" ], "credentialSubject": { "sails": [ { "size": 5.5, "sailName": "Kihei", "year": 2023 }, { "size": 6.1, "sailName": "Lahaina", "year": 2024 // New sail to update older model, changes canonicalization }, { "size": 7.0, "sailName": "Lahaina", "year": 2020 }, { "size": 7.8, "sailName": "Lahaina", "year": 2023 } ] } }
Canonical form of the previous VC. Note the difference in blank node id assignment and ordering of statements.
_:c14n0 <> "Lahaina" . _:c14n0 <> "6.1E0"^^<> . _:c14n0 <> "2024"^^<> . _:c14n1 <> "Lahaina" . _:c14n1 <> "7.8E0"^^<> . _:c14n1 <> "2023"^^<> . _:c14n2 <> <> . _:c14n2 <> _:c14n5 . _:c14n3 <> "Lahaina" . _:c14n3 <> "7"^^<> . _:c14n3 <> "2020"^^<> . _:c14n4 <> "Kihei" . _:c14n4 <> "5.5E0"^^<> . _:c14n4 <> "2023"^^<> . _:c14n5 <> _:c14n0 . _:c14n5 <> _:c14n1 . _:c14n5 <> _:c14n3 . _:c14n5 <> _:c14n4 .
To prevent such information leakage from the assignment of these blank node ids
and the ordering they impose on the statements, an HMAC based PRF is
run on the blank node ids. The HMAC secret key is only shared between
the issuer and holder and each Base Proof generated
by the issuer uses a new HMAC key. An example of this can be seen in the
canonical HMAC test vector of [[DI-ECDSA]].
As discussed in the next section, for BBS to preserve unlinkability we do not
use HMAC based blank node ids but produce a shuffled
version of
the ordering based on the HMAC as shown in test vector .
Note that this furnishes less information hiding concerning blank node
ids than in the ECDSA-SD approach, since information the number of
blank node ids can leak, but prevents linkage attacks via the
essentially unique identifiers produced by applying an HMAC to blank node ids.
In some uses of VCs it can be important to the privacy of a holder to prevent the tracking or linking of multiple different verifier interactions. In particular we consider two important cases (i) verifier to issuer collusion, and (ii) verifier to verifier collusion. In the first case, shown in , a verifier reports back to the original issuer of the credential on an interaction with a holder. In this situation, the issuer could track all the holder interactions with various verifiers using the issued VC. In the second situation, shown in , multiple verifiers collude to share information about holders with whom they have interacted.
We use the term unlinkability to describe the property of a VC system
to prevent such "linkage attacks" on holder privacy. Although the term
unlinkability is relatively new section 3.3 of [[NISTIR8053]] discusses and
gives a case study of Re-identification through Linkage Attacks
. A
systemization of knowledge on linkage attack on data privacy
can be found
in [[Powar2023]]. The most widespread use of linkage attack on user privacy
occurs via the practice of web browser fingerprinting, a survey of which can be
found in [[Pugliese2020]].
To quantify the notion of linkage, [[Powar2023]] introduces the idea of an anonymity set. In the VC case we are concerned with here, the anonymity set would contain the holder of a particular VC and other holders associated with a particular issuer. The smaller the anonymity set the more likely the holder can be tracked across verifiers. Since a signed VC contains a reference to a public key of the issuer, the starting size for the anonymity set for a holder possessing a VC from a particular issuer is the number of VC issued by that issuer with that particular public/private key pair. Non-malicious issuers are expected to minimize the number of public/private key pairs used to issue VCs. Note that the anonymity set idea is similar to the group privacy concept in [[vc-bitstring-status-list]]. When we use the term linkage here we generally mean any mechanism that results in a reduction in size of the anonymity set.
Sources of linkage in a VC system supporting selective disclosure:
We discuss each of these below.
Cryptographic Hashes, HMACs, and digital signatures by their nature generate highly unique identifiers. The output of a hash function such as SHA-256, by its collision resistance properties, are guaranteed to be essentially unique given different inputs and result in a strong linkage, i.e., reduces the anonymity set size to one. Similarly deterministic signature algorithms such as Ed25519 and deterministic ECDSA will produce essentially unique outputs for different inputs and lead to strong linkages.
This implies that holders can be easily tracked across verifiers via digital signature, HMAC, or hash artifacts inside VCs and hence are vulnerable to verifier-verifier collusion and verifier-issuer collusion. Randomized signature algorithms such as some forms of ECDSA can permit the issuer to generate many distinct signatures on the same inputs and send these to the holder for use with different verifiers. Such an approach could be used to prevent verifier-verifier collusion based tracking but cannot help with verifier-issuer collusion.
To achieve unlinkability requires specially designed cryptographic signature
schemes that allow the holder to generate what is called a zero
knowledge proof of knowledge of a signature
(ZKPKS). What this means is that
the holder can take a signature from the issuer in such a
scheme, compute a ZKPKS to send to a verifier. This ZKPKS cannot be
linked back to the original signature, but has all the desirable properties of a
signature, i.e., the verifier can use it to verify that the messages
were signed by the issuers public key and that the messages have not
been altered. In addition, the holder can generate as many ZKPKSs as
desired for different verifiers and these are essentially independent
and unlinkable. BBS is one such signature scheme that supports this capability.
Although the ZKPKS, known as a BBS proof in this document, has guaranteed unlinkability properties. BBS when used with selective disclosure has two artifacts that can contribute to linkability. These are the total number of messages originally signed, and the index values for the revealed statements. See the privacy considerations in [[CFRG-BBS-SIGNATURE]] for a discussion and mitigation techniques.
As mentioned in the section on Issuer's Public Keys
[[CFRG-BBS-SIGNATURE]] there is the potential threat that an issuer might
use multiple public keys with some of those used to track a specific subset of
users via verifier-issuer collusion. Since the issuers public
key has to be visible to the verifier, i.e., it is referenced in the BBS
proof (derived proof) this can be used as a linkage point if the issuer
has many different public keys and particularly if it uses a subset of those
keys with a small subset of users (holders).
We saw in the section on information leakage that RDF canonicalization uses a
hash function to order statements and that a further shuffle
of the order
of the statements is performed based on an HMAC. This can leave a fingerprint
that might allow for some linkage. How strong of a linkage is dependent on the
number of blank nodes, essentially JSON objects within the VC, and the number of
indexes revealed. Given n blank nodes and k disclosed indexes
in the worst case this would be a reduction in the anonymity set size by a
factor of C(n, k), i.e., the number combinations of size k
chosen from a set of n elements. One can keep this number quite low by
reducing the number of blank nodes in the VC, e.g., keep the VC short and
JSON-LD is a JSON-based format for serialization of Linked Data. As such, it supports
assigning a globally unambiguous `@id` attribute (node identifier) to each object
("node", in JSON-LD terminology) within a document. This allows for the linking
of linked data
, enabling information about the same entity to be correlated.
This correlation can be desirable or undesirable, depending on the use case.
When using BBS for its unlinkability feature, globally unambiguous node identifiers cannot be used for individuals nor for their personally identifiable information, since the strong linkage they provide is undesirable. Note that the use of such identifiers is acceptable when expressing statements about non-personal information (e.g., using a globally unambiguous identifier to identify a large country or a concert event). Also note that JSON-LD's use of `@context`, which maps terms to IRIs, does not generally affect unlinkability.
In the [[vc-data-integrity]] specification, a number of properties of the `proof` attribute of a VC are given. Care has to be taken that optional fields ought not provide strong linkage across verifiers. The optional fields include: id, created, expires, domain, challenge, and nonce. For example the optional created field is a `dateTimeStamp` object which can specify the creation date for the proof down to an arbitrary sub-second granularity. Such information, if present, could greatly reduce the size of the anonymity set. If the issuer wants to include such information they ought to make it as coarse grained as possible, relative to the number of VCs being issued over time.
The issuer can also compel a holder to reveal certain
statements to a verifier via the `mandatoryPointers` input used in the
creation of the Base Proof. See section
, and
. By compel
we mean that
a generated Derived Proof will not verify unless these statements are revealed
to the verifier. Care should be taken such that if such information is
required to be disclosed, that the anonymity set remains sufficiently large.
As discussed in [[Powar2023]] there are many documented cases of re-identification of individuals from linkage attacks. Hence the holder is urged to reveal as little information as possible to help keep the anonymity set large. In addition, it has been shown a number of times that innocuous seeming information can be highly unique and thus leading to re-identification or tracking. See [[NISTIR8053]] for a walk through of a particularly famous case of a former governor of Massachusetts and [[Powar2023]] for further analysis and categorization of 94 such public cases.
It ought to be pointed out that maintaining unlinkability, i.e., anonymity, requires care in the systems holding and communicating the VCs. Networking artifacts such as IP address (layer 3) or Ethernet/MAC address (layer 2) are well known sources of linkage. For example, mobile phone MAC addresses can be used to track users if they revisited a particular access point, this led to mobile phone manufacturers providing a MAC address randomization feature. Public IP addresses generally provide enough information to geolocate an individual to a city or region within a country potentially greatly reducing the anonymity set.
The document test vectors are based on a purely fictitious permanent resident card, and broken into two groups — those that would be generated by the issuer ("base proof"), and those that would be generated by the holder ("derived proof").
To add a selective disclosure base proof to a document, the issuer needs the following cryptographic key material:
The key material used for generating the test vectors to test add base proof is shown below. Hexadecimal representation is used for the BBS key pairs and the HMAC key.
In our scenario, a permanent resident credential is being issued. The unsigned permanent resident document is shown below.
This mandatory information is specified via an array of JSON pointers, as shown below.
The result of applying the above JSON pointers to the document is shown below.
Transformation of the unsigned document begins with canonicalizing the document, as shown below.
To prevent possible information leakage via the ordering of the blank node IDs, these IDs are processed through a PRF (i.e., the HMAC) to give the canonicalized HMAC document shown below. This represents an ordered list of statements that will be subject to "mandatory" and "selective" (or "non-mandatory") disclosure, i.e., when these statements are grouped based on their disclosure requirements, they will still be ordered as in this list.
The list from the canonical document above gets grouped into mandatory and non-mandatory statements. The final output of the selective disclosure transformation process is shown below. Note that the statements are now grouped as mandatory or non-mandatory disclosure, and the index of each statement in the previous list is remembered.
The next step is to create the base proof configuration and canonicalize it. This is shown in the following two examples.
In the hashing step, we compute the SHA-256 hash of the canonicalized proof options to produce the `proofHash`, and we compute the SHA-256 hash of the `JOIN` of all the mandatory N-Quads to produce the `mandatoryHash`. These are shown below in hexadecimal format.
Shown below are the computed `bbsSignature` in hexadecimal, and the `mandatoryPointers`. These are are fed to the final serialization step with the `hmacKey`.
Finally, the values above are run through the algorithm of Section , to produce the `proofValue` which is used in the signed base document, as shown below.
Random numbers are used, and an optional `presentationHeader` can be an
additional input, for the creation of BBS proofs
. To furnish a
deterministic set of test vectors, we used the Mocked Random Scalars
procedure from [[CFRG-BBS-SIGNATURE]]. The `seed` and `presentationHeader` values
we used for generation of the derived proof test vectors are given in hex, below.
To create a derived proof, a holder starts with a signed document containing a base proof. The base document we will use for these test vectors is the final example from Section , above. The first step is to run the algorithm of Section to recover `bbsSignature`, `hmacKey`, and `mandatoryPointers`, as shown below.
Next, the holder needs to indicate what non-mandatory statements, if any, they wish to reveal to the verifiers, by specifying JSON pointers for selective disclosure. These are shown below.
To produce the `revealDocument` (i.e., the unsigned document that will eventually be signed and sent to the verifier), we append the selective pointers to the mandatory pointers, and input these combined pointers along with the document without proof to the `selectJsonLd` algorithm of [[DI-ECDSA]]. This gets the result shown below.
Now that we know what the reveal document looks like, we need to furnish appropriately updated information to the verifier about which statements are mandatory, and the indexes of the selected non-mandatory statements. Running step 6 of the yields abundant information about various statement groups relative to the original document. Below, we show a portion of the indexes for those groups.
The verifier needs to be able to aggregate and hash the mandatory statements. To enable this, we furnish them with a list of the indexes of the mandatory statements, adjusted to their positions in the reveal document (i.e., relative to the `combinedIndexes`), while the `selectiveIndexes` are adjusted relative to their positions within the `nonMandatoryIndexes`. These "adjusted" indexes are shown below.
The last important piece of disclosure data is the `labelMap`, a mapping of canonical blank node IDs to HMAC-based shuffled IDs, computed according to Section . This is shown below, along with the rest of the disclosure data, minus the reveal document.
Finally, using the disclosure data above with the algorithm of Section , we obtain the signed derived (reveal) document shown below.
Demonstration of selective disclosure features including mandatory disclosure, selective disclosure, and overlap between those, requires an input credential document with more content than previous test vectors. To avoid excessively long test vectors, the starting document test vector is based on a purely fictitious windsurfing (sailing) competition scenario. In addition, we break the test vectors into two groups, based on those that would be generated by the issuer (base proof) and those that would be generated by the holder (derived proof).
To add a selective disclosure base proof to a document, the issuer needs the following cryptographic key material:
The key material used for generating the test vectors to test add base proof is shown below. Hexadecimal representation is used for the BBS key pairs and the HMAC key.
In our scenario, a sailor is registering with a race organizer for a series of windsurfing races to be held over a number of days on Maui. The organizer will inspect the sailor's equipment to certify that what has been declared is accurate. The sailor's unsigned equipment inventory is shown below.
In addition to letting other sailors know what kinds of equipment their competitors may be sailing on, it is mandatory that each sailor disclose the year of their most recent windsurfing board and full details on two of their sails. Note that all sailors are identified by a sail number that is printed on all their equipment. This mandatory information is specified via an array of JSON pointers as shown below.
The result of applying the above JSON pointers to the sailor's equipment document is shown below.
Transformation of the unsigned document begins with canonicalizing the document, as shown below.
To prevent possible information leakage from the ordering of the blank node IDs these are processed through a PRF (i.e., the HMAC) to give the canonicalized HMAC document shown below. This represents an ordered list of statements that will be subject to mandatory and selective disclosure, i.e., it is from this list that statements are grouped.
The above canonical document gets grouped into mandatory and non-mandatory statements. The final output of the selective disclosure transformation process is shown below. Each statement is now grouped as mandatory or non-mandatory, and its index in the previous list of statements is remembered.
The next step is to create the base proof configuration and canonicalize it. This is shown in the following two examples.
In the hashing step, we compute the SHA-256 hash of the canonicalized proof options to produce the `proofHash`, and we compute the SHA-256 hash of the join of all the mandatory N-Quads to produce the `mandatoryHash`. These are shown below in hexadecimal format.
Shown below are the computed `bbsSignature` in hexadecimal, and the `mandatoryPointers`. These are are fed to the final serialization step with the `hmacKey`.
Finally, the values above are run through the algorithm of Section , to produce the `proofValue` which is used in the signed base document shown below.
Random numbers are used, and an optional `presentationHeader` can be an input,
for the creation of BBS proofs
. To furnish a deterministic set of test
vectors, we used the Mocked Random Scalars
procedure from
[[CFRG-BBS-SIGNATURE]]. The `seed` and `presentationHeader` values we used for
generation of the derived proof test vectors are given in hex, below.
To create a derived proof, a holder starts with a signed document containing a base proof. The base document we will use for these test vectors is the final example from Section , above. The first step is to run the algorithm of Section to recover `bbsSignature`, `hmacKey`, and `mandatoryPointers`, as shown below.
Next, the holder needs to indicate what else, if anything, they wish to reveal to the verifiers, by specifying JSON pointers for selective disclosure. In our windsurfing competition scenario, a sailor (the holder) has just completed their first day of racing, and wishes to reveal to the general public (the verifiers) all the details of the windsurfing boards they used in the competition. These are shown below. Note that this slightly overlaps with the mandatory disclosed information which included only the year of their most recent board.
To produce the `revealDocument` (i.e., the unsigned document that will eventually be signed and sent to the verifier), we append the selective pointers to the mandatory pointers, and input these combined pointers along with the document without proof to the `selectJsonLd` algorithm of [[DI-ECDSA]], to get the result shown below.
Now that we know what the revealed document looks like, we need to furnish appropriately updated information to the verifier about which statements are mandatory, and the indexes for the selected non-mandatory statements. Running step 6 of the yields an abundance of information about various statement groups relative to the original document. Below we show a portion of the indexes for those groups.
The verifier needs to be able to aggregate and hash the mandatory statements. To enable this, we furnish them with a list of indexes of the mandatory statements adjusted to their positions in the reveal document (i.e., relative to the `combinedIndexes`), while the `selectiveIndexes` need to be adjusted relative to their positions within the `nonMandatoryIndexes`. These "adjusted" indexes are shown below.
The last important piece of disclosure data is a mapping of canonical blank node IDs to HMAC-based shuffled IDs, the `labelMap`, computed according to Section . This is shown below along with the rest of the disclosure data minus the reveal document.
Finally, using the disclosure data above with the algorithm of Section , we obtain the signed derived (reveal) document shown below.
The first steps in using the anonymous holder binding feature are for the holder to generate their |holderSecret| value, and then compute a commitment with proof for this value, according to the commitment computation procedure of [[CFRG-Blind-BBS-Signature]]. Example values and outputs of this procedure are shown below.
The |holderSecret| and |secretProverBlind| are to be retained and kept secret by the holder. The |commitmentWithProof| value is to be communicated to the issuer.
The addition of a base proof under the anonymous holder binding option begins with the issuer receiving a |commitmentWithProof| value from the holder and then verifying that value with the commitment verification procedure of [[CFRG-Blind-BBS-Signature]]. The cryptographic key material explained and used in section Base Proof will also be used here, and is repeated below.
In this scenario, we consider an electronic version of a drivers license.
To preserve the holder's privacy, the only mandatory fields are the "issuer" and "expirationDate", as realized in the mandatory pointers given below.
Transformation of the unsigned document begins with canonicalizing the document, as shown below.
To prevent possible information leakage from the ordering of the blank node IDs, these are processed through a PRF (i.e., the HMAC) to give the canonicalized HMAC document shown below. This represents an ordered list of statements that will be subject to mandatory and selective disclosure, i.e., it is from this list that statements are grouped.
The above canonical document gets grouped into mandatory and non-mandatory statements. The final output of the selective disclosure transformation process is shown below. Each statement is now grouped as mandatory or non-mandatory, and its index in the previous list of statements is remembered.
The next steps are to create the base proof configuration and canonicalize it. This is shown in the following two examples.
In the hashing step, we compute the SHA-256 hash of the canonicalized proof options to produce the |proofHash|, and we compute the SHA-256 hash of the join of all the mandatory N-Quads to produce the `mandatoryHash`. These are shown below in hexadecimal format.
Now we use the blind signature generation procedure of [[CFRG-Blind-BBS-Signature]] in the procedure. Shown below are the computed |bbsSignature|, |bbsHeader|, |publicKey|, |hmacKey|, |mandatoryPointers|, and |featureOption|, where byte data is shown in hexadecimal.
Finally, the values above are run through the algorithm of Section , to produce the |proofValue| which is used in the signed base document shown below.
As explained in section we use a mocked random number generation procedure and demonstrate the use of a |presentationHeader|. The same |seed| and |presentationHeader| are used here and are repeated below.
To create a derived proof, a holder starts with a signed document containing a base proof. The base document we will use for these test vectors is the final example from Section , above. The first step is to run the algorithm of Section to recover |bbsSignature|, |bbsHeader|, |publicKey|, |hmacKey|, |mandatoryPointers|, and |featureOption|, as shown below.
Next, the holder needs to indicate what else, if anything, they wish to reveal to the verifiers, by specifying JSON pointers for selective disclosure. In this case, the holder only wishes to reveal their driving privileges.
To produce the `revealDocument` (i.e., the unsigned document that will eventually be signed and sent to the verifier), we append the selective pointers to the mandatory pointers, and input these combined pointers along with the document without proof to the `selectJsonLd` algorithm of [[DI-ECDSA]], to get the result shown below.
Now that we know what the revealed document looks like, we need to furnish appropriately updated information to the verifier about which statements are mandatory, and the indexes for the selected non-mandatory statements. Running step 6 of the yields an abundance of information about various statement groups relative to the original document. Below, we show a portion of the indexes for those groups.
The verifier needs to be able to aggregate and hash the mandatory statements. To enable this, we furnish them with a list of indexes of the mandatory statements adjusted to their positions in the reveal document (i.e., relative to the `combinedIndexes`), while the `selectiveIndexes` need to be adjusted relative to their positions within the `nonMandatoryIndexes`. These "adjusted" indexes are shown below.
The last important piece of disclosure data is a mapping of canonical blank node IDs to HMAC-based shuffled IDs, the `labelMap`, computed according to Section . This is shown below, along with the rest of the disclosure data minus the reveal document. Note that here we are showing the results appropriate to the |featureOption| equal to `"anonymous_holder_binding"` which uses the blind proof generation procedure of [[CFRG-Blind-BBS-Signature]]. Note that |blindAdjDisclosedIdxs| is the final set of BBS selective indexes used in the proof serialization process and comes from the blind BBS proof generation function which takes the |adjSelectiveIndexes| as inputs.
Finally, using the disclosure data above with the algorithm of Section , we obtain the signed derived (reveal) document shown below.
The first steps in using the credential-bound pseudonym feature are for the holder to generate their secret |prover_nym| value, and then compute a commitment with proof for this value according to the "Commitment" operation from [[CFRG-Pseudonym-BBS-Signature]]. Example values and outputs of this procedure are shown below.
The |prover_nym| and |secretProverBlind| are to be retained and kept secret by the holder. The |commitmentWithProof| value is to be communicated to the issuer.
The addition of a base proof under the pseudonym feature option begins with the issuer receiving a |commitmentWithProof| value from the holder and generating a cryptographically random value for |signer_nym_entropy|.
This example will make use of the same key material as shown in , the same unsigned document as shown in , and the same mandatory pointers as shown in . This results in the same canonical document as shown in , the same canonical HMAC document as shown in , and the same "add base transformation" as shown in .
This example makes use of the same proof configuration as in . This results in the same canonical base proof as in . Combining this with the above assumptions leads to the same base hashes as in .
Since |featureOption| is equal to `"pseudonym"`, the procedure of section will produce the output shown below. This makes use of the signature generation algorithm of [[CFRG-Pseudonym-BBS-Signature]]. Note the inclusion of the |signer_nym_entropy| and |featureOption| values, as these need to be communicated to the holder.
Finally, the values above are run through the algorithm of section , producing the `proofValue` which is used in the signed base document shown below.
As explained in section , we used a mocked random number generation procedure to demonstrate the use of a |presentationHeader|. The same |seed| and |presentationHeader| as given in are used here.
To create a derived proof, a holder starts with a signed document containing a base proof. The base document we will use for these test vectors is from , above. The first step is to run the algorithm of Section to recover |bbsSignature|, |bbsHeader|, |publicKey|, |hmacKey|, |mandatoryPointers|, |signer_nym_entropy|, and |featureOption|, as shown below.
Next, the holder uses the the "Verification and Finalization" operation from [[CFRG-Pseudonym-BBS-Signature]] to both verify the signature and compute the |nym_secret| value. This operation uses the |prover_nym|, |signer_nym_entropy|, and |secret_prover_blind| values, amongst others.
Next, the holder needs to indicate what non-mandatory statements, if any, they wish to reveal to the verifiers, by specifying JSON pointers for selective disclosure. In this case, the holder reveals the same information as given in . This results in the same |revealDocument| as shown in .
Running yields the same information for derived group indexes as shown in and the same adjusted mandatory and selective indexes as shown in .
Within , we compute the |pseudonym| based on the same |verfifier_id| shown in . The final output of is shown below. Note the inclusion of the |featureOption| and computed |pseudonym| values.
Finally, using the disclosure data above with the algorithm of section , we obtain the signed derived (reveal) document shown below.
The first steps in using the holder binding and pseudonym feature are for the holder to generate its |holder_secret| and |prover_nym| values, and then compute a commitment with proof for these values, according to the "Commitment" operation from [[CFRG-Pseudonym-BBS-Signature]]. Example values and outputs of this procedure are shown below.
The |holder_secret|, |prover_nym|, and |secretProverBlind| need to be retained and kept secret by the holder. The |commitmentWithProof| value needs to be communicated to the issuer.
The addition of a base proof under the pseudonym feature option begins with the issuer receiving a |commitmentWithProof| value from the holder and generating a cryptographically random value for |signer_nym_entropy|.
This example will make use of the same key material as shown in , and the same unsigned document as shown in , and the same mandatory pointers as shown in . This results in the same canonical document as shown in , the same canonical HMAC document as shown in , and the same "add base transformation" as shown in .
This example makes use of the same proof configuration as in . This results in the same canonical base proof as in . Combining this with the above assumptions leads to the same base hashes as in .
Since |featureOption| is equal to `"holder_binding_pseudonym"`, the procedure of section will produce the output shown below. This makes use of the signature generation algorithm of [[CFRG-Pseudonym-BBS-Signature]]. Note the inclusion of the |signer_nym_entropy| and |featureOption| values, as these need to be communicated to the holder.
Finally, the values above are run through the algorithm of section , producing the `proofValue` which is used in the signed base document shown below.
As explained in section , we use a mocked random number generation procedure and demonstrate the use of a |presentationHeader|. The same |seed| and |presentationHeader| as given in are used here.
To create a derived proof, a holder starts with a signed document containing a base proof. The base document we will use for these test vectors is from , above. The first step is to run the algorithm of Section to recover |bbsSignature|, |bbsHeader|, |publicKey|, |hmacKey|, |mandatoryPointers|, |signer_nym_entropy|, and |featureOption|, as shown below.
Next, the holder uses the the "Verification and Finalization" operation from [[CFRG-Pseudonym-BBS-Signature]] to both verify the signature and compute the |nym_secret| value. This operation uses the |holder_secret|, |prover_nym|, |signer_nym_entropy|, and |secret_prover_blind| values, amongst others.
Next, the holder needs to indicate what non-mandatory statements, if any, they wish to reveal to the verifiers, by specifying JSON pointers for selective disclosure. In this case, the holder reveals the same information as given in . This results in the same |revealDocument| as shown in .
Running yields the same information for derived group indexes as shown in and the same adjusted mandatory and selective indexes as shown in .
Within , we compute the |pseudonym| based on the same |verfifier_id| shown in . The final output of is shown below. Note the inclusion of the the |featureOption| and computed |pseudonym| values.
Finally, using the disclosure data above with the algorithm of section , we obtain the signed derived (reveal) document shown below.
Work on this specification has been supported by the Rebooting the Web of Trust community facilitated by Christopher Allen, Shannon Appelcline, Kiara Robles, Brian Weller, Betty Dhamers, Kaliya Young, Manu Sporny, Drummond Reed, Joe Andrieu, Heather Vescent, Kim Hamilton Duffy, Samantha Chase, Andrew Hughes, Erica Connell, Shigeya Suzuki, and Zaïda Rivai. The participants in the Internet Identity Workshop, facilitated by Phil Windley, Kaliya Young, Doc Searls, and Heidi Nobantu Saul, also supported the refinement of this work through numerous working sessions designed to educate about, debate on, and improve this specification.
The Working Group also thanks our Chair, Brent Zundel, our ex-Chair Kristina Yasuda, as well as our W3C Staff Contact, Ivan Herman, for their expert management and steady guidance of the group through the W3C standardization process.
Portions of the work on this specification have been funded by the United States Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate under contracts 70RSAT20T00000003, 70RSAT20T00000029, 70RSAT20T00000033, 70RSAT21T00000016, 70RSAT23T00000005, 70RSAT20T00000010/P00001, 70RSAT20T00000029, 70RSAT21T00000016/P00001, 70RSAT23T00000005, 70RSAT23C00000030, 70RSAT23R00000006, 70RSAT24T00000011, and the National Science Foundation through NSF 22-572. The content of this specification does not necessarily reflect the position or the policy of the U.S. Government and no official endorsement should be inferred.
The Working Group would like to thank the following individuals for reviewing and providing feedback on the specification (in alphabetical order):
Will Abramson, Mahmoud Alkhraishi, Christopher Allen, Joe Andrieu, Bohdan Andriyiv, Anthony, George Aristy, Hadley Beeman, Greg Bernstein, Bob420, Sarven Capadisli, Melvin Carvalho, David Chadwick, Matt Collier, Gabe Cohen, Sebastian Crane, Kyle Den Hartog, Veikko Eeva, Eric Elliott, Raphael Flechtner, Julien Fraichot, Benjamin Goering, Kim Hamilton Duffy, Joseph Heenan, Helge, Ivan Herman, Michael Herman, Anil John, Andrew Jones, Michael B. Jones, Rieks Joosten, Gregory K, Gregg Kellogg, Filip Kolarik, David I. Lehn, Charles E. Lehner, Christine Lemmer-Webber, Eric Lim, Dave Longley, Tobias Looker, Jer Miller, nightpool, Luis Osta, Nate Otto, George J. Padayatti, Addison Phillips, Mike Prorock, Brian Richter, Anders Rundgren, Eugeniu Rusu, Markus Sabadello, silverpill, Wesley Smith, Manu Sporny, Patrick St-Louis, Orie Steele, Henry Story, Oliver Terbu, Ted Thibodeau Jr, John Toohey, Bert Van Nuffelen, Mike Varley, Snorre Lothar von Gohren Edwin, Jeffrey Yasskin, Kristina Yasuda, Benjamin Young, Dmitri Zagidulin, and Brent Zundel.