The purpose of this test suite is to demonstrate a path to interoperability for the Securing W3C Verifiable Credentials using JOSE and COSE specification. The technologies explored in this test suite are experimental. This document contains the most recent interoperability report. This report is auto-generated.

Conformance Testing Results

Tests passed 59/60 98%

Tests failed 1/60 2%

Failures 1

Tests skipped 10

Total tests 70

These tests were run on


Access Denied
Not Implemented

The results of the tests are shown below:

JOSE Tests

Implementation ⇒
Test Name
independent mavennet
1. JWT Basic Credential Issuance
2. JWT Credential Issuance with All Optional Fields
3. JWT Basic Presentation Issuance
4. JWT Complex Presentation Issuance
5. JWT Issuance with Unknown Extensions
6. JWT Basic Credential Verification
7. JWT Presentation Verification
8. JWT Issuer Match Verification
9. JWT Verification With Unknown Extensions
10. JWT Unsecured Credential Verification
11. JWT Unsecured Presentation Verification
12. JWT Credential with an Invalid Signature
13. JWT Credential with an Invalid Media Type
14. JWT Presentation with an Invalid Media Type
15. JWT Credential with vc and/or vp Claims
16. JWT Presentation with Invalid Credential

SD-JWT Tests

Implementation ⇒
Test Name
independent mavennet
17. SD-JWT Basic Credential Issuance
Test skipped.:

18. SD-JWT Complex Credential Issuance
Test skipped.:

19. SD-JWT Presentation Issuance
Test skipped.:

20. SD-JWT Basic Credential Verification
Test skipped.:

21. SD-JWT Complex Credential Verification
Test skipped.:

22. SD-JWT Presentation Verification
Test skipped.:

23. SD-JWT Credential With an Invalid Signature
Test skipped.:

24. SD-JWT Credential with an Invalid Media Type
Test skipped.:

25. SD-JWT Presentation with an Invalid Media Type
Test skipped.:

26. SD-JWT Presentation with Invalid Credentials
Test skipped.:


COSE Tests

Implementation ⇒
Test Name
independent mavennet
27. COSE Basic Credential Issuance
28. COSE Basic Presentation Issuance
29. COSE Basic Credential Verification
30. COSE Credential Verification Incorrect Encoding
31. COSE Basic Presentation Verification
32. COSE Credential With an Invalid Signature
33. COSE Credential with an Invalid Media Type
34. COSE Presentation with an Invalid Media Type
35. COSE Presentation with Invalid Credentials
expected 'success' to equal 'failure':
AssertionError: expected 'success' to equal 'failure'
                        at should.equal (node_modules/chai/lib/chai/interface/should.js:98:35)
                        at Context.<anonymous> (file:///home/runner/work/vc-jose-cose-test-suite/vc-jose-cose-test-suite/tests/test-runner.js:49:20)