
Reference Implementation of an IPA Framework

This project aims at providing a reference implementation for an IPA framework.


You will need

In case you also want to create the API documentation, you will need to have doxygen installed.


Clone the repository

git clone git@github.com:w3c/voiceinteraction.git

Project Structure

The source code is in the folder source/w3cipa

Configuration Options

The following options can be set in the CMake configuration

Option Description Default
BUILD_W3CIPA_DOC Build documentation OFF
BUILD_W3CIPA_DEPENDENCIES Build depending libraries from source ON

Manual Build


Most C++-IDEs support CMake as a build system. In the IDE of your choice open file w3cipa/CMakeLists.txt.


On Windows systems you will also need to install vcpkg installed. Unfortuanately, it is quite a hazzle to get the dependency on CURL compiled in the Windows environment and this seems to be the easiest way to get it done.

cd source/w3cipa
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make && make install

Demo Code Walkthrough

The current demo aims at interacting with ChatGPT. This Walkthrough will also give hints about the used components from Architecture and Potential for Standardization Version

IPA Architecture

As a first step you will need to provide the correct developer key to communicate with ChatGPT.

Configuring Keys

In order to get started, you will need to replace your OpenAI developer key in the file voiceinteraction/source/w3cipa/w3cipachatgptipaprovider/ChatGPTIPAProvider.json

Replace OPENAI-DEVELOPER-KEY with your actual key.

Take care not to commit while this key is in the source code

Main Program

The main program starts with creating all the needed components per layer as described in Intelligent Personal Assistant Interfaces.

All components are created as shared instances, as they can potentially be re-used in the employed processing chain.

Client Layer

On the client side, we mainly need the correct modality components, text via console for now, a modality manager modalityManager to handle all known modalities, and a component to select which input to forward to the IPA. In this case, we simply select the first one that reaches us via the synchronizationStrategy.

The modalityManager is an IPA Client. ModalityComponents are either the Capture or Presentation components or both as in the case of the console.

    std::shared_ptr<client::InteractionManager> interactionManager =
    std::shared_ptr<::reference::client::TakeFirstMulitModalCaptureSynchronizationStrategy> synchronizationStrategy =
    std::shared_ptr<::reference::client::ConsoleTextModalityComponent> console =

Dialog Layer

Here, we create the Dialog Manager and the ipaService as an implementation of the IPA Service. The dialog manager mainly separates good calls from erroneous ones and forwards the reply accordingly.

std::shared_ptr<::reference::dialog::ReferenceIPAService> ipaService =
std::shared_ptr<::reference::dialog::ReferenceIPADialogManager> ipaDialogManager =

External IPA / Services Layer

Here, we create an instance of an IPAProvider to communicate with ChatGPT. This instance chatGPT is added to the list of known IPA providers in the registry as an implementation of a Provider Registry. The providerSelectionStrategy is used by the registry to select those IPA providers that are suited to handle the current request. In this case, we select all those that have a matching modality, i.e. text and the correct language. A chained filter is used to select the best provider.

The providerSelectionService as an implementation of the Provider Selection Service acts as the main component to be approached from components in the Dialog Layer. It makes use of the registry to obtain a list of IPA Providers that are suited to handle an actual request, forwards this request to them and waits until all responses have been received.

// Create a chained filter for selecting the best provider
    providerSelectionStrategy =
    languageProviderSelectionStrategy = std::make_shared<
    modalityProviderSelectionStrategy =
// create main components in the external layer
std::shared_ptr<ProviderRegistry> registry =
std::shared_ptr<IPAProvider> chatGPT =
std::shared_ptr<external::ProviderSelectionService> providerSelectionService =

Create a Processing Chain

Following Intelligent Personal Assistant Interfaces we then tie those needed components together.

console >> interactionManager >> ipaService >> providerSelectionService
        >> ipaDialogManager >> ipaService >> interactionManager;

The following shows which components from the diagram above are available and how this chain maps to it.

Chained IPA Architecture


Finally, we need to start capturing input and start processing in the IPA. Therefore, we start the interactionManager and wait until the user exits.


Demo Output

When running the program w3cipademo we may see the following on the screen

User: What is the voice interaction community group?
System: The Voice Interaction Community Group (VoiceIG) is a group under the 
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that focuses on promoting and enabling the use
of voice technology on the web. This community group aims to facilitate
discussions, share best practices, and collaborate on standards and guidelines
related to voice interactions on the web. The group is open to anyone interested
in voice technology, including developers, designers, researchers, and other
stakeholders in the industry.


This code is distributed under the Software and Document license - 2023 version.

While the W3C IPA Framework in the folder include is a dependency free implementation without any dependency, the reference implementation in folder source makes use of 3rd-party software.

Component License URL
libCURL MIT/X like license https://curl.se/libcurl/
log4cplus Two clause BSD license https://github.com/log4cplus/log4cplus
nlohmann JSON MIT license https://github.com/nlohmann/json
OpenSSL Apache License 2 https://www.openssl.org/
stduuid MIT License https://github.com/mariusbancila/stduuid/

Open Issues

A list of open issues can be displayed via Open Issues for Reference Implementation.