W3C Workshop on Web & Virtual Reality

October 19-20, 2016; San Jose, CA, USA


The workshop report and minutes are available.

The slides presented during the workshop are linked from the agenda.

The position statements submitted as input to the workshop are also available.

# What was the purpose of this workshop?

The primary goal of the workshop was to bring together practitioners of Web and Virtual Reality technologies to make the Open Web Platform a better delivery mechanism for VR experiences.

The secondary goals of the workshop were as follows:

  • Share experiences between practitioners in VR and related fields.
  • Discuss how to solve for VR use cases that are difficult or impossible today on the Web.
  • Identify potential future standards and establish timelines to enable the Web to be a successful VR platform.

# How is the Web a viable platform for VR?

The Web provides a promising preexisting ecosystem for the creation, distribution, and experiencing of VR content, applications, and services.

In leveraging the Open Web Platform, we hope to provide an interoperability to avoid fragmentation and duplicated effort.

# Why does the Web platform need VR?

The Web can benefit from the the new possibilities offered by ubiquitous VR from improved 3D graphics and media capabilities to tight integration with immersive sensors, and on to new ways of discovering and interacting with content and services.

# What is W3C?

W3C is a voluntary standards consortium that convenes companies and communities to help structure productive discussions around existing and emerging technologies, and offers a Royalty-Free patent framework for Web Recommendations. We focus primarily on client-side (browser) technologies, and also have a mature history of vocabulary (or “ontology”) development. W3C develops work based on the priorities of our members and our community.

# Program

# Program Committee



# Host



# Sponsors

# Platinum Sponsors


# Silver Sponsors

The Khronos Group