w3cdevs Twitter archive for May 2018

May@w3c: meetings, talks, workshop, events, etc. https://www.w3.org/participate/eventscal.html

3-4: @w3c is present at @seamlessasia 2018 #Singapore (w/ keynote panel session, booth, talk, etc.) http://www.terrapinn.com/exhibition/seamless/ cc @JAlanBird

7-10: Future of the #Web events series in #Melbourne #Canberra and #Sydney organized by @ourANU @W3CAustralia http://www.anu.edu.au/events/w3c-anu-future-of-the-web-data-drives-the-smart-city

8-11: The #Payments Canada Summit https://www.thesummit.ca/ in #Toronto cc @ibjacobs

10-11: #W3CWorkshop on #Web5G: Aligning evolutions of network and #Web technologies https://www.w3.org/2017/11/web5g-workshop/, hosted by @GSMA #London

... and #Berlin 🇩🇪 hosts a plethora of @w3c meetings and events this month:

30-31: @w3cpublishing's #WorkingGroup #f2fmeeting hosted by @Rakuten_Kobo in #Toronto

15-16: #FOKUSMWS 7th Media Web Symposium https://www.fokus.fraunhofer.de/go/mws organized by @fraunhoferfokus https://twitter.com/stepsteg/status/988785623912894464

13-15: @w3c's member meeting, hosted by @ercim_news with the support of @w3c_de and sponsored by @Siemens

16-17: @w3cpublishing's Digital Publishing Europe 2018 event https://www.edrlab.org/dpub-summit-2018/ organized by @EDRLab_EPUB

17-18: Open Screen Protocol discussions https://github.com/webscreens/openscreenprotocol at the Second Screen #WorkingGroup #f2fmeeting hosted by @fraunhoferfokus https://www.w3.org/wiki/Second_Screen/Meetings/May_2018_F2F

Today opens the voting period for five W3C Advisory Board seats. The @w3c membership elects the @ab members. The deadline for votes is 30 May 2018 and the results will be announced during the first week of June.

Seven people have been nominated: @t (@Mozilla), Jay (Junichi) Kishigami (@NTTPR), @frivoal (#W3CInvitedExpert), @TzviyaSiegman (@WileyGlobal), @daithesong (@Apple), @tink (@paciellogroup), @cwilso (@Google). Check out their nomination statements: https://www.w3.org/2018/05/02-ab-nominations

Created in 1998 (four years after #w3c got started), @ab provides ongoing guidance to the @W3C team on issues of strategy, management, legal matters, process, and conflict resolution. It serves its members by tracking and handling issues raised in member meetings.

So now, you may find yourself wondering what the @ab is. https://www.w3.org/2002/ab/

The latest edition of the Process Document was released on 1 February.
Contributions to the editor’s draft are always welcome! Post them in this repo: https://github.com/w3c/w3process

The Advisory Board also manages the Process Document's evolution where the organizational structure of W3C, its activities, responsibilities and functions are described: https://www.w3.org/2018/Process-20180201/

It is currently composed of @W3C members: @chaals @t @cwilso Judy Zhu @LeonieWatson @daithesong @mc2hampion Jay Kishigami @thisNatasha, and chaired by @w3c's CEO @jeff_jaffe, and staffed by @wseltzer

The @ab's 2018 priorities are #Globalization, #Diversity, Living #standards, @WHATWG relationship, Funding, etc. Check them out! https://www.w3.org/wiki/AB/2018_Priorities

#Awesome new feature!! the #MobileWebApps roadmap now displays #implementation status in mobile browsers! Is the feature supported in #Chrome for #Android? Safari for #IOS? #SamsungInternet? Does it need a prefix? Is it behind a flag? See an example of shipped vs experimental:

New edition of the #MobileWebApps roadmap has been published! Check out how @w3c #Web technologies increase the capabilities of mobile Web applications: https://www.w3.org/2018/04/web-roadmaps/mobile/ #April2018 @W3CChina https://twitter.com/w3c/status/992319461502865408

Did you know that you can listen to touch and wheel events without affecting scrolling performance ? Check out the description of the "passive" event listener option: https://www.w3.org/2018/04/web-roadmaps/mobile/performance.html #WebPerf

#MediaQueries let #WebDevs adjust the layout of a component relative to the viewport size. Feels too restrictive for fully #ResponsiveLayout? Element Queries proposes a mechanism to adjust the layout relative to the size of a containing element instead: https://www.w3.org/2018/04/web-roadmaps/mobile/adaptation.html

Some of the new success criteria in #WCAG21 have a specific resonance in mobile contexts. Learn about Pointer Gestures, Target Size and Orientation in the W3C Mobile roadmap: https://www.w3.org/2018/04/web-roadmaps/mobile/userinput.html#well-deployed-technologies @wai #a11y

28: a [Chapters Web Standards] meetup on #CSSDB - Keeping up with #CSS by @jon_neal https://www.meetup.com/login/?returnUri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.meetup.com%2Fpittsburgh-code-supply%2Fevents%2F250453055%2F cc @briankardell #Pittsburgh

For compatibility with existing mouse based content, this specification describes a mapping to fire #MouseEvents for other pointer device types.

An update of the Pointer events #WebStandard, Pointer Events Level 2 addresses the need of diverse forms of pointing input devices (stylus/touchscreen/pen/etc.), in addition to the mouse. https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/CR-pointerevents2-20180510/ #timetoimplement https://twitter.com/w3c/status/994794789513170956

The group provides tests that can be run manually from http://w3c-test.org/pointerevents/ in an effort to enable wider #browser adoption, and invites feedback and implementations at https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/

#WebVTT has reached #CandidateRecommendation status https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/CR-webvtt1-20180510/ and the group invites feedback: https://github.com/w3c/webvtt #timetoimplement

Easy captioning or subtitling #HTML5 video content is made possible by #WebVTT, using the <track> element, also helpful to deliver chapters and text video descriptions. https://twitter.com/w3c/status/994794791073452035

Learn how to code #WebVTT by following @w3cx's #HTML5 Coding Essentials #MOOC https://www.edx.org/course/html5-coding-essentials-w3cx-html5-1x-2

And if you want to get involved in @wai work, head over to https://www.w3.org/WAI/about/participating/ https://twitter.com/sabouzah/status/997067244445360128

.@wai Education & Outreach Working Group at work! https://twitter.com/knowbility/status/997143151142948865

With #WebAuthn API 🔑 getting deployed in shipping browsers, now is a good time to learn about it, and as importantly, to help shape its developer documentation ⬇️ https://twitter.com/apowers313/status/997340049380278272

A #VR/#AR/#MR/#XR Meetup in Marseilles 🇫🇷 on June 5, with tasty chunks of #WebXR inside, courtesy of @dontcallmeDOM https://twitter.com/dontcallmeDOM/status/998861588735168513

You can provide test data for its test suite: https://test.csswg.org/harness/test/css-contain-1_dev/ and/or review the 38 current test cases: http://test.csswg.org/harness/review/css-contain-1_dev

The CSS contain property lets #developers optimize different Web page components' performance, for more efficient rendering/painting #timetoimplement https://twitter.com/w3c/status/999556410684911616

Check out the current browser support: https://caniuse.com/#feat=css-containment

More info on how to send feedback by @frivoal: https://www.w3.org/blog/CSS/2018/05/24/updated-cr-of-the-css-containment-module-level-1/

These specifications define #CSS support for #i18n writing modes: left-to-right (e.g. Latin or Indic), right-to-left (e.g. Hebrew or Arabic), bidirectional (e.g. mixed Latin and Arabic) and vertical (e.g. Asian scripts) #Unicode #timetoimplement https://twitter.com/w3c/status/999797988355649536

Level 4 is identical to Level 3 modulo 1) adding postponed features such as sideways-lr that helps write alphabetical text vertically, and 2) changing the #BoxModel interaction with #bidi. See all changes: https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/CR-css-writing-modes-4-20180524/#additions

Check out the relevant @csswg test suite that contains 1114 tests! https://test.csswg.org/harness/test/css-writing-modes-3_dev/