w3cdevs Twitter archive for December 2018

🗓️ December@w3c: conferences, workshop, etc. https://www.w3.org/participate/eventscal.html

Dec. 3: @ivan_herman, @lmrlaurent and Daihei Shiohama present the @w3cpublishing work at the "Assises du Livre numérique" event @SNEedition, in #Paris 🇫🇷 https://www.sne.fr/evenement_sne/les-10-ans-des-assises-du-livre-numerique/ #EPUB #eBook #livre #numerique

Dec. 3: Eric Eggert @yatil of @wai presents "News in #WCAG21" at the @DB_Bahn "Digital Accessibility - Eliminating Barriers through Technology" event, in #Frankfurt 🇩🇪 #a11y #accessibility. Register at https://www.eventbrite.de/e/digitale-barrierefreiheit-durch-technik-barrieren-beseitigen-tickets-52080012720 @DB_Skydeck @dbsystel #RheinMainRocks

Dec. 3: Eric Eggert @yatil @wai präsentiert "News in #WCAG21" bei der @DB_Bahn "Digital Accessibility - Eliminating Barriers through Technology" veranstaltung, in #Frankfurt 🇩🇪 #a11y #accessibility. Hier anmelden: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/digitale-barrierefreiheit-durch-technik-barrieren-beseitigen-tickets-52080012720 @DB_Skydeck @dbsystel #RheinMainRocks

... Find out more about the workshop's agenda https://www.w3.org/Security/strong-authentication-and-identity-workshop/schedule.html and its context: https://twitter.com/w3cdevs/status/1061972975690366978

Dec. 10-11: #W3CWorkshop on Strong #Authentication and #Identity, in Redmond, #Seattle 🇺🇸 hosted by @microsoft @azuread https://www.w3.org/Security/strong-authentication-and-identity-workshop/

Election time 🗳️ for the @w3c Technical Architecture Group @w3ctag!

If you want a refresher on what is the TAG: https://twitter.com/w3cdevs/status/957974903122219008

Three seats are up for election and four people have been nominated as candidates: Alice Boxhall from @googlechrome, Travis Leithead from @microsoft, Sangwhan Moon from Odd Concepts, and Theresa O'Connor from @apple

Travis Leithead (@TravisLeithead) promotes the need for ever more reviews of specifications and documents produced by @w3c #WorkingGroups and #CommunityGroups

Alice Boxhall's (@sundress) interests are focused on anchoring Web architecture in #accessibility #a11y: “I believe that the TAG is in a unique position to gently influence the direction of the web towards greater accessibility by default”

Each of the four candidates have posted statements about their candidature https://www.w3.org/2018/12/03-tag-nominations

The @w3c membership elects the @w3ctag members (election open until 🗓️4 January 2019) - the results will be announced around mid-January. Stay tuned!

Theresa O'Connor (@hober) wants to work on ensuring “the long term viability and flourishing of the Web”, by ensuring among other things its wide applicability, e.g. in @w3cpublishing efforts, and good ongoing collaboration with @whatwg

Sangwhan Moon (@sangwhanmoon) is an active contributor to #WebStandards and is helping #inclusion of Korean, Japanese and Asian Web communities to be engaged in W3C's work

The @w3c BD Comics Manga Community Group is indeed open to all to join “to study and document, for all kinds of visual narratives expressed digitally, a common conceptual model and associated sets of controlled values” https://www.w3.org/community/bdcomacg/ https://twitter.com/lmrlaurent/status/1069956095953829888

As many other in tech, the @W3C community has a #diversity issue to address.
@LeonieWatson shares in this video what the #CommunityGroup she created earlier this year hopes to do in this space

This Community Group started as the W3C Women #CommunityGroup, and got recently rebranded as the #Inclusion and #Diversity #CommunityGroup to broaden its scope.

Some groups in W3C have developed and are experimenting with complementary rules for their #CodeOfConduct, e.g. recently the #ImmersiveWeb Working Group https://immersive-web.github.io/homepage/code-of-conduct.html

The work of this group is expected to be complementary to other efforts @w3c'>@w3c started over the year such as the Positive Work Environment Community Group that develops and maintains the global @w3c'>@w3c #CodeofConduct

The @tag has also asked (via its chair @torgo) that its composition be more diverse, asking the w3c membership to pay attention to that criteria when offering candidates to the TAG election http://slides.com/torgo/tag-update-acberlin-05-2018#/0/11

This led to the set up of a TPAC diversity scholarship which the first
few people benefited from at our #w3cTPAC meeting end of October

The topic of diversity was also a key topic discussed at the W3C membership meeting a few months ago

Thanks to @webcastors for filming this interview, and thanks to @LeonieWatson for accepting to summarize this effort in this impromptu interview! This is a first of a series of short interview we captured during #w3cTPAC this year, stay tuned for more!

If you are interested in helping, the Inclusion and Diversity Community Group is open to all to join https://www.w3.org/community/w3c-women/

.@LeonieWatson covers in this video some of the other ideas in this space, including collaboration with @GirlsWhoCode or the Grace Hopper Celebration #GHC18 https://vimeo.com/303668138

If you want to help make Web pages more pronounceable, a @w3c task force is starting to look at this. https://twitter.com/theA11Y/status/1070654681175728129

Among other inputs to the work, an exploration of bringing SSML into HTML would help provide indications on pronunciation of HTML pages:

This is obviously helpful for assistive technologies #accessibility, but this may also be of interest e.g. for voice assistants? Maybe something for the Voice Assistant Standardization #CommunityGroup /cc @edent https://www.w3.org/community/voice-assistant/

A key aspect to giving input and feedback on a @w3c spec is … to be able to find the right spec - @rachelandrew explains it all for #CSS https://twitter.com/24ways/status/1073367216559673344

A reminder about where the SVG2 spec is at https://twitter.com/svgeesus/status/1026846936236740608

The proposed new charter for the @svgwg suggests to focus its work on stabilization and interoperability testing of the core SVG 2 specification towards its finalization
https://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/svg-2019-ac.html https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1073508917253156864

To continue the work on other features that would not pass the mark in terms of interoperability in the short term, the proposal on the table is to have a companion #CommunityGroup to incubate these ideas further https://www.w3.org/community/

Congrats to editors Joanmarie Diggs, @BryanEGaraventa and Michael Cooper of @wai for the newly published @w3c #WebStandard #WAI_ARIA #accessibility #a11y #timetoadopt https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1074935116957388800

Last week, the #WebRTC Working Group published its first release of its use cases for the next version of WebRTC https://twitter.com/dret/status/1072423944383328256

#WebRTC is already widely used to power videoconferences and collaboration systems, in Web browsers and in other ecosystems (e.g. native apps). But its use has expanded beyond that initial core, leading to needs for more features and more optimizations.

The concrete work on APIs to support these new use cases has already started, but is still in its very early phase https://www.w3.org/2011/04/webrtc/wiki/NV_Documents.

The use cases document highlight some of these needs: improved performance for gaming, mobility, video conferencing, file sharing, #IoT; improved support for processing audio and video feeds e.g. for #MachineLearning.

The #WebRTC Working Group is still iterating on these use cases, to make sure they understand the full range of needs and their priorities.

If you want to chime in, head to the github repo! https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-nv-use-cases/

You can hear from @juberti on what @google sees as exciting opportunities in #WebRTC NV on a talk he gave recently

For our French-reading followers: a report from two participants to this year #w3cTPAC with an introduction to what participation to W3C groups looks like https://twitter.com/access42net/status/1075390298010869760

Progressive font enrichment enables to download only a subset of the font you need, particularly useful in languages and scripts that require lots of glyphs https://twitter.com/w3cdevs/status/981906698813222913

The Web Fonts Working Group is restarting its work under a new charter to work on progressive font enrichment https://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/webfonts-2018.html https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1073539111468916736