w3cdevs Twitter archive for November 2020

🗓️ November@VirtualW3C: groups meetings, talks, etc. https://www.w3.org/participate/eventscal.html

1-6 Nov.: Last #WorkingGroup online meetings as part of #w3cTPAC for the Decentralized Identifier and @ImmersiveWebW3C groups - https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/group-schedule.html

5 Nov.: Joshue O Connor from @wai keynotes at the 7th International Live Subtitling and Accessibility Symposium hosted by @UABBarcelona. He presents his research on "RTC Accessibility User Requirements" #a11y #accessibility: https://jornades.uab.cat/livesubtitling/content/keynote-speaker

16-18 Nov.: The NYC Metro #W3Chapter organizes a new @WebinnovationX event themed "Back to the future". Register! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/webinnovationx-back-to-the-future-2020-fall-tickets-122613667781 @RachelYager

6 Nov.: @dsraggett presents "#CognitiveAI – mimicking how we think" @kmiou #AI http://kmi.open.ac.uk/seminars/3552

New videos! The @w3c Games #CommunityGroup met during #w3cTPAC last week, and 2 topics made it to our #YT 🎬 channel:

1) @photonstorm explains what Phaser is and lists main Web game #developers pain points: https://youtu.be/6ygBHtd6OKI (see also https://www.w3.org/2020/10/gamescg/richard-davey.html for slides, transcript and meeting notes)

2) @end3r gives an introduction to #WebMonetization in #HTML5 #games: https://youtu.be/NbZI7lnTtCo (see also https://www.w3.org/2020/10/gamescg/andrzej-mazur.html for slides, transcript and meeting notes)

In this new 🎬, @hdv, member of the @wai team, shows how your CMS is an #accessibility assistant: https://youtu.be/2T4kYtpfTNc (talk recorded last month by #WPAccessibilityDay #WPAD2020) #ATAG

ICYMI among the doomscrolling: The Web & Machine Learning Workshop report was released last week https://www.w3.org/2020/06/machine-learning-workshop/report.html https://twitter.com/anssik/status/1323590335486976000

The conclusions from the workshop include proposed work on a Machine Learning Working Group to standardize the Web Neural Network API → https://github.com/w3c/machine-learning-charter

All the talks recorded for the workshop remain available on-line https://www.w3.org/2020/06/machine-learning-workshop/presentations.html

Publication of two #WebStandards from the @w3cpublishing group: congrats to 1) @MattGarrish and Ivan Herman for "Publication Manifest" https://www.w3.org/TR/pub-manifest/ and 2) @wendy_a_reid and @MattGarrish for "Audiobooks" https://www.w3.org/TR/audiobooks/ #timetoadopt! https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1326086264500723712

30 Nov.: @svgeesus presents "Color on the web and broadcast" at the #ICCDevCon 2020 online event http://www.color.org/DevCon/devcon2020/index.xalter

23-25 Nov.: The Gulf Cooperation Council #W3Chapter holds its 3rd GCC W3C Forum on #AI #MachineLearning #a11y #privacy #i18n #cybersecurity incl. @w3c staff speakers @JalanbirdW3C @dontcallmeDOM @wseltzer @ri https://www.gcc3.w3.org.kw/ - register!

19 Nov.: @alastc gives an update on the progress of developing WCAG 3.0 at the @AbilityNet #TechSharePro 2020 online event https://abilitynet.org.uk/techsharepro/daythree (slides at https://www.w3.org/2020/Talks/11-Techshare-AC/) #a11y #WCAG

2) "W3C Group Calendaring" - to provide W3C groups with a good solution to manage their meetings: https://youtu.be/LEYQ5UbEQj0 (slides at https://www.w3.org/2020/Talks/TPAC/group-calendaring/)

1) "W3C 2020: Living Standards and Reviews" - to avoid getting lost into the W3C Process maze: https://youtu.be/RnnwbPm1ijo (slides at https://www.w3.org/2020/Talks/TPAC/W3C2020/)

Missed #w3cTPAC breakout sessions? We've got a few 🎬recordings, no worries! https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/breakout-schedule.html#calendar
First shared videos today are about improving @w3c wrt tooling, process and improving community:

3) "New York Metro #W3Chapter Meetup" - to provide info and invite the Web Community to join the NY W3C Chapter: https://youtu.be/YovwcyX6iiQ

For our #developer community, check out these new 🎬 recordings of two #w3cTPAC breakouts: 1) "All your specs are belong to us! Irrigating dev. resources from specs" - https://youtu.be/r9AXrFoFEg4 (slides at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1AHB2dugMEvqclmcDJgRriTFf7EkEpujb1vM842F4Zn0/)

2) "@MozDevnet Developer Need Assessments: results and next steps" - or how large-scale developer input has impacted and should impact standardization priorities - https://youtu.be/fMT2S2pMdYo (see also slides at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1OEceHs6Ia-liz7w_ptOHUBaMtwJ_D9zE5Vforb1qNrE/)

2) "European Publishers Council" - https://youtu.be/fsYXxKaOo8E (slides at https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2020Oct/att-0008/01-part)

New set of #w3cTPAC 🎬 recordings of breakout sessions dedicated to Web and Publishing: 1) "Media Publishers of the Web" - https://youtu.be/N3A2UpEUNbM

4) "Long-form reading on the web" - https://youtu.be/xz2Uipph4V0

3) "EPUB 3 History and Future" - https://youtu.be/ILcY9DCs1i0 @w3cpublishing (slides at https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2020Nov/att-0003/EPUBHistoryFuture.pdf)

#w3cTPAC 🎬 recordings of 2 breakout sessions dealing with Identity-based services: 1) "Secure Data #storage" - https://youtu.be/DdnREB-oYr4

2) "#WebID, a federated SignIn #API" - https://youtu.be/PMfp2qPW-RY (slides at https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2020Oct/att-0010/The_Web_Platform__Privacy_and_Federation_-_TPAC.pdf)

Many participants have shared these sessions were a highlight of their #w3cTPAC this year - if you missed them, check out the videos and @laurenleemack 's great write up https://twitter.com/ProcessingOrg/status/1329820315363536902

24 Nov.: @sabouzah presents "How would you like your #WCAG?" at @FunkaNu's 2020 #accessibility days: https://www.funka.com/en/we-offer/funka-accessibility-days/program-2020/

More #w3cTPAC 🎬 recordings of breakout sessions related to expanding #browsers capabilities:
1) "Revenue Models for the Web" - to explore alternative models to advertising for #WebMonetization https://youtu.be/S1UmVvFiuyU

2) "Maps for HTML #CommunityGroup" - to standardize maps for the Web platform https://youtu.be/Xh4zYDQzzVs #GIS #Geospatial #Maps4HTML #MapML (slides: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2020Oct/att-0013/maps4html.pdf)

3) "Voice Agents" - to prepare the organization of a future #W3CWorkshop on user-friendly smart agents on the Web https://youtu.be/seQrOc4uxZc #speech #audio #VoiceAssistant

4) "Making math a first class citizen on the Web" - https://youtu.be/-mBzpO5qXzU ; We now invite feedback on the proposed #WorkingGroup draft charter: https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1330790054487334912 #MathML

2) "EditContext #API" - https://youtu.be/0DIP5gy1juM (read this nice explainer: https://w3c.github.io/editing/docs/EditContext/explainer.html) #WebIDL

Another set of #w3cTPAC 🎬 recordings of breakout sessions wrt Editing on the #Web:
1) "#VirtualKeyboard Control" - https://youtu.be/U0BUujsi_fM (slides: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2020Nov/att-0001/Virtual_Keyboard_Control.pdf)

3) "Delegated Ink Trails" ; prototype status and learnings from Web #developers feedback - https://youtu.be/EaJXl-EdKps (slides https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2020Oct/att-0009/DelegatedInkTrails.pdf)

At #w3cTPAC, we had breakout sessions related to @w3c's Web of Things (#WoT) work. Check their 🎬 recordings on #YT "W3COfficial" :
1) "Smart Cities" - https://youtu.be/WaeLdjxSFyQ #SmartCities

2) "Web of Things Applications and Use Cases" - https://youtu.be/WwPVVE5h45w (see slides: https://www.w3.org/2020/10/27-wot-breakout/) #IoT #WoT

The @w3c JSON-LD 1.1 #WebStandard has been translated into Japanese: http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ax2s-kmtn/internet/lod/REC-json-ld11-20200716.html
Thank you @omnidirect ! #JSONLD #html5j #dotHTML5 #w3c_keio #translation https://twitter.com/omnidirect/status/1331216170129575939

Happy #BlueBeanieDay 2020! 💙
This year has shown how it is more important than ever to support @w3c #WebStandards to keep the #Web open and accessible.

3) "NativeIO" - a new storage API focused on performance: https://youtu.be/H7tfjWrQQG8

2) "Web Install #API" - https://youtu.be/FtVhbLya49w (check the Web Install API explainer: https://github.com/PEConn/web-install-explainer/blob/main/explainer.md)

Today's #w3cTPAC breakouts 🎬 recordings are about designing better #WebApps!
1) "Storage Buckets #API" - a proposal: https://youtu.be/DhMcBxQxFB8 (discussion slides at https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2020Nov/att-0000/TPAC_2020_Storage_Buckets_API.pdf)