w3cdevs Twitter archive for June 2022

🗓️ June@w3c: live events are back! + new MOOC sessions @w3cx. See also https://www.w3.org/participate/eventscal.html

3 June: Ivan Herman gives an overview of the current #EPUB 3.3 work at the Digital Publishing Summit in #Madrid 🇪🇸 @EDRLab_org

3 June: @pchampin is a panelist at the @TrustsData Workshop on "#DataSpaces and Semantic #Interoperability" in #Vienna 🇦🇹 This event is co-organized by @wu_vienna and @w3c
#DataManagement #semantics #DataMarkets

7 June: opening of a new session of @w3cx "CSS Basics" course. Learn how to style your Web site for a professional look and feel with #CSS https://www.edx.org/course/css-basics @edXOnline

9 June: @svgeesus gives you the keys to escape the sRGB prison @cssdayconf, in #Amsterdam🇳🇱
https://cssday.nl/2022 @csswg

21 June: @tidoust talks at the 9th Media Web Symposium @fraunhoferfokus in #Berlin 🇩🇪

21 June: new session of the #HTML5 Coding Essentials and Best Practices @w3cx #MOOC with Prof. @micbuffa on @edXOnline https://www.edx.org/course/html5-coding-essentials-and-best-practices

Over the last weeks, the @w3c #WebRTC Working Group released two first public working drafts of new #APIs to help with improved screen-sharing capabilities in Web apps #timetogiveinput

The first API, Capture Handle Identity, provides a mechanism for a Web #app (e.g. videoconf) capturing the content of another one (e.g. slide deck) to collaborate => the users sharing their screen can navigate slides from within the videoconf tool https://www.w3.org/TR/capture-handle-identity/

This is done by letting the captured Web #app expose info to the capturing one to allow the two apps to collaborate. Read this explainer that lists more use cases as well as sample code: https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-handle/blob/main/identity/explainer.md

This #API is shipping in #Chrome 102, which allows running the following demos: https://w3c.github.io/mediacapture-handle/identity/demos/

As always, the work is happening in a #github repo, where a complementary work to describe generically affordances a captured app may expose to its capturer is also investigated:

By default, sharing the content of a browser tab (as already allowed via the generic screen sharing capabilities provided by 'getDisplayMedia') can be risky...

In the same spirit of improving how a Web #app can share the content of another, the #WebRTC Working Groups recently released the Viewport Capture #API. It provides a secured approach to sharing the content of a browser tab #timetogiveinput https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1529033087023206400

... since it potentially weakens the cross-origin protections that prevent a #Website to read the user-customized version of another Web site (think evil.example reading bank.example) https://w3c.github.io/mediacapture-screen-share/#elevated-permissions

The work is happening in its own #github repo. Check it out! https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-viewport

This can be mitigated by browsers discouraging tab capture (but that goes against the goal of making the Web as widely useful as possible). Viewport Capture proposes an alt approach where a browser tab can only be captured if it respects well-defined cross-origin characteristics

WebDriver BiDi is a proposed bidirectional protocol for browser automation, building on and extending #WebDriver: https://w3c.github.io/webdriver-bidi/ https://twitter.com/bromann/status/1531981053858029568

Want to know more about WebDriver BiDi? There is an explainer! https://github.com/w3c/webdriver-bidi/blob/master/explainer.md

Want to contribute to WebDriver BiDi? Head up to the #github repo! https://github.com/w3c/webdriver-bidi/

Congrats to Wei Ding (@Huawei), Tatsuya Igarashi (@Sony), @frivoal (W3C #InvitedExpert), @TzviyaSiegman (@WileyGlobal), @daithesong (@Apple)! 👏👏👏 https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1532653072782172160

These elected participants join the continuing ones: Heejin Chung (@Samsung), Avneesh Singh (@accessibledaisy), Eric Siow (@intel), @LeonieWatson (@TetraLogical), @cwilso (@Google) and Hongru (Judy) Zhu (@AlibabaGroup)

The @ab's priorities in 2022 are listed in https://www.w3.org/wiki/AB/2022_Priorities

The #VerifiableCredentials Working Group is back under a new charter to work on a new version of the Verifiable Credentials Data Model and how to express and associate proofs of integrity for Verifiable Credentials https://www.w3.org/2022/06/verifiable-credentials-wg-charter.html https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1536245468031754241

The latter may use the output of another group under review, the #RDF Dataset Canonicalization and Hash Working Group https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1526123770146086913

21 June: @dontcallmeDOM presents "Weaving Client, Edge and Cloud computing for the Web" @fraunhoferfokus in #Berlin 🇩🇪 #FOKUSmws https://www.fokus.fraunhofer.de/en/fame/mws22/detailed-program

W3C immersive web strategist @dontcallmeDOM declares: “@w3c is joining the Metaverse Standards Forum to accelerate the coordination in building an interoperable platform for the #metaverse, in which @ImmersiveWebW3C's vision is set to play a critical role.” #WebStandards https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1539562476613894145

Apply now before 6 July if you are based in 🇪🇺 and looking for #funds to support your work on @w3c
#WebStandards. Do not miss this opp as #w3cTPAC is approaching! Many topics such as #AI, #a11y, #privacy, #media, etc. More in https://www.standict.eu/index.php/standicteu-2023-7th-open-call https://twitter.com/Stand_ICT/status/1539904950200946695