w3cdevs Twitter archive for November 2022

Read the main outcomes of the #color #W3CWorkshop at https://www.w3.org/Graphics/Color/Workshop/report.html#summary and watch all the talks' 🎬 on @w3c's YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNhYw8KaLq2UP_XETn9k_bh2338EWGbSd https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1587106638854594562

The #WebXR Augmented Reality module was released as a #CandidateRecommendation last week, a signal the spec is now considered mostly stable @ImmersiveWebW3C #AR #timetoimplement https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1587362513636786179

This module of #WebXR adds augmented-reality hardware-specific functionalities to WebXR - making it possible to use it not just in fully virtual spaces, but also in spaces overlaid with the real world

Find more about browser support for these #AR features https://immersiveweb.dev/#supporttable - this already works both on mobile "magic window" mode and with full-fledged AR headsets

This completes the core #WebXR spec which was released as a #CandidateRecommendation earlier this year https://twitter.com/w3cdevs/status/1509894550927650838

Watch the Augmented Reality-related 🎬 on the WebXR YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaB_Uyqx6Q4&list=PLW2iP2Rz9wsKmxAoOBSW35w0pABnssdKI

Discover and follow some of the people behind the spec https://twitter.com/AysSomething/status/1587861216508231681

And if you have any feedback on the specification, head to the #GitHub repo! https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr-ar-module

The recently launched @w3c WebDX #CommunityGroup is looking at coordinated approaches to improve the overall developer experience of the #WebPlatform - which a number surveys have shown to be lacking in several aspects. https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1589988726922510336

What needs fixing? A first pillar of the work of the group is to facilitate shared research on developer needs, to improve the shared understanding of the gaps to maximize impact.

A key theme of the results of these surveys is how painful it is for developers to deal with fragmentation among browsers. This led to the launch of the Interop project, focused on reducing that fragmentation. https://mobile.twitter.com/foolip/status/1574390465113325568

This builds on the cross-vendor collaboration > that was at the source of the @mozdevnet Developer Needs Assessment surveys in 2019 and 2020

This work on feature mapping constitutes the second focus of the group, where we expect to work with @mozdevnet, @caniuse and others to make it easier to navigate the non-stop evolution of the #WebPlatform.

The WebDX Community Group is helping with providing additional data on fragmentation, with additional surveys running on @mozdevnet, but also by improving how we map and track progress on features deployment - see @tidoust's initial research the topic

If you want to help, the WebDX #CommunityGroup as all Community Groups is open for all to join! https://www.w3.org/community/webdx/

🗳️ Election time for @tag! There are seven nominees for three seats: Brandon Baraban (@koodos), @sundress (@igalia), @rhiaro (@digitalbazaar), @hober (@Apple), Martin Thomson (@mozilla), @LeaVerou (W3C #InvitedExpert nominated by @openjs) and Song Xu (@ChinaMobile7).

Read all TAG nominees statements, describing their aspirations on the role of the @tag and their impact on it: https://www.w3.org/2022/11/15-tag-nominations.html

The @w3c membership elects the TAG members. This election is open until 14 December 2022.
The @w3ctag serves as an advocate for developer interests and consistent design principles. Learn more: https://twitter.com/w3cdevs/status/957974903122219008

Happy Blue Beanie Day! @bluebeanieday
Thank you for supporting and adopting #WebStandards #a11y