w3cdevs Twitter archive for November 2023

🗓️ November@w3c: WoT, WAI, etc. More at https://www.w3.org/events/

2 Nov.: today at 4pm CET, the @wot #CommunityGroup organizes a live coding session online. @relucri will show how to build WoT Consumer and hing applications #WoT. The event will be live streamed on #YT: https://youtube.com/live/2eUOk0oE5vo?feature=share
Register: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/08b9bb73-d0f9-4c51-b45e-343f966b1395/

16 Nov.: @wai organizes a Research Symposium online "Evaluating #Accessibility: Meeting Key Challenges" https://www.w3.org/WAI/about/projects/wai-coop/symposium3/ - 🆓 event but registration is compulsory

#WebDX is defining `web-features`, a set of interoperable features of the #WebPlatform to streamline communication between web developers, browser vendors, standardization bodies, and other ecosystem participants

To enable web #developers to create websites that are compatible with many different web #browsers, one of the two supported browser-compat-data (BCD) projects contributes to the work of the @w3c #WebDX #CommunityGroup: "Grouping web platform features" https://github.com/openwebdocs/project/issues/169 https://twitter.com/OpenWebDocs/status/1714950362635870457

Watch last month's #w3cTPAC demo video from @ddbeck who presents the `web-features` project https://youtu.be/5jVwu3jwBmE

A Private #Advertising Technology (PAT) #WorkingGroup charter is under review by @w3c members. This group aims to specify web features and #APIs that support advertising, emphasizing user agents' responsibility to protect user #privacy.
https://www.w3.org/2023/10/PROPOSED-PATWG-charter.html https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1713809345996005420

A charter for PAT was first proposed lat year: https://twitter.com/w3cdevs/status/1562411047943913472

The @w3c membership elects the TAG members. This election is open until 13 December 2023.
Read all TAG nominees statements, describing their aspirations on the role of the @w3ctag and their impact on it: https://www.w3.org/2023/10/tag-nominations.html

The @w3c membership elects the TAG members. This election is open until 13 December 2023.
Read all TAG nominees statements, describing their aspirations on the role of the @w3ctag and their impact on it: https://www.w3.org/2023/10/tag-nominations.html

🗳️ Election time for the @tag! There are seven nominees for five seats: @torgo (W3C #InvitedExpert), Matthew Atkinson (@Samsung), Daniel Clark (@microsoft), @plinss (W3C #InvitedExpert), Dapeng Liu (@AlibabaGroup), Martin Thomson (@mozilla) and @jyasskin (@Google)