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Wine Glass

A wine glass whose base and stem is intact, but most of the bowl has broken off.

Welcome to the Broken Wine Glass exhibit.

Fragments of what were once symbols of elegance and celebration now lie in disarray, reflecting both their former beauty and their fragility. These wine glasses, with their delicate stems and finely crafted bowls, were once part of moments of joy—raised in toasts, clinked in celebration, or held during intimate gatherings. Now, their shattered pieces, sharp and jagged, evoke a stark contrast to their original smoothness and transparency. Each break is a reminder of the fleeting nature of the moments they accompanied, as something so graceful can be easily destroyed.

Crafted through the meticulous process of glassblowing, these wine glasses were formed from molten silica, their elegant shapes the result of skilled hands and precise timing. The fine, thin glass that once made them so beautiful is also what made them so fragile. Even the smallest impact, a drop or a knock against a hard surface, could cause them to shatter. The clean breaks and splintered edges now capture light in a way that is both haunting and mesmerizing, turning objects once associated with pleasure and celebration into reminders of how quickly things can fall apart.

Though they are no longer functional, the broken wine glasses take on a new symbolism in their ruined state. They serve as metaphors for the impermanence of joy, the vulnerability of beauty, and the inevitability of loss. The contrast between their former elegance and their current shattered form invites reflection on the fragility of life itself—how moments, relationships, and experiences can break as easily as the glass we hold in our hands. In their brokenness, these glasses remind us not only of what has been lost but also of the delicate balance required to hold onto the fleeting moments of wholeness.