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Welcome to the Homes Collection.

Everyday objects once filled with comfort and warmth now stand broken and decayed. The exhibit features a cracked porch chair, its wooden frame splintered and worn from years of use. Once a place for quiet reflection or friendly conversation, it now sits lifeless, its creaking motions silenced. The peeling paint and sagging seat tell the story of countless moments spent enjoying a peaceful view, now lost to time. Though damaged, the chair still echoes memories of a home that was once filled with life.

The collection also includes a badly-damaged room and a moldering bedroom, each reflecting the decline of spaces once full of care. The room’s walls are cracked, and the ceiling sags from years of neglect, as if weighed down by the past. In the bedroom, a moldy bed sits untouched, the mattress sunken and damp, a sad reminder of restful nights that are now long gone. Dust and decay have taken over, but these spaces still speak of the lives that once filled them. Even in their broken state, the rocking chair, room, and bedroom hint at the warmth and comfort these homes once provided, now preserved only in the fragile remnants left behind.


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