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Porch Chair

Welcome to the Porch Chair exhibit.

Time has worn down what was once a sturdy and welcoming seat. This chair, now splattered with faded red paint, tells the story of years gone by, weathered by the elements and neglect. The red paint, once bright and bold, has peeled and chipped, leaving behind uneven patches that cling to the surface like forgotten memories. It’s as if the chair has been through a battle, scarred and stained, a relic of better days when it was proudly displayed on a sunlit porch.

The back of the chair, once a solid support, now stands broken and incomplete. Only three slats remain, uneven and cracked, like the ribs of an old shipwreck. Each slat tells its own tale of decay, bending and splintering under the weight of time. Where there were once more slats to provide comfort and structure, there is now only emptiness, the gaps as wide as the years that have passed since this chair was whole. It sits crooked, as if leaning into the wind that has shaped its demise, no longer able to stand tall and proud.

Only one armrest remains, a lonely survivor of what was once a matching pair. The remaining armrest, rough to the touch, looks as though it has been clawed by time itself. The other arm, long gone, leaves the chair unbalanced, as if it’s missing a part of itself, like a one-winged bird struggling to fly. The wood of the remaining armrest is splintered and warped, the once smooth surface now rough as sandpaper, holding on to the red paint in patches like a memory fading with age.

The seat, once a place of rest, is now shattered and broken, no longer able to support the weight of anyone who dares to sit. Large cracks run through the wood, making it more of a trap than a refuge. The seat slumps downward, like a sagging spirit, giving way under the pressure of time and the elements. What was once a spot for peaceful reflection has become an empty promise, the seat broken into pieces as fragile as brittle bones.

This chair is a metaphor for neglect, its crumbling frame representing how easily something once cherished can fall into disrepair. Splattered with red paint, the chair looks as though it’s been marked by time, each drip of paint a reminder of its past life, perhaps once repainted to cover its flaws, only for those imperfections to resurface with a vengeance. Like an old man with a hunch, the chair bends and creaks, unable to bear the weight of its own history.

As you stand before this dilapidated chair, it’s clear that it’s more than just a piece of furniture—it’s a testament to endurance, even in a broken state. Though it can no longer serve its purpose, the chair holds a story within its splintered wood, its broken slats, and its peeling paint. It’s a reminder that even in decay, there is beauty in the history that remains etched into its surface, like footprints in the sand, washed away but never forgotten.