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Wide Bedroom

Welcome to the Wide Bedroom exhibit, if you can even call it that.

Take a good look, because this mess is what happens when people stop caring. The walls? Filthy, unpainted plaster, as if no one ever bothered to finish the job. Dirt clings to every corner, and the cracks are so deep they might as well be canyons. If the owners ever thought of fixing it, they clearly decided they had better things to do. It’s honestly impressive how little pride they must have in their home to let it fall apart like this. And you, wandering in here, expecting to see something worth your time—what were you thinking?

Right in the middle of this disaster is a large cabinet with a dirty mirror on the door. Oh yes, a mirror, but don’t bother trying to see yourself in it. The layer of grime is so thick, it’s like trying to look through mud. Maybe once it reflected a room worth seeing, but now it only shows the sorry state it’s in. The owners probably haven’t wiped it down in years—who needs a clean mirror when the rest of the room looks like this, right? And here you are, staring at it, as if expecting some kind of revelation. Keep dreaming.

Let’s move on to the double bed, though “bed” seems generous for what this is. The wooden frame is covered in dust, thick enough to choke on if you’re not careful. It’s as if the owners couldn’t be bothered to clean it even once. And where there should be a mattress, you’ll find nothing but a yellow-stained cover. Whatever happened here, you can bet it wasn’t pleasant. Enjoy your little treasure hunt.

The floor is a minefield of fallen plaster from the ceiling, as if the room itself is crumbling in protest of being ignored for so long. Every step you take kicks up dust and debris—watch your shoes, or better yet, don’t. The ceiling’s in such bad shape, it’s only a matter of time before the whole thing comes down. But I suppose you wanted to see “authentic” disrepair, didn’t you? Well, congratulations, you’ve found it.

As for the owners, who knows what they were thinking? Clearly, maintaining a livable space wasn’t on their priority list. Maybe they thought the crumbling plaster and filthy walls gave the room “character.” Or maybe they just didn’t care. Either way, it’s no wonder this place has turned into such a wreck. The only real mystery is why anyone would let it get this bad in the first place. But hey, people love a good ruin, don’t they?

And then there’s you, standing here, soaking it all in like it’s some kind of art piece. Maybe you thought you’d find something deep and meaningful in all this mess, some hidden story behind the neglect. Or maybe you’re just curious about how far a place can fall apart. Either way, there’s not much to see here except the aftermath of laziness and indifference. But if this is what you came for, then I guess you’re getting your money’s worth.

Enjoy the dust.