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Welcome to the Broken Music Collection

In this special collection, you’ll find cracked vinyl records, an old grand piano with broken keys, a portable cassette player that no longer works, and a record player with a damaged turntable and needle. Each of these items once filled the air with beautiful sounds and music. The vinyl record used to spin around, playing songs for people to enjoy, and the grand piano once played music by experienced players and learners. Even though they are broken now, they remind us of the emotions music can bring.

Imagine someone dancing to the music from the record player or a child pressing the keys of the grand piano to play their favorite song. The cassette player might have been carried around to play music on the go, and the vinyl record once held someone’s favorite songs. Though these items can no longer make music, they help us remember the special moments they were part of. What songs or sounds do you think these broken musical treasures used to play?