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Broken Record

A 78 RPM vinyl record with a chunk cut out from one side.

Welcome to the Broken Vinyl Records exhibit!

These records were once used to play music, spinning around on a record player to fill rooms with songs and melodies. But now, they are cracked, chipped, and can’t be played anymore. Some have pieces missing, and others have sharp lines running across them where they broke. Even though they are damaged, you can still see the grooves that once held the music. These broken records remind us of a time when music was played in a different way.

Vinyl records are made from a special kind of plastic and were very popular before CDs and digital music. When they worked, people could listen to their favorite songs by putting a needle on the spinning record. But these records got broken over time, maybe from being dropped or bent. Now, instead of playing music, they show us how things can change but still be interesting to look at. Even though they can’t play songs anymore, they still carry the memories of the music they once held.