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A record player with signs of wear, missing various components.

Welcome to the Broken Turntable exhibit!

This machine was once used to play vinyl records and fill rooms with music. People would place a record on the turntable, and as it spun around, a needle would touch the record’s grooves to play songs. But now, the turntable is broken—the needle is missing, the spinning part no longer works, and some buttons are stuck. Even though it can’t play music anymore, you can still see how it once worked and imagine the music it used to make.

Turntables were very special because they let people listen to their favorite songs right in their homes. The records would spin smoothly while the music played through speakers. Now, this turntable is too old and damaged to work, but it still shows us how people used to enjoy music before digital players existed. Even though it’s broken, it holds memories of all the music and fun it once brought to people’s lives.