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A bicycle with rusted parts and a damaged and bent rear wheel.

Welcome to the Broken Bicycle exhibit

This bicycle, once used for joyful rides around the neighborhood or through the park, now sits with a bent back wheel and rusty frame. The handlebars are still in place, but the pedals are worn down, and the chain hangs loosely, no longer able to turn the wheels. The back wheel is badly bent, making it impossible for the bike to roll smoothly anymore. Though it can’t be ridden, you can still imagine the fun it brought to its rider, speeding down hills and cruising along streets.

Bicycles are often symbols of freedom and adventure, giving people the chance to explore new places and enjoy the outdoors. This broken bike shows the marks of many rides, with scratches on its frame and worn-out tires. The bent back wheel likely came from a rough fall or accident, leaving the bike unusable. Even though it’s broken now, this bicycle reminds us of the excitement and energy it once gave to someone, helping them feel the wind in their hair as they pedaled along.