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Toys & Games

Welcome to the Broken Toys and Games Collection.

In this collection, you’ll find a ripped teddy bear, a smashed game controller, a colorful Christmas tree ornament, and a disassembled porcelain doll. These toys and games were once loved and played with. The teddy bear might have been hugged tight every night, and the game controller used for exciting video game adventures. Even though they’re now broken or worn out, they still remind us of the fun and happiness they once brought to kids.

Imagine a child carefully decorating a Christmas tree with the shiny ornament or dressing up the porcelain doll for tea parties. The game controller may have been part of thrilling battles or races, and the teddy bear was probably someone’s best friend. Even though these toys and games are no longer whole, they still carry memories of joy, imagination, and fun. What do you think their stories were before they became part of the museum?