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Welcome to the Museum of Broken Things, a unique space dedicated to the beauty found in failure, imperfection, and the forgotten artifacts of everyday life. As you take your tour, you’ll journey through a curated collection of objects that once served a purpose but have since been retired, discarded, or damaged. The museum’s collection is divided into six fascinating sections:

Each area showcases objects that tell stories of use, wear, and breakage—some accidental, some inevitable—yet each one holds a special charm, revealing the delicate balance between utility and fragility.

In the containers section, you'll find jars and bottles with missing lids or chipped rims, followed by the dishes collection, filled with cracked plates and cups worn down by years of service. Move on to the glass display, where delicate vases and windows show the art of shattered beauty, pieces held together or still suspended in their broken state. In the music section, you'll encounter old instruments—guitars with broken strings, record players with cracked turntables, each echoing the tunes they once played. Then there's technology, where relics of early innovations like analog radios and cassette players are lovingly preserved despite their flaws. The sports exhibit is equally engaging, with deflated basketballs, bent rackets, and well-worn gloves telling the tale of games long played.

A highlight of your visit is the special event dedicated to early home computers. This exhibit brings together a remarkable collection of once-revolutionary machines from the 1970s and 1980s—computers that promised a future of limitless possibilities. Many now sit with broken screens, worn-out keyboards, or obsolete hardware, but each one marks a moment in technological history. Whether you're a nostalgic tech enthusiast or a curious newcomer, this event provides a fascinating glimpse into the dawn of personal computing and a reminder that even groundbreaking innovations eventually show their age.

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