Add a question to WBS question types - new design

This form allows to add questions to the questionnaire WBS question types - new design; as a first step, you need to choose a type of question to create in the list below - you'll be prompted for further data once you submit the form.

  • Question type:
    No input
    This control doesn’t take any input; it is useful if you want to add a text section in the questionnaire (introductory statement, for instance)
    Single selection required
    This control propose a simple alternative "yes" or "no"
    This control proposes a 4 item radio buttons list: yes, no, concur or abstain, useful for instance to take formal vote
    This control allows to ask to select one (and only one) item in a list of choices that you define. This version uses a dropdown list which is usually more adapted for long list of choices (also available as radio buttons)
    This control allows to ask to select one (and only one) item in a list of choices that you define. This version uses radio buttons, more adapated for a short list or for items with long labels
    Multiple selections permitted
    This control proposes a list of checkboxes that allows the responders to choose zero, one or as many items in the list of choices you define. The number of checkable items can be limited (ask Dom for this).
    This control proposes to rate the choices you define on a scale you define
    This control proposes a straw-poll system, allowing to choose a preferred choice and to mark other choices as acceptable.
    This control allows to order a list of choices in the order of preference for the responder
    This control proposes a table of possibles days and times for scheduling a regular event (typically a teleconference).
    This control proposes to use cumulative vote on a set of options
    This control proposes to rate the importance of the choices you define with ratings going from 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest)
    This control proposes to rate the importances of and the satisfaction about the choices you define with ratings going from 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest)
    This controls list the employees of the responding AC Representative, and allows to select up to 3 among them.
    Free text input
    This control proposes a text entry zone, where the responders are invited to give their comments
    This control proposes as many text entries as you create choices for it, where responders are free to put any text strings (of less than 256 characters)

  • You can also start from an existing question by giving:

    • (any number and letters OK, up to 8 characters, must be unique among the questionnaire's questions)
    • :
    • OR

Report issues on GitHub project w3c/wbs-design (preferred) or by mail to sysreq.