WBS question types

Only people identified as participants of the Test Group can answer this form.

This questionnaire is open for answers until 23:59, Boston time on 2015-12-31. Answers received after that time may not be counted.

The results of this questionnaire are available only to the participants of the group (and the W3C Team)

You may designate someone else in your organization to respond to this questionnaire in your stead.

If you cannot use this on-line questionnaire, you may send your answers by email to webreq@w3.org using the text version of this questionnaire.

You're identified as .

1. Simple text questionEdit

The following flavors were nominated for the best ice cream survey (ol):

  1. Chocolate*
  2. Vanilla*
  3. Strawberry
  4. Butter Pecan
  5. Cherry*
  6. Apple*

The following flavors were nominated for the best ice cream survey (ul):

We thank the nominees, and the persons who nominated them, for their support. An asterisk (*) indicates that the nominee is a current participant. Please refer to the statements about AB nominees to learn more about these candidates.


2. Single selection required Yes/NoEdit

The Ice-cream Process Document states:

"The ice cream group is elected by the Ice Cream Committee, using a Single-Transferable Vote (STV) system. [...] Any Call for Nominations specifies the number of available flavors, the deadline for nominations, details about the specific vote tabulation system selected by the Group for the election, and operational information such as how to nominate a candidate flavor."

For this selection we use STV Meeks as the Tabulation system.


3. Single selection required Yes/No/Concur/AbstainEdit

Single selection required Yes/No/Concur/Abstain.


4. Select one among many (drop-down list)Edit

Select one among many .


5. Select one among many (radio buttons)Edit

Select one among many (radio buttons).


6. Open commentsEdit

Open comments.


7. Text entriesEdit

Text entries.


8. Select multiple items (checkboxes)Edit

Select multiple items (checkboxes).


9. Survey typeEdit

Survey type.


10. Straw-pollEdit



11. Rank-orderingEdit


Please select the rank-order (1 to 3) for the options you think are acceptable (i.e. you can live with it), where 1 is the most preferred, 2 the next best and so on... You also have a don’t mind and a don’t want option.

choice 1
choice 2
choice 3


12. Pick a time for a teleconfEdit

Pick a time for a teleconf.



13. Cumulative voteEdit

Select a % for each choice

  • Total: Remaining


14. Importance surveyEdit

Importance survey.


15. Importance and Satisfaction surveyEdit

Importance and Satisfaction survey.

Rated itemImportanceSatisfaction
choice 1
choice 2
choice 3


16. Technical Plenary widgetEdit
For Group meetings on Monday, 11 November:

Attending as a participant in the selected group below:

Group meetingAttending as a participant in this groupConfidentialityObserver request
Not Member confidential
Browser Testing and Tools Not Member confidential
Chinese Web Accessibility CG (Mon afternoon only) Not Member confidential
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Not Member confidential
Digital Publishing Not Member confidential
Education and Outreach Not Member confidential
Efficient XML Interchange Not Member confidential
I18N (Internationalization) Not Member confidential
Protocols and Formats Not Member confidential
Systems Applications Not Member confidential
TAG Member confidential
Timed Text Not Member confidential
User Agent Accessibility Not Member confidential
Web and Broadcasting BG Not Member confidential
Web Applications Not Member confidential
Web Real-Time Communications Not Member confidential
XML Query Not Member confidential
Other (Please specify below) (explain below)

Warning This employees list question will not work with this questionnaire because the questionnaire is for individuals rather than organizations.

17. Employees listEdit

Full statement of question.


This questionnaire is open for answers until 23:59, Boston time on 2015-12-31. Answers received after that time may not be counted.

The results of this questionnaire are available only to the participants of the group (and the W3C Team)

(if this isn't your email address, you can update your contact information).

WBS home / Questionnaires / Questionnaires for this group / Results / Edit questionnaire

Report issues on GitHub project w3c/wbs-design (preferred) or by mail to sysreq.