WBS question types

Only people identified as participants of the Test Group can answer this form.

This questionnaire is open for answers until 23:59, Boston time on 2015-12-31. Answers received after that time may not be counted.

The results of this questionnaire are available only to the participants of the group (and the W3C Team)

You may designate someone else in your organization to respond to this questionnaire in your stead.

If you cannot use this on-line questionnaire, you may send your answers by email to webreq@w3.org using the text version of this questionnaire.

You're identified as Laurent Carcone .

1. Simple text question

The following flavors were nominated for the best ice cream survey

  1. Chocolate
  2. Vanilla
  3. Strawberry

We thank the nominees, and the persons who nominated them, for their support.

2. Single selection required Yes/No

The Ice-cream Process Document states:

For this selection we use STV Meeks as the Tabulation system.

Do you agree with this?

3. Single selection required Yes/No/Concur/Abstain

Should we make the results of this survey public?

4. Select one among many (drop-down list)

Select one flavor from those listed.

5. Select one among many (radio buttons)

Select one flavor from those listed.

6. Open comments

You may add any comments you wish to record, including rationale for dismissals.

7. Text entries

Please provide the following information

8. Select multiple items (checkboxes)

Please vote for up to two flavors.

9. Survey type

Please indicate your level of interest among the different choices:

10. Straw-poll

Please rank the importance of having the following desserts.

11. Rank-ordering

What kind of pie do you prefer

Please select the rank-order (1 to 3) where 1 is the most preferred, 2 the next best and so on...

12. Pick a time

Pick a time for a dinner.

08 UTC
09 UTC
14 UTC

13. Cumulative vote

Select a % for each choice

14. Importance survey

State your opinion on need to discuss the following choices of restaurants.

15. Importance and Satisfaction survey

Note: This type of question is no longer proposed in the UI but needs to be adapted to display old surveys containing it.

Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:

16. Technical Plenary widget

Note: This type of question is no longer proposed in the UI but needs to be adapted to display old surveys containing it.

Attending as a participant in the selected group below:

Group meetingAttending as a participant in this groupConfidentialityObserver request
Not Member confidential
Browser Testing and Tools Not Member confidential
Chinese Web Accessibility CG (Mon afternoon only) Not Member confidential
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Not Member confidential
Digital Publishing Not Member confidential
Education and Outreach Not Member confidential
Efficient XML Interchange Not Member confidential
Other (Please specify below) (explain below)

17. Employees list

Note: This type of question is no longer proposed in the UI but needs to be adapted to display old surveys containing it.

Please select up to three participants for this Interest Group.

If the participant's name does not appear in the list below, you can add them using the AC Rep tool (clicking the Add User button).


This questionnaire is open for answers until 23:59, Boston time on 2015-12-31. Answers received after that time may not be counted.

The results of this questionnaire are available only to the participants of the group (and the W3C Team)

You may completely remove your enswers from our records. As this operation is not reversible, please confirm your desire to delete your answers by first checking the box below: