Select multiple items in Test for WBS RFE Question information This question was created on 2014-09-24. It was last updated on 2019-07-16 by Laurent Carcone. Question settings Question identifier: q2 Question type: Select multiple items (checkboxes) Title of the question (Required) Text of the question Answering this question is Optional Required Note: If selecting 'required', the user will have to express an opinion on each choice 'no opinion' responses will be refused. Maximum number of items that can be selected Leave empty if no limit Randomize order randomize display order of options. This is useful, for example, for elections to avoid potential artifacts related to option position in the list. This question is considered as sensitive answers to this question will be automatically removed 90 days after the closing date of this questionnaire. You can optionally add to your question A Comment field For questions where a complement of information is possibly needed A Rationale field For questions where answers can be justified Submit Question options This type of question proposes a set of options for the responder to pick. Please enter below the options you want to offer to the responders.If you need more than the number of fields offered below, you'll be offered more fields after submitting the form.(NB: you can use XHTML markup in the choices description.) IdDescriptionPosition AA BB CC DD Submit You can also decide to delete completely this question. Note that this action is not reversible I confirm I want to delete this question Delete This Questionnaire Answer Results Edit Add a question Edit a question Impersonate This Group Current questionnaires Create a new questionnaire WBS Home WBS Home Current questionnaires My questionnaires W3C Groups