WBS: Test WYSIWYG editor

Only people identified as participants of the Test Group can answer this form.

This questionnaire is open for answers until 23:59, Boston time on 2015-12-31. Answers received after that time may not be counted.

The results of this questionnaire are available only to the W3C Team.

To be able to designate someone else in your organization to respond to this questionnaire in your stead, you need to remove your response first.

If you cannot use this on-line questionnaire, you may send your answers by email to webreq@w3.org using the text version of this questionnaire.

You're identified as ...

1. Current text editorEdit

Current editor.

2. wysiwyg text editorEdit

wysiwyg editor.

This questionnaire is open for answers until 23:59, Boston time on 2015-12-31. Answers received after that time may not be counted.

The results of this questionnaire are available only to the W3C Team.

(if this isn't your email address, you can update your contact information).

You may completely remove your response from our records. As this operation is not reversible,

WBS home / Questionnaires / Questionnaires for this group / Results / Edit questionnaire

See also who can do what with this questionnaire.

Report issues on GitHub project w3c/wbs-design (preferred) or by mail to sysreq.