Understanding User Interface Component Contrast


The intent of this success criterion is to apply the contrast requirements to essential visual identifiers related to user interface components in a similar way that it is applied to text in 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum).


If essential non-text information is needed to understand the state and/or functionality of the user interface component then it must be perceivable for people with low vision or color blindness.

Thin and Thick

Visual identifiers that are very thin are harder to perceive, therefore have a higher contrast requirement of 4.5:1. Visual identifiers that are thicker or are solid shapes have a lower requirement of 3:1

The size 3 CSS pixel for 'thick' was selected as it aligns with the large-text requirement of 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum). See additional information about this concept at on how contrast and thickness were derived.


The intent of this Success Criterion is to provide enough contrast for interactive user interface components, form field borders, focus and selection indicators so they can be perceived by people with moderately low vision (who do not use contrast-enhancing assistive technology).

People with low vision often have difficulty perceiving graphics that have insufficient contrast. This can be exacerbated if the person has a color vision deficiency that lowers the contrast even further. Providing a relative luminance (lightness) difference of 4.5:1 or greater can make these items more distinguishable when the person does not see a full range of colors and does not use assistive technology.

When non-text content is larger, a color contrast of 3:1 or greater can be sufficient for perception by people with moderately low vision.


Sufficient Contrast Examples

For designers developing focus indicators, selection indicators and user interface components that need to be perceived clearly, the following are examples that have sufficient contrast.

@@Additional examples could be added for any native html elements that are interactive and have visual affordances (including: select, radio button, checkbox, details / summary, video and/or audio controls ). @@

Visual Focus Indicator Examples
Type Contrast Required Description Examples
Visual Focus Indicator
with 3 CSS pixel stroke
3 to 1 Visual focus indicator for a link that is a 3 CSS pixel blue outline around the link. The 3 CSS pixel blue outline does provide a sufficient contrast that is equal to 3 to 1. 3 CSS pixel blue visual focus indicator line (#6699cc) against the immediate surrounding color of white (#FFFFFF) has a contrast ratio of exactly 3 to 1. Example of accessible visual focus with 3 CSS pixel stroke
See working examples at Accessible Visual Focus Indicators
Visual Focus Indicator
with 1 CSS pixel stroke
4.5 to 1 Visual focus indicator for a link that is a 1 CSS pixel black outline around the link. The 1 CSS pixel black outline provides sufficient contrast greater than 4.5 to 1. 1 CSS pixel black visual focus indicator line (#000000) against the immediate surrounding color of white (#FFFFFF) has a contrast ratio of 21 to 1. Example of accessible visual focus with 1 CSS pixel stroke
See working examples at Accessible Visual Focus Indicators
Selection Indicator Contrast Examples
Type Contrast Required Description Examples
Thick Selection Indicator 3 to 1 Selected Tab is visually indicated with a tab background of black (#000000). The black (#000000) background on the selected tab provides a sufficient contrast that is greater than 3 to 1. The black (#000000) tab against the immediate surrounding color of light grey (#eeeeee) has a contrast ratio of 18.1 to 1. The selected tab's color of black (#000000) has a contrast of at least 3 to 1 with the color of the white (#FFFFFF) non-selected tabs The black tab background is larger that 3 CSS pixel wide and 3 CSS pixel high so it is considered "thick" and only has to meet a 3 to 1 color contrast ratio.. See working example at Accessible Contrast for Selection Indicators
Text Input Examples
Type Contrast Required Description Examples
Text Input
with 3 CSS pixel border stroke
3 to 1 Text Input with a 3 CSS pixel border. The 3 CSS pixel blue outline does provide a sufficient contrast that is equal to 3 to 1. 3 CSS pixel blue border line (#6699cc) against immediate surrounding color of white (#FFFFFF) has a contrast ratio of exactly 3 to 1. See working example at Accessible Contrast for Text Input
Text Input
with 3 CSS pixel border stroke on bottom only
3 to 1 Text Input with a 3 CSS pixel border on bottom. The 3 CSS pixel blue bottom border does provide a sufficient contrast that is equal to 3 to 1. 3 CSS pixel blue border line (#6699cc) against immediate surrounding color of white (#FFFFFF) has a contrast ratio of exactly 3 to 1. See working example at Accessible Contrast for Text Input
Text Input
with 1 CSS pixel stroke
4.5 to 1 Text Input with a 1 CSS pixel border. The 1 CSS pixel black outline provides sufficient contrast greater than 4.5 to 1. 1 CSS pixel black line (#000000) against immediate surrounding color of white (#FFFFFF) has a contrast ratio of 21 to 1. See working example at Accessible Contrast for Text Input
Text Input
with 1 CSS pixel border stroke on bottom only
4.5 to 1 Text Input with a 1 CSS pixel border on bottom. The 1 CSS pixel black bottom border does provide a sufficient contrast that is greater than 4.5 to 1. 1 CSS pixel black border line (#000000) against immediate surrounding color of white (#FFFFFF) has a contrast ratio of 21 to 1. See working example at Accessible Contrast for Text Input
Text Input with no border 3 to 1 Text Input with no border. The white background of the text input does provide sufficient contrast that is equal to 3 to 1. While there is no border, the solid area of the white text input easily meets the minimum 3 css pixel by 3 css pixel requirement to qualify as thick. The white (#FFFFFF) text input against the immediate surrounding color of blue(#6699cc) has a contrast ratio of exactly 3 to 1. See working example at Accessible Contrast for Text Input
Submit Button Examples
Type Contrast Required Description Examples
Transparent Submit Button
with 3 CSS pixel border
3 to 1 Transparent submit button with a 3 CSS pixel blue border. The 3 CSS pixel blue border does provide a sufficient contrast that is equal to 3 to 1. 3 CSS pixel blue border line (#6699cc) against immediate surrounding color of white (#FFFFFF) has a contrast ratio of exactly 3 to 1. See working examples at Accessible Contrast for Submit Button
Light Grey Submit Button
with 3 CSS pixel border
3 to 1 Light Grey (#EBEBEB) submit button with a 3 CSS pixel blue border. The 3 CSS pixel blue border does provide a sufficient contrast that is equal to 3 to 1. 3 CSS pixel blue border line (#6699CC) against immediate outer surrounding color of white (#FFFFFF) has a contrast ratio of exactly 3 to 1. The fact that the background of the submit button is a light grey (#EBEBEB) is irrelevant for testing the color contrast of the border line of the button, because this SC only requires the border line to contrast with the immediate outer color. See working examples at Accessible Contrast for Submit Button
Transparent Submit Button
with 1 CSS pixel border
4.5 to 1 Transparent submit button with a 1 CSS pixel black border. The 1 CSS pixel black border provides sufficient contrast greater than 4.5 to 1. 1 CSS pixel black border line (#000000) against immediate surrounding color of white (#FFFFFF) has a contrast ratio of 21 to 1. See working examples at Accessible Contrast for Submit Button
Blue Submit Button with no border 3 to 1 Blue submit button with no border. The blue button provides sufficient contrast equal to 3 to 1. While there is no border, the solid area of the blue button easily meets the minimum 3 css pixel by 3 css pixel requirement to qualify as thick. The blue (#6699cc) text input against the immediate surrounding color of white (#FFFFFF) has a contrast ratio of exactly 3 to 1. See working examples at Accessible Contrast for Submit Button
Transparent Submit Button
with no border
4.5 to 1 Transparent submit button with a no border. There is no visual affordance indicating this is a button for any user. This SC does not require the visual affordance to exist, it just requires that if the essential visual affordance (non-text) does exist, that essential visual affordance is accessible to people with low vision too. Note: The proposed SC that does relate to the cognitive usability problem created with a button like this is Issue #36 Clear Controls See working examples at Accessible Contrast for Submit Button

Failure Examples

Submit Button Failure Examples for Color Contrast
Type Contrast Required Description Failure Example
Transparent Submit Button
with very light grey
3 CSS px border
3 to 1 Failure - Transparent submit button with a 3 CSS px very light grey border. The 3 CSS px very light grey does not meet the minimum contrast requirement of 3 to 1. 3 CSS px very light grey border line (#D2D2D2) against immediate outer surrounding color of white (#FFFFFF) has a contrast ratio of only 1.5 to 1. See working failure examples at Failure Contrast for Submit Button Border

Transparent Submit Button
with 1 CSS px light blue border (Failure)

4.5 to 1 Failure - Transparent submit button with a 1 CSS px light blue border. The 1 CSS px light blue border does not meet the minimum contrast requirement of 4.5 to 1. 1 CSS px light blue border line (#6699cc) against immediate surrounding color of white (#FFFFFF) only has a contrast ratio of 3 to 1. See working failure examples at Failure Contrast for Submit Button Border



This section references techniques that can be used to meet the Guideline or Success Criterion. There are sub-sections for sufficient techniques, advisory techniques, and failures.

Remove any parts of the template that are not used, such as the section and heading for situations, sub-lists of techniques, or the "AND" construction. Also remove the square brackets around placeholder optional components.


Techniques that are sufficient to meet the Guideline or Success Criterion.



Techniques that are not sufficient by themselves to meet the Guideline or Success Criterion.

Same template as sufficient techniques.


Techniques that document conditions that would cause the page not to meet the Guideline or Success Criterion, even if sufficient techniques are also used.

Same template as sufficient techniques.