WebPerf WG @ TPAC 2019


Logistics        1

Location & participation        1

Attendees        1

Agenda scratchpad        1

Agenda        2

Monday        2

Tuesday        2

Minutes        2


Location & participation

Hilton Fukuoka, Sakura, 3F

Remote participation/presentation link

Attendees (On location)

Attendance for the Web Performance WG meeting



Monday (Design)





Intros & agenda review, meeting goals

Yoav, Ilya, Todd


EventTiming measureUntil (async duration)




  • Nate: spec+implementation update; group status
  • Nic: adoption experience & lessons learned

Nate, Nicolás, Andrew



Reporting API & Network Error Logging

Review feedback & proposed plan

Ian, Jason




Next steps on SPA monitoring 

  • Review discussion from F2F & Tim’s proposal
  • Map out 2020 work streams

Tim, Ilya




CompressStreams (explainer)

  • Review and discuss current proposal

Adam, Andrew


JS-self profiling

  • Proposal update & implementation status
  • Long Tasks and attribution?

Andrew, Tim




Frame Timing

  • Noam, Amiya (Eric/Todd may need to represent?), Nicolás
  • Noam will dial in from Israel (schedule late)

Nicolás, Noam


LCP implementation experience

Tuesday (Issue & Hack-day)





Design discussion continued

Reserving for followup from Day 1, plus other potential topics...

  • isFramePending (szager)




W3C spec status review & next steps

  • Review publication status of each spec
  • Identify next steps / unblock / move forward

Yoav, Ilya, Todd




Working session: issue triage & resolution




Spec spreadsheet

Potential issues to discuss






Nicolás: have some ideas to improve EventTiming

… in ET we expose hardware timestamp, before and after running handlers, and next paint

… duration is from hardware timestamp to next paint

… the objective of this exploration is to figure out how to measure asynchronous work

… e.g., frameworks can handle events asynchronously → the browser can’t trace this

… e.g., got feedback from React that they can’t use ET because duration is not accurate

… anytime you have async tasks (e.g. network fetch), you’ll run into this issue

Use cases

API shape

… once the event is dispatched we wait for all promises to be resolved

… once promises resolve, the timestamp allows you to determine duration

… we could use the longest timestamp

… asyncDurations would keep a map of promise names to durations. For calculating if an event was long and we should expose it, we can take the longest duration.

Durations will be till the next paint after the promise was resolved.

Tim: I think we can’t use next paint for security reasons, only the next paint from the longest promise.

Nicolás: certainly a security concern that needs to be considered. Not sure just the last one would be useful tho.

Yoav: what are the security concerns? Visited links?

Tim: yeah, all the usual suspects. If you can measure how long an arbitrary frame takes to paint, you can create visited attacks. We said it’s OK for event timing because we only expose events longer than 50 ms. But not OK for arbitrary promises.

Nicolás: need to investigate more, maybe throttling, etc.

… the reason we have a map is we can have multiple 3rd parties instrumenting events and we don’t want them to step on one another.

Ilya: So this assumes the vendor instruments the event?

Tim: We think frameworks would instrument their events and analytics relying on that.

… a single party might want to look at multiple events it created  

Ilya: impact on current ET?

Nicolás: it would affect duration and when it’s dispatched, but only for those that are instrumented

Tim: Not clear how much of that work is using promises today and how easy it would be for folks to switch.

Olli: is this event time or is this about user timing?

Nicolás: the issue here is knowing the next paint can be a security concern, so want to expose that only in certain scenarios

Yoav: would this work for JS generated events?

Nicolás: no

Ryosuke: Can you keep adding promises to the event and continuously measure using that?

Tim: That’s why we suggested only to measure the last promise resolved. Need to think about it a bit more.

Ryosuke: are we exposing different information from what rAF would expose?

Tim: yes, and we determined it was OK due to 50ms threshold we added

Ryosuke: you could harness mouse moves to get every paint

Tim: Good point. Worst case, we’ll have to expose a less accurate timestamp

… coming back to User Timing question

… I want to instrument both browser generated and JS generated events

Olli: Might be a better generic API

Tim: Won’t solve those 2 use-cases

Ryosuke: if there was a way to associate an event in UT..

Nicolás: You can already add metadata to UT

Tim: So I’d now need to listen to both event timing and user timing and combine those?

Ryosuke: we can add sugar to make this easier

Tim: We could, but not clear what’s the advantage. But maybe performance.mark and measure can use a promise based API

Yoav: Right, in theory we could even include ET paint~like signals.

Tim: Maybe. But want a single place for analytics vendors to look when measuring event responsiveness

Ian?: There are multiple people involved: frameworks, developers, analytics providers.

Yoav: Sure, but how can analytics providers know the semantics of each promise?

Tim: I envision e.g. React to have an identifiable event names

Ryosuke: sure but naming is independent from the UT vs. ET question

Nicolás: Use case for non-event driven paints?

Yoav: Image gallery that changes image every X seconds

Tim: So the proposal: add something to UT L3 to say “here’s my associated event”, and if the event is present, we’d also surface this in the EventTiming API. But if you want to do ssimilar things without an event, you can.

Ilya: Also relevant to the SPA discussion

Nic: question on durations: you would still have current timestamps on top of the promise resolution timestamps?

Nicolás: yes

Nic: But it could delay the delivery of Event Timing.

Nicolás: true

Philip: Can you hold onto an event and add measureUntil later?

Tim: That won’t work because the entry may have already surfaced

Nicolás: Argument for the UT approach

Yoav: Also a question of precision - can we only expose a rAF timestamp or something more accurate.

Tim: We see cases where compositor effects result in significant delay

Ryosuke: Some OSes cannot really measure that

Tim: The spec states a best-effort approach

Rick: Any data on the difference? Intuition is that compositor costs would be dwarfed by the rest

Tim: No hard data, but seen examples where it was significant. But might be less of an issue in other architectures

Yoav: Ties into Frame Timing as well

Tim: So we need a broader conversation about paint timestamps

Ryosuke: believe rAF can solve 80-90% of cases and everyone can implement

Ilya: +1

Tim: Scrolling is often compositing-bound, and want to solve scroll-jank. But we can maybe use a mix where if you don’t use measureUntil you get the high quality timestamp and measureUntil falls back to rAF. In the async case, compositing is likely to be a smaller fraction.

Todd: we’ve seen some top properties that have significant compositor time costs. So need data on impact before discounting it.

Yoav: can we kill visited?

Tim: Even if we kill visited, cross-origin same-process iframes is still a thing




Nate: update! Origin Trial on desktop but not mobile.

Andrew: not yet available on mobile due to lack of site isolation

Nate: The new facebook.com has full scheduling but not enough traffic. Most of the trial used a naive implementation. Results looked good with 100ms reduction

Nic: similar results for us. Used that in boomerang and used it to avoid impacting user experience when doing work. Instrumented on some sites but not all, due to Origin Trial limitations. Will help them break up their tasks in a meaningful way. Want to use it everywhere.

Tim: Are you using it for attribution that event timing can give you?

Nic: Not only that, but also to avoid heavy processing

Navid: why those events and not all events?

Nate: intentionally left this vague in the spec. Browser may lie in some cases, or may return best-effort results.

Tim: Current implementation assumes that no events will get prevented.

Phil: How does that interact with FID. can we ignore long tasks if isInputPending was queried?

Tim: We could do that ideally, but need to dig into usage in the wild. You’re still blocking rendering, but also you may not yield, so that may not work

Olli: the isInputPending spec is too vague. Would be impossible to implement based on it. Would need to look at source code :/

Todd: What’s vague?

Olli: Click handling is a vague term. Also “may include any UI event”

Andrew: Fundamental problem specifying it, as we can’t know what’s in the JS event queue. precise frame tracking makes it tricky. Has to be best-effort. Would making it closer to hardware key events be better?

Olli: Closer to mouse down/up would be better

Andrew: Seems reasonable

Todd: Mapping directly to HTML definitions of the events would work?

Olli: It’s not really defined anywhere

Nate: that’s the problem we ran into. Can expand to mouse up/down.

Olli: Need to get rid of “MAY”, as it’s not clear what it means.

Tim: Small set of supported event types that would give us most of the utility?

Andrew: Something like mouse move would be incredibly noisy. Can add counters to see what people are listening for.

Navid: Why “may include UI events”?

Andrew: To avoid mouse move

Navid: but what other events may be included?

Nate: the idea was to make this future compatible when new events get introduced.

Nicolás: adding more events can make it easier to misuse. Need to be careful with which events we support

Tim: Worried with events that fire too often? One potential solution is to use a * event type to query for everything

Ryosuke: What other isXPending API we’d have? Could become awkward fast

Alex: What happened to shouldYield?

Nate: It became this. Different sites care about different things.


Navid: is this exposed to subframes?

Andrew: want this to rely on hit testing and expose to subframes as well. Can also apply to subframes that share event loops. Decided to go with per-document

Todd: so there could be input pending that hasn’t yet reached the hit testing, and only after there is will be reported. Same event-loop frames would need access, but there’s some security implications.

Andrew: Maybe we can filter out cross origin events, to make that safe.

Navid: what happens when hit testing fails to know the target?

Andrew: Still TBD.

Tim: Worst case, we want to let the browser say “I can’t reliably tell which frame this input is associated with, so I won’t tell anyone about it”

Nicolás: could encourage more blocking scripts

Tim: We’d also want to measure how often that happens

Andrew: Main things to be concerned about are focus and frame movement. Can hamstring the API when frames get moved. Focus is a bit more common.




Ian: Recently took over editing. Excited to see Mozilla involved

Two distinct use cases: Tentatively calling them ephemeral and persistent.

Ephemeral reporting is for all reports which can be tied to events occurring within a document: CSP, Feature Policy, Crash Reports, Deprecations, Interventions.

For ephemeral Report-To should just work

Persistent reporting is another use-case. Main case is NEL, but also other out-of-band reports. For these, we want to support persistent reporting configuration, and report completely out-of-band, for cases where perhaps there isn't an active document.

Mozilla would like to support ephemeral, so we want to move persistent out so that it can be reasoned about separately, but still leave building blocks so that we can build NEL on top of it..

Don't need for ephemeral: Persistent configuration, delivery after the document has been closed, batching reports, possibly failover and retry (though those may be useful), sampling (Could also be useful, but may not technically be needed)

Ilya: We did hear about the sampling use-case for CSP. So we do need it for ephemeral. It does feel like there are some low-level primitives that can be useful there.

Anne: How does sampling work?

Ian: It generates a random number for each report based on the sampling rate

Ian: How can we remove the persistent requirements? Make them optional? Make them a separate spec? Or make a Level 1 / Level 2 spec?

Ryosuke: What is the goal? What are you trying to do?

Ian: Enable shipping ephemeral reporting without things needed only for persistent reporting, without forcing implementers to build support for features they are not intending to ship.

Right now implementing the reporting spec means you need to implement persistency features that are not needed for per-document reporting.

Ilya: when we incubated reporting, NEL was the main driver for many of the features. The two were developed side by side. Only afterwards we added intervention reports, which have a much simpler subset of requirements.

Alex: This really feels like Level 1 / Level 2 to me.

Anne: You could have the core thing, that I think most browsers agree on, and then the persistent thing separate. There is also some sorting out to be done there because some of it is just not acceptable.

Yoav: So, separate document, or…?

Anne: Separate document, if we don't agree on the design.

Ryosuke: I think it needs to be a separate document, otherwise you could very easily introduce interdependencies within the same document.

Yoav: We got feedback from Mozilla on Navigation Timing and Resource Timing, and the dependencies between them, that Mozilla would like to see them united

Anne: If at some point we can agree on the design, then we can merge them. Incubate first as a separate document.

Alex: Concerned about the testability. If it's only usable by these other things that build on top of it, could we have a collection of unit tests for reporting, or do we have to go through the other APIs?

Ian: WPT has a webdriver API that can drive those reports and makes them testable

Ilya: Also reporting has a few features that can may be testable

Ian: Yes, but those features are Crash, Deprecation, and Intervention, and those are not

Ryosuke: Sounds like persistency is L2

Ilya: let’s talk about the features that should go into ephemeral

Ian: Proposal - move report config syntax to Origin Policy. Restrict batching to per document or per agent cluster. Remove max_age

For the persistent functionality, we decided that we want to move it to a separate document.

Anne: For batching and sampling, they seem fine to remain in ephemeral

Ian: For opt-in, Brave wanted user opt-in for 3rd party reporting.

Ilya: Related, how does report API interacts with extensions/fetch?

Ian: Reports skip SW. Extensions are UA defined.

Anne: also per-document reporting gets complicated with batching. SW should definitely skipped in those cases

Ilya: Need to note that in the privacy section.

Ryosuke: users won’t understand the implications of error reporting to different origins. Prompting that won’t be a good security mitigation

Ian: similar to background sync

Ryosuke: users are more likely to understand that

Anne: 3rd parties are allowed to fetch

Yoav: there’s a difference between in-document third party reporting and persistent one.

Anne: Oh, yeah. In the persistent that’s indeed different.

Ian: Let’s talk about structured headers - currently we have JSON. hard to fit into structured headers

Simple dict - lose parameters on different URLs

Dictionaries with inner list - proposal to add parameters to inner lists. We lose the ability to have parameters that apply to the end point

Ilya: sampling is one example. Regarding priority, need to talk to NEL

Ian: Another option - define endpoints and groups in different headers, but it’s not great

Yoav: Have Apple looked into ephemeral reporting? Interested in that?

Ryosuke: still concerned about cross-origin reporting even for per-document reporting without credentials, as well as tracking potential using the persistent API.

Anne: cross-origin reporting is equivalent to fetching the same data

Ryosuke: could be OK. Need to do a strict sec review

Todd: So the idea is that there’s a mechanism and a few features that use it (e.g. CSP). Then there are crashes, deprecations and interventions that are defined directly in the API.

Anne: Where do crash reports stand?

Yoav: In the spec. Would be nicer to split features from infrastructure.

Anne: Crashes that impact the entire agent cluster pose interesting questions as to where those reports should be sent.

Todd: spec defines oom, unresponsive and else for crash reasons

Vlad: important to Facebook to distinguish those reporting concerns

Ilya: can consider pulling some of the features to a stand alone spec

Anne: might be OK to leave crashes in

Todd: features beyond CSP?

Anne: Interested in crashes, COOP, feature policy

<discussion on feature policy and opinionated reporting>

Single Page Apps Monitoring



Tim: being clear on use cases we’re solving for is critical. Not all of them are navigations

… UC1: click → full page transition, maybe url change

… this is the use case that we probably need to prioritize

… UC2: click → minor transition

… UC3: a video site transitions to the next video: no input, URL change

… UC4: Ad rotation, makes things tricky because you now may have multiple transitions

… Goals:

Ben: is simultaneous transitions a critical req?

Tim: good question, that’s what we want to answer here. If we punt, life is easier.

Ben: let’s punt it

Yoav: ad use case is probably addressed via iframes, they have their own timeline

Ryosuke: the use case is ~main part of application is changing

Tim: yes

Ben: What do you mean by “explicit integration with analytics”

Tim: Analytics providers don’t need to be aware of how your app is built and annotated

Ilya: redispatching entries is one of the main carrots here, but we need to be careful as not everything can be redispatched, for security reasons

Tim: few potential solutions: low quality timestamps, throttle the API, etc. Need to give it some thought

Yoav: At the F2F we mentioned killing network requests in soft navigation scenarios. Could be a carrot.

Ryosuke: Feels like a giant footgun

Tim: Redispatching entries should be sufficient


When a transition occurs, we add an entry with some data, including the pushState URL if there is one. Feels annoying to have to call both pushState and add data about it here.

Ilya: Yeah, but this API is about measurement, and we don’t want it to have side effects. Also, different frameworks have different patterns to when the URL is changed.

Tim: So should the URL be in details?

Ben: Yes.

Ryosuke: Also, the browser knows what was the URL when this was called

Yoav: Yeah, but the URL may be changed after transitionStart.

Yoav: Also, I wouldn’t tie to pushState as the history API may be revamped in ways that can help that API’s goals.

Tim: And if it does, we can still tie in to that later. Also, if we’re dropping the transition use case and just focus on navigations, we can drop the “end time” part.

Tim: one of the key things you need to do is being able to query transitions

… effectively, this is a signal about your time origin. Seems better than changing the time of the different entries. All performance entries will be surfaces with the page’s time origin.

Yoav: OK. Regarding “name”, even when multiple simultaneous transitions are not needed, “name” can help people understand which is which.

Ben: yeah. A list of names rather than a stack.

Ilya: Would people need to full list or just the last one?

Tim: Probably need the full list to reason about the different performance entries.

Ilya: Global time origin enables us to coordinate time origins between window and workers. Maybe we can create a “transition time origin” that can help coordinate those different time origins in a similar way

Nic: is there an observer to be notified of new transitions?

Tim: Good point, there should be.

Todd: Will we have transition mark start/end, etc?

Tim: If we focus on navigation, there’s no “end”. But you could imagine UT L3 adding an “is transition” flag rather than a new API call.

Todd: So developers can add their own “end” UT calls

Yoav: one use case of having an end is to allow developers to signal own ~end, and analytics can collect it

Tim: My intuition is that one timestamp is not enough

Ryosuke: this feels related to the broader discussion of “end” signal, we can separate this

Steven: So “transitionStart” will reset all the navigation related entries?

Tim: It would cause them to be re-dispatched

Ian: what happens if you have transition when one is active

Ryosuke: you probably only dispatch the last one, we wouldn’t claim that in flight one is finished

Todd: How do we handle async transition start where user input may be happening while we’re handling it?

Tim: Feels like this can also on full page loads.

Ben: what about redirects?

Yoav: redirects are handled further down the stack.

Ilya: There could be cases where you have multiple transitions: one kicking off a spinner and then another that loads the final page.

Will: regarding naming, would be nice to avoid transition- prefixes on all the metrics. Maybe have multiple entries.

Tim: There may be compatibility problems with current handlers or with current data collectors in case developers adopted the API before their analytics providers

Ilya: We can probably talk to analytics folks to prevent that.

Philip: want to consider use case of URL changes, hanging on pushState

… that would enable all of the existing apps to have this auto-instrumented

Tim: so it the question “do we care about transitions without URL change?”

Philip: I think UA can take care of that.

Yoav: We definitely want an explicit signal for people who care. And then we can ask: can browsers heuristically point transition start without it? Because different frameworks kick off transitions at different times compared to pushState, this can be hard.

Philip: Maybe a flag on the performance entry can indicate what heuristic was considered

Ilya: I can imagine analytics providers using the same heuristics today

Todd: If you have to opt-in to PerfObserver to get the entries, you’d need some change in code to collect it.

Yoav: You want analytics providers to collect it without application developers changing code

Philip: Also CrUX

Tim: But those numbers won’t be comparable.

Eric: you would be able to compare yourself to yourself.

Yoav: Maybe we can use frameworks to make sure this happens in reasonable timeframes.

Ryosuke: When the user clicks, you may not know where they’d end up.

Yoav: Sure but you can still mark transition start.

Steven: You can use that for any UI changing event, no?

Tim: It doesn’t make sense to use it too often. There are always security issues.

Ryosuke: I don’t think we should care about partial updates.

Tim: Event Timing should handle those cases

Steven: And the developer will indicate done at the end of UI transitions?

Yoav: measureUntil

Steven: But in our case, we have no access to Event Timing, as we instrument other people’s code

Tim: Current proposal doesn’t allow getting paints without reseting the time origin. Would that help?

Steven: It would.

Todd: And for long tasks, you’d be able to correlate them with transitions

Steven: Yeah, and naming transitions would help there with long task attribution to user gestures.

Yoav: I wonder if “transition” is the right terminology

Tim: Yeah, it may be over general.

Tim: Shall we talk about cancelling in-flight requests?

Ilya: Seems related to the problem of observing what’s in-flight

Yoav: Maybe when we would observe in-flight fetches, we could make those fetches cancellable

Will: Agree that we should avoid side effects for measurements

Ryosuke: There are many cases where you don’t want to cancel in-flight requests during transitions, so need to give granular controls

Will: Do we want to consider simultaneous transitions in the future? Or are we painting ourselves into a corner by not considering them?

Yoav: Tim explicitly asked that question, and no one seems eager to tackle them as part of the same use-case.

Tim: incremental step forward can be analytics vendors looking at the latest transition.

Ryosuke: Seems like most of them can be done using measureUntil

Yoav: iframes can also tackle the ad transition use-case

Steven: The nice part about this is getting the Largest-Contentful-Paint info. Can we get that with measureUntil?

Yoav: That’s just the first paint

Steven: I can definitely see scenarios where LCP would be useful here.

Tim: as we think about connection event timing and user timing, we can come up with patterns that would enable you to do that. More thought required.

Ryosuke: you want to support non-navigation changes, right? We decided against supporting it here. Maybe we can have options on measureUntil to provide LCP after it.

Philip: Do we really want to reset the time origin?

Tim: Not really resetting but providing an alternative one.

Tim: Got a lot of great feedback, thanks!




Adam: use cases: compressed upload, particularly analytics use cases

… Lazy decompression for downloads, compression/decompression for native files, etc.

… Applications try to do this today

Andrew: @FB we tried to compile gzip to WASM and we saw 20% hit compared to native

Adam: status, FB has prototype of CompressionStream, Google has DecompressionStream

… aiming to get experimental support in Chrome this month

Yoav: why limit gzip and deflate? What about brotli, z-std, etc?

Adam: we could add more in the future, the question is of cost of including library in binary

… e.g., Brotli compression would require including ~140KB in the binary

… because we only include decompression

… we could entertain only decompression, but is that useful?

Yoav: seems like the value of brotli 11 for upload compression is questionable

Eric: which “deflate” variant are you talking about?

Adam: Need to clarify that

Eric: particular use case I’m interested in zip reader

Yoav: Other specific use-cases: browser based SSH client would require options

Domenic: second that, epubs, different publishing formats, etc

Adam: had folks saying we should support “deflate” rather than “gzip”. Need to come up with a new name for “deflate” if it’s ambiguous

Eric: how liberal will you be? E.g. gzip checksums, etc.

Adam: interesting, will have to think about it

Yoav: Worthwhile to flesh out the use cases: for gzip you might want to specify option for flush strategy

… for example, SSH clients require particular strategy and Java didn’t support it

… which made implementing a SSH client impossible in Java

Adam: what about levels? 1-9, fast-medium-high, …? Don’t want to force specific byte output in the standard. Would prevent implementation improvements over time

Yoav: what are the problems with not specifying exact byte output? We can treat the levels as a hint to the compressor as long as the output is zlib compatible

Adam: Also, people suggested Zopfli should be level 11

Yoav: Similarly to the brotli 11 use case - farfetched for in-browser compression, and the scale is not linear

Ryosuke: Different browsers will encode differently, but that’s not a problem

Will: Will that compression definition matter for compatibility?

Yoav: Decompressors shouldn’t care. Upload size may be different between implementations
Domenic: second Ryosuke’s point on not over-specifying the byte format. Canvas has a similar 0-1 quality parameters and implementations can interpret that as they want. If the goal is heuristic control over the CPU/byte-size tradeoff something like that is enough.

Ryosuke: lossy compression may be different, but OK for lossless

Yoav: as long as the decompressor can deal with it, that’s fine

Eric: If we wanted to add brotli/zopli 11, would be unfortunate if web applications became unusable

Yoav: maybe gate that use-case (if necessary) behind a different option, not just one more level

Eric: window sizes can also be abused

Adam: It’s fine, as you can define the same on the decompressor side

Yoav: isn’t gzip limited to 32K windows?

Eric: there are different scenarios - ZIP can use larger windows. So you want to keep that option available, just make sure it’s not a footgun. How much can we guide developers towards safe options.

Ryosuke: if the decompressor can’t deal with the output, that’d be an issue.

Eric: Depending on what the decompressor is. Should the API (as a compressor) be able to produce deflate64? To what extent should the API guide developers towards “standard” algorithms. So that without options, the output is guaranteed to be browser decodable.  And with specific options, I can go beyond that.

Yoav: Yeah, but browsers using this API for decompression could decode any output, e.g. using compression dictionaries. So if you control both ends, you can do weird things.

… Otherwise, potential footguns should have a scarier name than just a different level.

… EPUB, ZIP, etc are capabilities that would be good to support. Extra 20% of compression at the price of x1000 CPU time doesn’t seem like a critical use case to me for one time uploads

Adam: future algorithms

Domenic: Can we say that we’ll never remove brotli from the platform?

Yoav: yeah, brotli is web-exposed not going anywhere

Eric: yeah, that’s different from Snappy, that’s used in Chromium internally, but can be replaced in the future

Todd: so brotli and zlib are both exposed and reusable. There’s the question of when should we add another compression algorithm. When does it add sufficient benefits to outweigh the costs.

Adam: we can do origin trials of different algorithms to measure benefits/costs before shipping.

Eric: can you detect which algorithms supported, would it be possible to polyfill?

Adam: yes, we can expose algorithms and app can add own to the list

Alex: Would be good to have clear criteria as to when new algorithms will be added.

Adam: binary size would be a limiting factor to adding new algorithms. Dominic Cooney suggested randomizing the results of feature detection to prevent UA sniffing

Yoav: may cause an opposite impact. Also, not a problem specific to this API, but a generic one

Yoav: worker availability?

Adam: yep, planning on it

Ryosuke: in the explainer, would be good to have some concrete use cases + why some algorithms were added

Eric: How would decompression stream be consumed? Would zip bomb attacks be an issue here?

Adam: were looking at making additions to Streams to better handle it. Best current approach is to split into 1K chunks. Stream should provide a feedback that allow the transformer to know when stuff is read.

Yoav: 1K chunk can decompress to a very large one. Can the API refuse to decompress zip bombs?

Adam: May not be necessary. There may be use cases for intentional zip bombs. We could implement it, but seems extreme. If you’re reading in a streaming fashion with small chunks, you’d be fine. If you throw it into the Response object, you’d run out of memory.

Eric: OOM exception seems fine as long as it’s not a slow and weird failure

Adam: you’d get a clean OOM crash, killing the renderer

Yoav: and you shouldn’t decompress random stuff. So you probably want to do some validation of that. You could similarly create such a zip bomb against the current network stack decompressors.

Eric: Also, server side validation can result in DoS. One of the reasons upload compression is not universally supported.

JS-Self profiling



Andrew: sampling profiler for user JS

… ECMA realm level isolation + only same origin / CORS exposed scripts

… current status: in blink/v8 and origin trial in M78

… constraints we arrived at: coarse sample interval on Windows (16ms)

… symbol map built on profile start, forced us to do some expensive work at start

… requires COOP/COEP as this has similar constraints to shared arraybuffer’s

… Let first-party page specify if profiling is enabled.. What impact does it have? Would make it more challenging for 3rd party analytics to collect this.

Nic: Akamai could inject headers, but analytics on its own cannot - so would make some scenarios harder

Yoav: Considered Feature Policy for the opt-in?

Andrew: brought it up on a call, but subframe propagation was considered unnecessary

Ilya: Do you want subframes to enable profiling?

Andrew: interesting point

Yoav: motivation for opt-in is performance?

Andrew: Mostly. Also concerns that random 3P scripts would enable this

Ilya: Sense for the overhead?

Andrew: overhead: 10ms samples → ~4-5% overhead, but implementation specific

Todd: it is possible to build 1ms sampling profiler with 1% overhead. Windows built-in profiler does that.

Andrew: Also need to integrate this with WebDriver, to make it testable.

Yoav: combination of COOP/COEP and opt-in will make it harder to enable at scale. May be necessary, but will have that impact.

Andrew: Would be great if we can find a way to avoid adding that restriction.

???: How is sampling done?

Andrew: Sampling is done at the UA level using a sample interrupt. Part of the reason why the UA can override the developer request sampling interval. Current implementation is fairly conservative.

Steven: can we inspect extension code?

Andrew: only if it’s CORS enabled. Only things that would show up in error stacks today

Tim: hope is that we can reuse this for LongTask attribution

… e.g., if you cross a threshold of task length, we start collecting samples

… this wouldn’t give you attribution at the beginning of the task

Yoav: Can’t we use the LT registration as a signal to profile?

Tim: That would add overhead to all your tasks. We want to sample only during LTs

Andrew: The first time the profiler is enabled, would need to walk the heap

Tim: Need to opt-in in advance. We want to see if people would need that attribution separate from the profiler, or if people would just turn on profiler and use timestamps to correlate.

Pierre: if you start the profiler only after the task is running, you won’t know what started the task

Alex: Want to make sure most users don’t have that enabled. Feels weird to turn it on as a side effect

Yoav: Maybe we need sampling for long task attributions. Sampled registration can help here

Tim: other vendors have thoughts?

Marcus: yeah. The restrictions seem necessary. Will need to recompile code when enabling profiling, so there would be an initial overhead. But if that’s expected, that seems doable. The main problem is that currently it’s not yet stable for production use.

Yoav: going back to sampling, an explicit opt-in that tell the browser to kick off profiling ahead of time, might be good to bake in sampling into that.

Steven: How would that look like?

Andrew: Header or meta tag

Yoav: meta tags are typically easier to deploy

Nic: If the goal is for the origin to opt-in, can 3P JS add that

Andrew: maybe only pre-parser based

Marcus: Developers may start to rely on specific strings they get from JS stacks, or if DOM calls are exposed. That can create compat issues.

Andrew: DOM calls seem relevant. The strings in JS stacks should fall from ECMA-262

Marcus: should the spec discourage people from relying on specific strings?

Andrew: Good point. Need to investigate DOM exposure.

Alex: Concerned by potential perf implications and inconsistencies in performance.

Andrew: At Facebook we serve instrumentation to all users, this will allow profiling only for a sample.

Alex: Want to see the list of issues fixed in the polyfill.

Marcus: same!

Todd: Microsoft sites are likely to want to get on the origin trial bandwagon.

Frame Timing



Nicolás: Motivation is to measure how smoothly content is being rendered

… prevent expensive rAF-polling

Tim: dropped frames vs high-latency frames

In the above scenario, should we report the single dropped frame, or all the long frames that happened after it. Latency is already captured by event timing, so may be enough.

Yoav: is scrolling captured by Event Timing?

Tim: we don’t do a good job of it today, but intent to make it work. Seems like we want to only surface the dropped frame.

Ilya: why should developers care about latency?

Tim: In cases of input, which Event Timing gives you

Noam: for us (excel) 60Hz is not realistic…

… when you switch to presentation mode, etc, we go down to 30Hz

Tim: we could provide a skip threshold (e.g. min 2)

Todd: as a web developer, how do I distinguish between 4hz vs 8hz vs 16hz…

Tim: 2 cases. Changed rate vs. missed a frame. Maybe we need to surface refresh rate for FT entries.

Yoav: Is frequency exposed today? We tell developers to rely on that…

Tim: Interval between rAFs, but that’s expensive to measure

Marcus: different browsers do different things. Firefox will run rAF at 120Hz

Tim: Need to surface something about the screen’s refresh rate for developers/analytics to make sense of this

Ilya: if a developer aims at 60Hz rAF and then hits a system running at 120Hz, that’s a lot of skipped frames. What should they do with the telemetry. Surfacing refresh rate makes sense.

Todd: Excel doesn’t care about anything faster than 30fps

Yoav: Makes sense to define what is long

Tim: Maybe let pages say to report only X dropped frames in a row

Noam: current rAF workarounds have many problems: expensive and impacts users. Also losing rIC calls.

… Want more attribution for why a frame was dropped - would enable us to focus on where to optimize

Yoav: do you need specific attribution or pointing towards the subsystem that caused it?

Tim: Specific attribution is a can of worms

Noam: Would be great to have attribution for long tasks if we have it. But big buckets pointing towards rendering/JS/GC would be a good first step.

Olli: and devtools profilers are not enough?

Noam: Can use them only when you have a repro, and we typically don’t have the user’s content

Ryosuke: Can you explain issues reported by users?

Noam: Trying to solve animation smoothness as well as responsiveness. But even if we knew when that happened, it’s hard to know what was the cause.

… We’re measuring rAFs once user interacted, for 5 seconds. So we miss the initial interaction. Event Timing can help with that.

Ryosuke: so you want to measure all missing frames all the time?

Noam: Any frame above 50ms. 30Hz is fine for us.

Tim: Why doesn’t event timing tackle your use-case?

Noam: We get the event, we set a timer for 5 seconds, in which we measure the frame rate. Any interaction during the window, extends the window.

Todd: dropped frames can be unrelated to input when another user is editing the spreadsheet

Nicolás: right now no concrete proposal for attribution for long frames. Seems complex

Noam: attribution is not the key as long as we can capture everything

Nicolás: given your rAF polling, this will probably be useful for you

Todd: first priority is getting rid of rAF, right?

Noam: yeah. It will also enable us to collect more data for user analysis

Nicolás: can they detect bad ads OOP?

Todd: yup, in busy systems

Marcus: for Excel, long tasks should be sufficient

Tim: Not really, because LT’s threshold may not fire. Also, Frame Timing can also account for compositor times in some platforms.

Todd: Can we replace the idea of dropped frames with the idea of running that code only when there are frames to render?

Tim: Tricky because we may not produce frames when there’s nothing to produce. Also tricky due to visited links when we can’t expose if a frame was produced.

Marcus: for the case of users hitting hard-to-reproduce issues, we ask them to capture a profile and send it.

Noam: won’t work for us for many reasons.

Tim: how would analytics providers show that data?

Nic: Already use rAF for short periods of time. Report average frame time.

Tim: what do you surface?

Nic: average frame rate. Tracking individual deltas to show where the long frames happened. Long frames and dropped frames would be more valuable

Tim: Would your users use that data?

Nic: if they can figure it out, kinda like long tasks. Data is not necessarily actionable

Tim: thoughts on reporting dropped frames vs. long frames?

Ryosuke: we don’t “expect” frames, especially in variable frame rate scenarios?

Yoav: Does it make sense to look at frame intervals?

Tim: Can be confusing when rate is variable. We can try to figure out what a definition of a “dropped frame” would look like and ask for feedback.

Todd: Use cases I heard require correlating the frame with some action

Tim: We’d surface timestamps

Todd: And is it all about the compositor thread? If all frames are long, that’d impact responsiveness, but maybe event timing is good enough for that.

Tim: yeah. Want to avoid penalizing cases where latency doesn’t matter.

Ryosuke: We may not know when a frame was dropped.

Tim: You’d know on the main thread when a frame failed to produce

Ryosuke: no. We don’t know what the deadlines are, so not know that we “missed”

Tim: So can have a rough approximation, but not better

Ryosuke: in some cases, we don’t even know that.

Todd: What about long frames?

Ryosuke: Seems clearer.

Simon Fraser: Can report on the difference between scheduling the rendering update and the end of the rendering update. But JS can run between those.

Tim: Also use cases doc has great examples, but maybe need more concrete examples.

Noam: happy to provide more concrete use cases.

Todd: screenshots with specific updates?

Tim: yeah

Todd: are you favorable of the idea in general?

Ryosuke: the use case seems legit, the question is can it be useful and implementable

Tim: Thanks for the feedback!

Largest Contentful Paint



Ben: excluded background images?

Nicolás: only for background of the body

Tim: in our analysis we saw a large enough fraction, had to exclude it

Marcus: want data regarding user satisfaction

Nic: Can correlate business metrics to LCP scores in a few months

Tim: Once we have the data, what’s the bar to adoption? It’ll be better than FCP but not necessarily great on its own. We can do a better job at surfacing anecdata

Todd: also business metrics and user happiness are not the same. LCP could vary between sites. Slowing down sites could give us some data

Tim: what does that give?

Ryosuke: we can A/B test different heuristics

Yoav: hard to collect user satisfaction

Gilles: slowing down makes users go away for a while, so not ideal

Tim: we can show anecdotes. Also correlation to SpeedIndex.

Alex: A good way to find if LCP is a proxy for element timing. Once element timing is adopted, that would give us a good way to see if we hit or miss.

Gilles: LCP might be useful for a websites that want to separate rendering of their site vs. the ads. Otherwise, most of the stuff will appear all at once. Studies we’ve done show that it’s poorly correlated. Have you looked at real world cases?

Tim: yeah

Noam: For excel it would measure the skeleton content more than the real content

Gilles: Common case for SPAs

Tim: So we have a heuristic for splashscreen. It would handle some cases but not all

Steven: LCP is the best solution when we don’t have element timing. Need transitionStart to measure LCP with user satisfaction

Tim: correlation data should be easier to get out than film strips

Todd: LCP is multi-modal. Sites that measure user happiness scores can correlate those modes.

Gilles: not clear how we evaluate LCP’s usefulness.

Ryosuke: FCP is clearcut. LCP is more complex

Tim: yeah, but FCP doesn’t correlate to user experience

Ryosuke: sure, but not clear how we measure if this heuristic is good or bad

Gilles: SpeedIndex is not great

Ilya: SpeedIndex improvements had direct impact on business metrics

Ryosuke: how much of the heuristic complexity is actually needed? If future pages change behavior, do we change the heuristics?

Tim: Maybe we should be versioning these things?

Todd: We’re all theorizing about what feels good, and have good data. But we don’t know how these things *feel* to users

Gilles: need more systematic study to correlate to engagement and dollars

Todd: On ad revenue sites, dollars don’t equate user happiness in many cases

Gilles: collecting 24K user surveys a day. Saw happiness increase in spanish wikipedia, and that correlates to people upgrading devices. Didn’t pursue LCP, because Element Timing is better.

<ongoing discussion>

Tim: next steps?

Marcus: sharing filmstrips and speedindex correlation would go a long way. Higher rigor would be great, but really hard. Also measuring correlation with the other metrics, where if it’s an independent variable would be more interesting.

Resource Timing Visibility



Nic: Resource Timing doesn’t give you the full picture: no TAO, cross-origin iframes, so can be misleading.

3 types of resources: full RT, restricted (no TAO) and invisible.

Safari doesn’t support sizes

Alex: No reason not to expose this if that data doesn’t include TLS overhead

Nic: want to enable cross-origin iframes to opt-in to share their RT data with the parent

Tim: Can people want to expose some entries but not others?

Nic: heard people that want to surface UT, but may not want the rest

Tim/Todd: we should start simple with an everything/nothing proposal

Tim: site should be able to opt-in to a specific host

Nic: 2 partners right now - 1 serving iframes from multiple origins, other is ad visibility network

Yoav: would be good to bring those partners on a call

Will: why are they not doing it in a hacky way right now? Would be interesting to hear that

Benjamin: getting more accurate RT data would be a good thing this group can do

Tim: value of RT data today?

Nic: check resource sizes and check byte size

Tim: unclear what the ad provider incentive would be

Nic: some large companies can use that as a carrot for third parties




Stefan: very similar to isInputPending, but letting the developer know if there’s a rendering frame pending

Large frameworks expressed interest.



Spec review

Performance Timeline L2

AI [plh, siusin]: transition to CR, send out call for review

AI: fix the flaky case sensitivity test and Frozen array test on supportedEntryTypes

AI: re-republish the WD from L2

Resource Timing L2

AI [plh, siusin]: send out call for review; not blocking on closing all issues

AI [plh, siusin]: transition L1 to REC No open issues

Navigation Timing L2

AI [plh, siusin] send out call for review

User Timing L3

AI [Nicolás] add Chrome use counters

AI [philip] fix explainer, reach out + do some activation

Page Visibility L2

AI [todd] chat w/ PLH about need, or not, for wide review

AI [todd] https://github.com/w3c/page-visibility/milestones/Level%202

Beacon L1

AI [] fix failing WPT, otherwise “ready to go”

requestIdleCallback L1

AI [yoav] Resolve https://github.com/w3c/requestidlecallback/pull/78 → REC, have 2 green implementations

Preload L1

AI [?] defining Preload cache is a blocker

Server Timing L1

AI [plh, siusin]: send out call for review

Test Triage

Hackathon Issue Discussion

Boris raised 2 issues. #114 - Spec for PerformanceNavigationTiming.type does not match any implementations - hopefully only definition change + tests, so no need for discussion

Yoav, Will and Todd discussed and agreed that for location.href, the type should be back_forward before location.href is set and navigate after the location.href navigation. The spec should be reviewed to ensure the language allows for this. For a redirect after a back navigation, the final type should be navigate. The spec should be reviewed to ensure the language allows for this. It is likely that the HTML spec must be updated and then the Navigation Timing spec will need to reference.