Participants: Philippe Le Hegaret, Gillis Dubuc, Peter Hedenskog, Scott Haseley, Alex Timin, Will Hawkins, Nicolás Peña, Nic Jansma,  Subatra Ashe, Benjamin De Kosnik

Next Call

December 5 @ 11am PST

Main Thread Scheduling APIs - Scott Haseley


scheduler.postTask() API allows scheduling of prioritized tasks

… Implemented v0 task-queue based prototype in Chromium

… Changing to a Signal-based prototype in response to TAG feedback

… Planning to go to Origin Trial to evaluate performance and broader feedback on ergonomics

… Controller/Signal based design

Examples of old vs. new - Promise is significantly simpler and less verbose

… What’s controller priority?

Yoav: So from a Priority Hints perspective, that would give us reprioritization?

Scott: Yes

Yoav: If I want to create a task that would propagate other signals to subtasks, this will enable that?

Scott: Yup. Also cases where you’d want the signal and priority to differ, so we want to pass along an explicit priority

… Signals are read-only - easy to pass and help to resolve the priority inversion problem

… Task/SubTask vs. TaskQueue model - Signals are better for Task/SubTask, and can be used to model task queues, even if it’s clunky

… Exploring options around signal propagation (getting current signal, inheriting, etc). This has some risk of misuse/footgun

… Still seeking feedback from other implementers

Will/Ben: Defer to Boris who has been tracking it closer

Ben: Interested teasing out the difference between Abort and Signal propagation

Safari/Edge not present

LongTasks Interaction w/ Buffered Flag

Nicolás: Chrome planning to ship buffering of LongTasks from start of page and available via PO

… PerformanceObserver.observe({ buffered:true })

… Earlier thought there would be overhead related to their computation, but then realized that they are being measured anyway?

… Is the same true for Firefox?

… If so, and we’re willing to move forward with it, what would be the initial buffer size?

… No data on per-frame long tasks in Chrome, but data on onload

… Time to load event 90p is less than 10 seconds, so at a maximum less than 200 LTs

… Does a buffer size of 200 sounds reasonable?

Nic: 200 seems reasonable. Akamai can look to see what the distribution is, but don’t have the initial LTs.

Gilles:        Customers with LT buffering in head?

Nic: No major ones

Yoav: Maybe we could do some math based on the time in which the PO was registered as well as the number of LTs that happened after it.

Nic: No need to store the ones after PO

Yoav: True, but it can help us estimate

Gilles: p90 for load event is 20-30 seconds. Need to evaluate methodology

Nicolás: Working on gathering data but will take some time

Yoav: we could also change the buffer size afterwards, if it’s too small

Nicolás: Ideally, we would like to avoid it, but possible

Nic: 200 sounds like a decent number

Ben: calculation sounds simple and fine. Why is Gilles seeing 3x the numbers though?

Gilles: More users from slower countries? If we’d hit the limit often we’d let you know

Yoav: CrUX data?

Nicolás: Might not have onload

Nic: Akamai customer have a 95p long task number of ~30.

Gilles: So, I guess 200 sounds reasonable and we’ll let you know if we hit the limit

Ben: Sounds reasonable

Nicolás: Great, I’ll update the registry

TAO and Fetch integration

Nicolás: Trying to integrate TAO into Fetch. Has a PR for it, but there were no tests and needed to file browser bugs for the changes

… 2 changes are:

  1. Instead of same origin checks we now check “response tainting” which is a Fetch concept that’s pretty close to same-origin check
  2. Using the “serialize the origin” method that returns null is the origin is tainted - which means there are two origin crosses in the redirect chain. Once it’s set the TAO header must be “*” and maybe “null”

… The goal is to align with CORS, but will result in changes to the processing of TAO, so heads-up on upcoming browser bugs

… Analytics providers can shout at us if the change will be breaking TAO

Nic: We will notice

Nicolás: main change is requiring a “*” for cross origin redirects

Nic: All I see is stars!

Nicolás: Great

Yoav: Motivation is alignment with CORS and have CORS imply TAO. Not aware of security issues that require those restrictions, but aligning with CORS will give us more content.

Ben: High level goals sound great, need to dig in to better understand.

Yoav: Also, in CORS “*” is simplifying the processing model as well as they don’t support a list of origins. For TAO, we just want to align unless it breaks something significant.