WebPerfWG call - March 2nd 2023


Mike Henniger, Micah Heineck, Philip Tellis, Noam Helfman, Noam Rosenthal, Pat Meenan, Alex N. Jose, Nic Jansma, Yoav Weiss, Barry Pollard, Amiya Gupra, Carine Bournez, Jase Williams, Jeb Barabanov, Sean Feng, Abhishek Ghosh, Katie Sylor-Miller, Abin Paul, Andy Davies, Annie Sullivan, Aoyuan Zuo, Cliff Crocker, Dan Shappir, Hao Liu, Boris Schapira



A/B testing update - Alex N. Jose


LOAF - Noam Rosenthal


Chat transcript

Boris Schapira5:14 PM

Thanks Alex, very interesting.

Alex N. Jose5:17 PM





Nic Jansma5:28 PM

Deck: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WX-E63jL7ZwGf_jNszhfkdxsvzlXLdJdPMSTxK3X0A0/edit?usp=sharing

Nic Jansma5:36 PM



Barry Pollard5:37 PM

I see Tim Kadlec on here. This seems very similar to how WPT experiments work - so I wonder if there's any learnings from them to take on board here? Maybe you should all chat?

Tim Kadlec5:38 PM

Lots of good work on the A/B stuff and I'd be more than happy to chat.tim@timkadlec.com

Noam Rosenthal5:38 PM


Alex N. Jose5:39 PM

Thanks Barry, Tim, will reach out to sync up!

Gilberto Cocchi5:45 PM

+1, I would like to so much to identify those Script Eval caused Long Tasks!

Amiya Gupta5:50 PM

very cool!

JeB Barabanov5:50 PM

This looks so much better than what we have today!

Gilberto Cocchi5:50 PM

This is amazing!!!!

Boris Schapira5:50 PM

The auditability capabilities this offers are really exciting.

Boris Schapira5:54 PM

It's so sad the demo was not recorded. I want to share it with colleagues!

Michal Mocny5:55 PM

Boris: easy, record your own :)

Open Chrome Canary with --enable-blink-featutres=LongAnimationFrameTiming

Boris Schapira5:56 PM

Thanks Michal!

Michal Mocny5:56 PM

then register perf observer for 'long-animation-frame'. (scripts support still incoming)

JeB Barabanov5:57 PM

Any ETA for scripts support in Canary?

JeB Barabanov6:01 PM

Amazing, can't wait for this, thanks Noam