
Custom productions

webidl2.js support custom productions for certain Web IDL implentations (e.g. Gecko) to take advantage of our rich feature set.

webidl2.write(ast, {
  productions: [...] // An array with custom production functions

The productions field lets the parser to call the production functions inside the array before calling the library’s own ones. The API for such functions looks like the following:

declare function factory(
  tokeniser: Tokeniser
): {
  /* ... whatever fields you want to add for your custom object ... */

  write? (w: Writer) => any; // required only for webidl2.write()

The tokeniser object has the following form:

type TokenType =
  | "decimal"
  | "integer"
  | "identifier"
  | "string"
  | "whitespace"
  | "comment"
  | "other";

interface Tokeniser {
   * Current position.
  position: number;

   * Tokenises
  constructor(idl: string);
   * Throws WebIDLParseError at the current position.
  error(message: string): never;
   * Checks whether a token exists without consuming it.
  probeKind(type: TokenType): boolean;
   * Checks whether an inline token exists without consuming it.
   * @example `probe("interface")`
  probe(value): boolean;
   * Consumes a token if exists, or returns null.
   * Pass multiple token types to consume one of them.
  consumeKind(...candidates: TokenType[]);
   * Consumes an inline token if exists, or returns null.
   * Pass multiple token types to consume one of them.
   * @example `consume("getter", "setter", "deleter")`
  consume(...candidates: string[]);
   * Consumes an identifier token that matches the value.
   * Use this when you need to consume a custom token.
   * @example `consumeIdentifier("legacycaller")`
  consumeIdentifier(value: string);
   * Seeks to the position.
  unconsume(position: number);

Using existing productions

This library exposes member productions in webidl2/productions. (Note that this only works with ES module import)

You can call Argument.parse(tokeniser) inside your custom production to reuse it.

It also exposes some helper functions: