Payments and the ability to exchange value efficiently and securely over the web are critical to global commerce. Open standards for payments and value exchange help ensure open access and interoperability to financial systems for all the people that use the Web. This document describes a set of capabilities and key top-level architectrual principles that, if standardized, will improve payments on the Web.

This document is in early draft state and is expected to rapidly evolve based on broad feedback and input from the Web Payments Interest Group.



In October of 2014, the W3C chartered the Web Payments Interest group with the goal of providing a forum for Web Payments technical discussions to identify use cases and requirements for existing and/or new specifications to ease payments on the Web, and to establish a common ground for organizations providing payment services on the Web Platform. The overall objective of this group is to identify and help create the conditions for greater uptake and wider use of Web Payments through the identification of standardization needs to increase interoperability between the different stakeholders and the different payment methods.

The Web Payments Interest Group's scope covers payment transactions using Web technologies on all computer devices (desktop, laptop, mobile, tablet, etc.) running a Web user-agent (a Web browser, a hybrid app, or an installed Web application) and using all possible legal payments methods across a variety of scenarios including Web-mediated Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Business-to-Business (B2B), Business-to-Business to Consumer (B2B2C), and Person-to-Person (P2P) transactions in the case of physical (payment at physical shops) and online payments for physical or digital goods, including in-app payments.

Due to the fundamental importance of payments to the web and the intricate relationship with other core aspects of the open web platform such as identity and commerce, the Web Payments IG created this document with the following goals in mind:

Audience of this document

This document is intended to broadly inform discussions on standardization of key capabilities and high level architecture of payments on the web. The intended audience for this document includes:

Scope of this document

This document presents the general capabilities and architecture of payments on the Web and is one part of a greater body of work around Web Payments that the W3C is producing. These other documents include:

Web Payments Interest Group Documents

Web Payments Community Group Documents


Capability Domains

In order to illustrate core aspects of payments on the web, this section of the document is organized by functional capability domains. This is intended to help highlight specific areas that are needed for standardization of payments, and also to help communicate relationships and dependencies to adjacent standards work such as Identity and Commercial aspects of the web.

The capabilities have been organized into course grained domains which were structured to help promote consistent and cohesive concepts in similar functional aspects, reduce coupling between core payments standards and those which are useful more broadly than payments, and to minimize redundant or overlapping work being done on standards in this space by providing visbility into cross cutting concerns and topics across each functional domain.

Each capability includes backgound context specific to its domain, key goals and architecural principles related to the capability and outlines significant relationships with other standards work and capability domains. The five top level capability domains are represented in the diagram below:


Core and Security

These capabilities provide the security foundation for payments.
Capabilities: Key Creation and Management, Cryptographic Signatures, Encryption
Right now this group has only security capabilities in it. We may wish to have a more general purpose Core set. If so, what would this core set include?

Identity and Credentials

Includes features related to establishing trust among parties, and credentialing or authorization of parties involved in a transaction.
Capabilities: Identity, Credentials, Rights, Authentication, Authorization, Privacy, Discovery, Registration, Enrollment, and Legal/Regulatory concerns.

Accounts and Ownership

Includes capabilities related to managing stores of value (such as Deposit Accounts) and recorded accounts of ownership (such as Ledger entries, Deeds, etc.) used as part of the settlement of payments or commercial exchanges. Settlement via the Web involves access to the accounts of the participants and ledgers of the account providers and capabilities to manage accounts and capture and monitor transactions in a ledger against those accounts.
Capabilities: Accounts, Account Management and Legal/Regulatory concerns related to accounts and recorded ownership

Clearing and Settlement

These are the capabilities that help parties in a transaction establish the mechanics of how the payment will be executed and the directly or indirectly make this happen. This involves the ability to discover and negotiate the mechanism that will be used to execute the payment and agree on the terms including facts such as the costs of making the payment, time between clearing of the payment and settlement into the payee's account, regulatory requirements and required authorisations.
Capabilities: Messaging, Clearing, Markets, Foreign/Currency Exchange, and Legal/regulatory concerns specific to payment clearing, settlement and Exchange of Value.


Includes capabilities related to commercial and economic interactions.
Capabilities: Offers, Invoicing, Receipts, Loyalty, Rewards, Contracts, Lending, Insurance, Taxation, Legal/Regulatory concerns related to aspects of commercial and economic interactions.

Key Principles

Capabilities in Context

We will be overhauling this section to move into Key principles section and simplify the intent of the interaction wheel - namely the key principle that activities related to payments and adjacent domains may take place asynchronously over an extended time horizon and that required standards may be best expressed as a discrete interactions between 2 parties which can be recombined to express larger payments "flows" or multi-step scenarios.

To simplify and harmonize the descriptions of capabilities necessary for payments and value exchange on the Web, it is helpful to understand the parties involved and the direction that information flows among them at various phases of a payment. We use the following diagram to help illustrate roles and information flow:


Figure: Payment Interaction Wheel

For example, the following diagrams illustrate three interactions in a comment payment scenario.

Request for Payment.png

Interaction 1:

Payee communicates request for payment to payer and shares payment instructions

Payer-PayeeService Provider.png

Interaction 2:

Payer uses information received from Payee and creates a new payment request from payment service provider with stored value.


Interaction 3:

Payer's payment service provider sends details to complete payment to Payee's payment service provider

The roles illustrated here may be carried out by many different entities. For example, "account provider" may be carried out by financial institutions, mobile operators, tech companies, or cryptocurrency systems; 'payee' may be an individual, a business, an NGO, or any entity that can accept a payment.

A payment may involve just two parties (e.g., peer-to-peer) or may be carried out by several collaborating parties. For instance, apayee may use a payment service provider which in turn uses a card network. The actions of these intermediaries may vary, from simply forwarding messages to fulfilling regulatory obligations. Additionally, these interactions may happen in different sequences and direction depending on the payment context.

Capabilities in Detail

Core and Security

  1. Key Management
    1. All participants require an interchangeable mechanism for creation, management, storage, and exchange of cryptographic keys
    2. Key management capabilities are required to:
      1. Securely communicate unique identifiers of payment process participants
      2. Digitally sign and authenticate information exchanged as part of the payments process (e.g., payments, receipts, invoices, etc.)
      3. Provide reference key for independent elements of the payments process to compose/link transactions and related data across asynchronous segments of the payment process
  2. Cryptographic Signatures
    1. Information transferred should be cryptographically signed to ensure
      1. Authenticity of the participants and ownership of value/asset being transferred or exchanged
      2. Nonrepudiationof participants intent related to information / communication being exchanged

Key Concepts:

(describe any key concepts/relationship to other capabilities here)

Suggested Deliverables:

Related Specifications:

Responsible Working Group(s) or Standards Bodies:

Identity and Credentials

The word identity means different things to different people and is often discussed as a problem waiting to be solved on the Web. In the physical world, we have many identities. We have an identity for work life and home life. We have an identity that we use when we talk with our friends and one that we use when we talk with our families. The concept of identity is as nuanced as it is broad.

There are aspects of our identities that have very little consequence to others, such as whether we have dark brown hair or black hair. There are also aspects of our identities that are vital for proving that we should be able to perform certain tasks, like a drivers license or a medical board certification. Then there are aspects of our identities that are important for social reasons, such as the rapport that we build with our friends over our lifetimes.

Many aspects of our identity are often expressed via credentials, which can be seen as verifiable statements made by one person or organization about another. There have been multiple attempts at formalizing credentials on the Web; each one of them have been met with varying degrees of mild success, but mostly failure. The rest of this section focuses on the goals of a healthy identity and credentialing ecosystem as well as capabilities that would enable such and ecosystem to thrive.


A healthy credentialing ecosystem should have a number of qualities:

  • Credentials should be interoperable and portable. Credentials should be used by as broad of a range of organizations as possible. The recipient of a credential should be able to store, manage, and share credentials throughout their lifetime with relative ease.
  • The ecosystem should scale to the 3 billion people using the Web today and then to the 6 billion people that will be using the Web by the year 2020.
  • The process of exchanging a credential should be privacy enhancing and recipient controlled such that the system protects the privacy of the individual or organization using the credential by placing the recipient in control of who is allowed to access their credential.
  • Implementing systems that issue and consume credentials should be easy for Web developers in order to lower barriers to entry and increase the amount of software solutions in the ecosystem.
  • Creating systems that are accessible should be a fundamental design criteria, as 10% of the world’s population have disabilities and the solution should be usable by as many people as possible.
  • The solution should follow a number of core Web principles such as being patent and royalty-free, adhering to Web architecture fundamentals, supporting network and device independence, and being machine-readable where possible to enable automation and engagement of non-human actors.


  1. Identity
    1. Entities in the System are able to access Identity information of other parties it is interacting with if specifically required by law, or if consented to by owner of the information
    2. Identity and credentials of an entity are able to be linked/associated with Accounts and payments to satisfy requirements for Account Providers and Payments Service Providers to comply with KYC/AML requirements.
  2. Credentials
    1. Entities in the system are able to be associated with 1 or more credentials. A credential is a qualification, achievement, quality, or piece of information about an entity's background such as a name, home address, government ID, professional license, or university degree, typically used to indicate suitability. This allows for the exchange of suitable qualities of the entity (ex. over age 21) without divulging sensitive attributes/details about the entity (ex. date of birth)
    2. Payer is able to exchange standard format credentials withPayee to validate attributes necessary to complete the payment
    3. Entities in the system may store a credential at an arbitrary identity provider after it has been issued by an arbitrary issuer. This helps create a level playing field for all actors in the ecosystem.
    4. A protocol for migrating from one identity provider to another without the need to reissue each credential. This promotes a healthy identity provider ecosystem.
  3. Data Model
    1. The data model should be extensible such that it supports an entity making an unbounded set of claims about another entity. This enables a very broad applicability of credentials to different use cases and market verticals.
    2. The data model should be capable of being expressed in a variety of data syntaxes. This increases interoperability between disparate credentialing systems and increases the long-term viability of the technology.
    3. A formal mechanism of expressing new types of claims without centralized coordination. This promotes a high degree of parallel adoption and innovation.
  4. Rights
    1. An entity should be able to express what "allowable use" of a credential is when providing it to another entity such that there is recourse if a credential is misused. For example, when providing an email address credential an assertion is made such that the email address cannot be used as a destination for marketing material.
  5. Authentication
    1. Participants are able to authenticate the validity of identifiers presented by entities that they are interacting with
    2. A digital signature mechanism that does not require out-of-band information to verify the authenticity of claims; instead it should enable public keys to be automatically fetched via the Web during verification. It should not render the signed data opaque because opaque data is harder to learn from, program to, and debug. This makes the digital signature mechanism easier to use for developers and system integrators.
    3. An issuer should be able to revoke a previously issued credential. This enables issuers to ensure that the credentials they have issued accurately represent their claims throughout the lifetime of the credential.
  6. Authorization
    1. Entities may use credentials to get access to protected resources or get approval to perform protected tasks.
  7. Privacy
    1. All capabilities in this document should be standardized in a way that minimizes the inclusion/exchange of personal or other sensitive metadata that are part of the payments process unless specifically required by law, or consented to by the owner of the information.
    2. A protocol that enables the recipient to share their credentials without revealing the intended destination to their identity provider. This enhances privacy.
  8. Discovery
    1. Payer is able to securely locate public identifier ofPayee to be used as part of payment process
    2. Payee is able to obtain public identifier of Payer participating in payment process
    3. Payer identifier is persistent across devices
  9. Registration
    1. Payer and Payee able to register with payment service provider to obtain credentials used for payments process
  10. Enrollment
    1. Payment service provider is able to perform the necessary steps during payer/payee enrollment to collect required identity and credential information about the payer/payee and associate it with an Account.
  11. Regulatory and Legal
    1. Entities should be able to detect when the collection of particular data would violate personally identifiable information regulations. For example, collecting the name and home address of a minor should be detectable and avoided in jurisdictions where that is not allowed.
    2. Entities should be able to easily request credentials and prove that they performed the required regulatory checks before allowing a transaction to complete. Ideally, this process should be automated.

Key Concepts:

TO DISCUSS: Trust Agent???

Suggested Deliverables:

Related Specifications:

Responsible Working Group(s) or Standards Bodies:

Accounts and Ownership


  1. Manage Accounts
    1. Payers and Payees (account owners) require the capability to create accounts at an account provider.
    2. Payers and Payees require the capability to authorise access to their accounts by third parties such as Payment service providers.
    3. Payers, Payees and other authorised entities require the capability of checking the current balance on an account.
  2. Account Registration/Enrollmentat Payments service providers
    1. Payers and Payees are able to register accounts that will be used as part of the payment process with Payment Services Providers of their choice
    2. Payers and Payees are able to delegate access to specific account functions to Payment service providers of their choice
  3. Receive Funds
    1. Payees are able to receive funds into theiraccounts
  4. Send funds
    1. Payers are able to transfer funds from their accounts

Key Concepts:

(describe any key concepts/relationship to other capabilities here)

Suggested Deliverables:

(include suggested/needed deliverables here)

Responsible Working Group(s) or Standards Bodies:

Related Specifications:

(Insert relevant related existing or in progress standards for capability segment)


  1. Discovery of Ledger services
    1. Participants require the capability to locate the endpoints at which ledger services are offered by an account provider
    2. Participants require the capability to discover which services are available against a ledger at an account provider
  2. Capture transactions in ledger
    1. Participants in the settlement process require the capability to capture a transaction in a ledger transferring value from one account to another on the same ledger.
  3. Monitor a ledger
    1. Participants in the settlement process require the ability to monitor a ledger for new transactions that impact a specific account.
  4. Reserve funds in an account
    1. To execute settlement across ledgers a counterparty may require the ability to request that an account provider temporarily reserve funds in an account while settlement is finalised on the other ledger(s).

Key Concepts:


Suggested Deliverables:

Related Specifications:

Responsible Working Group(s) or Standards Bodies:

Clearing and Settlement

  1. Payment Instrument Discovery and Selection
    1. Payer and payee are able to discover payment instruments/schemes which they have in common and may be used in the payment process
    2. Payer is able to establish the different costs of making the payment using the various combinations of payer andpayee instruments and schemes (payment methods)
    3. Payer is able to select payment instrument for use in the payment process
    4. Payee is able to communicate requirements(or preference) to payer as to whether a specific instrument is accepted and the payment terms for using that instrument
  2. Payment Initiation
    1. Payer is able to initiate a payment using selected payment instrument
    2. Payer is able to identify Payee via:
      1. Information received via Invoice
      2. Individual contact information
      3. Information from past payees
    3. Payee is able to initiate a request for payment to payee's designated account provider
    4. Account provider is able to initiate a payment on behalf of the Payee based on Payee's requested schedule and frequency (recurring payment)
  3. Payment Authorization
    1. Payment service provider or payee is able to get authorization from payer to execute payment either in real-time or using a preloaded authorization mechanism
    2. Payment service provider is able to demonstrate to payer account provider that payment is authorised
  4. Payment Execution
    1. Payment orchestrator is able to evaluate that all requirements have been met to execute the payment including authorization(s) and compliance checks as required.
    2. Payment orchestrator is able to instruct all participants to execute the payment and perform any roll-back steps that may be required in case of a failure by any participant to complete the payment.
  5. Payment Acknowledgement
    1. Payee is able to receive confirmation that payment has been successfully completed
    2. Payer is able to receive verification that payment has been successfully received
    3. Account provider is able to receive confirmation that payment is complete
  6. Regulatory/Legal Compliance
    1. Regulator is able to access/view required payment, payer, and payee details for payments that take place within their jurisdiction
    2. Regulator is able to intervene in payments meeting or exceeding certain thresholds or criteria in order to comply with jurisdictional laws and requirements
  7. Payment Settlement and Clearing
    1. Payment service provider is able to provide payer with quotesto settle payee via all payee supported payment schemes

Key Concepts:

TODO: Payment Agent

Suggested Deliverables:

Related Specifications:

Responsible Working Group(s) or Standards Bodies:



  1. Generate Offer
    1. Payee is able to generate a standard format offer which provides information on specific products or services being offered, and additional information on payment instruments accepted, or terms of the offer.
    2. Payer is able to generate a standard format offer which can be accepted or declined by the payee.
    3. Payee is able to create scheduled/recurring offers
  2. Receive Offer
    1. Payer is able to receive offer in machine readable format and use it to initiate payment request
    2. Payeeis able to receive offer in machine readable format and use it to create invoice


  1. Payee is able toable tocommunicate discounts which may be applied to Offers
  2. Payee is able to receive and apply discount to offer
  3. Payee is able to apply standard loyalty identifiers to offers


  1. Payer is able to apply coupons to offers
  2. Payee is able to issue general use coupons
  3. Payee is able to issue coupons specific to payer identifier

Key Concepts:

Suggested Deliverables:

Related Specifications:

Responsible Working Group(s) or Standards Bodies:


  1. Invoice creation
    1. Payee is able to generate a standard formatted invoice and communicate to Payer as part of the negotiation of payment terms
  2. Invoice receipt
    1. Payer is able to receive standard formatted invoice
  3. Invoice data
    1. Invoice provides payer with Payment instructions for making payment to Payee
    2. Invoice identifier is returned to Payee via payment process to verify payment is complete

Key Concepts:

Suggested Deliverables:

Related Specifications:

Responsible Working Group(s) or Standards Bodies:


  1. Create Receipt
    1. Payee is able to create receipt and communicate receipt to Payer following completion of payment
  2. Receive Receipt
    1. Payer is able to receive receipt and persist for future use (ex. returns, reimbursement, etc)

Key Concepts:

Suggested Deliverables:

Related Specifications:

Responsible Working Group(s) or Standards Bodies:


  1. Payer is able to register with Payee's loyalty program by requesting loyalty identifier from Payee.
  2. Payee can 'opt-in' to loyalty program by providing program specific public identifier

Key Concepts:

Suggested Deliverables:

Related Specifications:

Responsible Working Group(s) or Standards Bodies:

Guiding principles and key considerations

Due to the breadth of the capabilities that will require standardization, it is important to outline certain guiding principles which are expected to be incorporated across each of the defined capabilities in this document as they are undertaken by standards teams. The principles include:





Identity, Privacy, and Consumer Protection

Legal and Regulatory


Discovery and instrument selection