
Rationale for Scripting API design

This document attempts to explain why various decision for W3C WoT(Web of Things) Scripting API were made the way they were.

Using factories vs constructors

As discussed in issue 3, and as suggested here, the guidelines are these:

The root WoT object should not be constructible. It represents the UA’s magic ability to discover things, similar to how the Navigator object represents the UA’s magic ability to do a bunch of stuff. A namespace might be a good replacement here, if it truly has no state.

Avoid constructor overloads. A true constructor should be something that directly copies the given essential data into internal fields. If there is a way to infer the essential data from some other data, then that should be a factory. So maybe ThingDescription is the essential data, and if we can infer that from a name or URL, then factory should be used (perhaps static factory, e.g. ExposedThing.fromName()).

The idea of using a builder pattern (first create an X, then call X.expose() on it to turn into another object, or X-with-UA-magic) is rather unidiomatic in JavaScript. The better way to represent something without UA magic is just a dictionary. Having the same class represent two very distinct things is not great.


Discovery API

Represents the second stage of discovery in the 2-stage discovery process, i.e. the operational stage when discovery is configured and discovery queries may be served.

The discovery results may be filtered either at the source or at reception, by constraints made on the Thing Description.

Based on issue 16 there is a need to be able to tell the WoT Runtime to stop discovery (or in the case of open ended requests, suppress further discovery results). Therefore returning Promise was not an option any more, since cancellable Promises were dropped.


Server API (ExposedThing)

Scripts that define Exposed Things should ensure the following:

  1. define properties, actions and events according to the Thing Description.
  2. define request handler functions to implement the serving end for the Client API.

Client API (ConsumedThing)

Scripts that use the Client API are basically sending requests to servers in order to retrieve or update properties, invoke actions, and observe properties, actions and events. When the ConsumedThing is fetched, its Thing Description is also fetched, then client scripts can track changes by subscribing to events that signal TD changes.

For browser compatibility of the Client API, events are used with the DOM convention: an Event (or Event sub-class) object is passed as an argument to the event listener, which contains a property with the event payload data, instead the Node.js convention where payload is directly passed to the event listener as arguments.

There is no Client API for creating Things. ExposedThings can be created only locally through the Server API. However, a WoT Runtime may have a special management Thing exposed that would accept actions for installing, uninstalling, running and stopping scripts in that WoT Runtime. These scripts may create local ExposedThings, so the use case of remote Thing creation can be implemented.

Write interactions only return success or error, not the written value as well. Based on issue 193 and discussions during Scripting calls, TDs should fully capture the schema of the Property values, including precision and alternative formats, so that these should not be determined from analyzing the return value. If a return value is needed from an interaction, an Action should be used instead of a Property.