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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 12th of November 2015

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Nov 12 00:06
    [fstorr] @dpeter: I recommend the Rosenfeld book but you’re not going to find code examples and projects to build in there. But if you are looking for info to help with strategies it’s worth getting.
  2. zakim-robot
    Nov 12 00:08
    [fstorr] Anyone else noticed the VoiceOver bug with Safari and the range input type? It doesn’t announce whole numbers, rather it announces percentages that are vaguely near the integer you were expecting. Tested on latest Safari and VoiceOver on El Cap.
  3. zakim-robot
    Nov 12 00:22
    [fstorr] Oh, and add to the fun, if you use the <output> element to display the value of the range slider, Chrome announces the value twice if you use the keyboard to move slider. It doesn’t do it it you use the mouse to move it.
  4. MichielBijl
    @fstorr, as far as I know; that is how it's supposed to work.
  5. MichielBijl
    You can set your own text to be announced in aria-valuetext
  6. LjWatson
    @fstorr @michielbijl yes, aria-valuetext gives the thing it's human readable form, aria-valuenow its machine readable value.
  7. MichielBijl
    Question, my current project has a survey page. This survey includes a question that is divided into 5 separate questions. Each question asks you for a rating (from 1 (bad) to 6 (good)).
  8. MichielBijl
    The bad to good stuff is on the top, the question to the left, and the rating radio buttons to the right of the questions
  9. StommePoes
    yeah this is my cookie question
  10. StommePoes
    the legend or p+aria-describedby has to have the real question
  11. MichielBijl
    My thought was to put this in a table (not sure about semantics there). And possible link the label that is around a radio button to the question to the left and rating to the top via aria-describedby
  12. StommePoes
    the radio labels can only have what they represent
  13. MichielBijl
    The whole thing is in a fields with a legend
  14. StommePoes
    I think the explanation that you're rating a series of things from a scale of x to y is a form exaplanation that's a separate thing people have to read first.
  15. StommePoes
    Yeah but long legends are a bitch/annoying
  16. MichielBijl
    Yeah I'm now questioning the whole markup
  17. StommePoes
    It's like here you have first a (maybe long) instruction/explanation (5 questions rating thingies)
  18. StommePoes
    you'd need like a legend or p+aria per thingie being rated
  19. StommePoes
    so I'd think multiple groups, possibly multiple fieldsets
  20. StommePoes
    I used to nest fieldsets in questions like these
  21. StommePoes
    but I'm not sure if today that's verbosity hell
  22. MichielBijl
    <fieldset>   <legend>Question 1</legend>   <p>Please rate the following kittens</p>   <table>     <thead>       <tr>         <td></td>         <th id="rating-1">Bad</th>         <th id="rating-2">Sort of bad</th><th id="rating-6">Good</th>       </tr>     </thead>     <tbody>       <tr>         <th id="option-1">Kitten 1</th>         <td>           <label aria-describedby="option-1 rating-1">             <input type="radio">           </label>         </td>         <td>           <label aria-describedby="option-1 rating-2">             <input type="radio">           </label>         </td></tr></tbody>   </table> </fieldset>
  23. StommePoes

    <fieldset outer><legend>In the following 5 questions, please rate your satisfaction from x to y where x== crappy and y== awesome for that item</legend>
    <fieldset inner #1><legend>I thought the chocolate chip cookies were:</legend><input type="radio" id="cookie0"><label="cookie0">0</label>... x however many...</fieldset inner #1>
    ... fieldset 2, 3, 4,5...

    Might be verbose as hell but it's the first thing I would test

  24. StommePoes
    Ha, interesting route around headers attibrutes
  25. MichielBijl
    I haven't tested that
  26. MichielBijl
    Not sure what that would do in tables mode
  27. StommePoes
    the p may still need aria-hookage for the AT who don't do object nav
  28. StommePoes
    well it would give you table navigation
  29. StommePoes
    but it wouldn't prevent you from checking a radio, but it may remove normal keyboarding radio button group navigation... they're now not in a radio group but a table.
  30. MichielBijl
    Haha, sure, but in terms of announcing the content
  31. StommePoes
    When you get focus to a cell the label should still be able to do its thing correctly, what I wonder is if that radio being selected prevents the others in the row from being selectable (as you'd get with a radio button group)
  32. StommePoes
    I've built tables in forms but those were with text inputs and this worked fine in JAWS and Orca back in the day
  33. StommePoes
    But haven't tested radio groups before. I'm thinking you might lose some radio-group abilities, and if you forced that away with aria radio-group role setting it might ruin the whole point of the table.
  34. StommePoes
    So I'd build my version and your table and run through both in a couple of readers. One might just obvs make more sense. I'm guessing the form-base one will work better, but... testing needed.
  35. MichielBijl
    Yeah I like your nested fields markup
  36. StommePoes
    Bleh, I'm dealing with the issue of showing charts and graphs, where the point is to test someone's ability to read a chart or graph... where having a textual version somewhere would defeat the purpose (like someone's supposed to know that the red line means company x's profits increased in the 90's... I think we could only safely offer a table-version and make the user determine what happened via that. But trends in a table are harder than visual trends)
  37. StommePoes
    I've done the nested fields thing before but that was tested back when JAWS 8 or 9 was a thing, and no other readers were tested at the time.
  38. StommePoes
    Back in my first web job, yikes.
  39. MichielBijl
    Time for a revisit ;)
  40. StommePoes
    Yeah, but again no radio groups were involved.
  41. MichielBijl
    I have some logic to work on. So I'll put this on hold, but will get back to it tonight/tomorrow. I'll create both markup versions. If anyone is interested/wants to help that would be great :) I can do Safari 9/VoiceOver.
  42. MichielBijl
    Oh, and can do some Orca testing, but not really sufficient with that yet.
  43. StommePoes
    If you throw up a non-codepen version (plain web page) I can test JAWS 15, NVDA (still getting the whole forms/non forms modes straight) and probably some orca testing though I'm also pretty passive with it (I tend to use Orca mostly to just read whole pages to me because i'm lazy/have sore eyes, rather than a lot of navigation)
  44. StommePoes
    One thing to know about Orca is that like VO it has object navigation. There's also a focus mode, and since I think 3.18 there's a way to make focus mode sticky on or off (necessary for weirdo application pages like GMail) and I keep needing to look up how to mess with that sticky mode.
  45. MichielBijl
    That would be sweet.
  46. MichielBijl
    Here is another markup idea:
  47. MichielBijl
    <fieldset>   <legend>Question 1</legend>   <p>     Please rate the following kittens from 1 (meh) to 5 (OMG SO CUTE!)   </p>    <ol aria-hidden>       <li id="rating-1">Meh</li>       <li id="rating-2">I've seen better</li>       <li id="rating-3">Cute!</li>       <li id="rating-4">It's super cute</li>       <li id="rating-5">OMG SO CUTE!</li>   </ol>    <fieldset>     <legend>Rate kitten 1</legend>     <ol>         <li><label aria-describedby="rating-1"><input type="radio" value="1"></label></li>         <li><label aria-describedby="rating-2"><input type="radio" value="2"></label></li>         <li><label aria-describedby="rating-3"><input type="radio" value="3"></label></li>         <li><label aria-describedby="rating-4"><input type="radio" value="4"></label></li>         <li><label aria-describedby="rating-5"><input type="radio" value="5"></label></li>     </ol>   </fieldset> </fieldset>
  48. MichielBijl
    Not sure about AT hiding the list with ratings, but that would be communicated via the labels. So might be verbose to not hide them.
  49. MichielBijl
    Again, this would benefit from testing.
  50. MichielBijl
    I'll whip something up.
  51. StommePoes
    Is that relying on the idea that describedby should override hidden? Cause why not just pull the ol offscreen instead (and maybe after the questions)
  52. MichielBijl
    Oh, and @StommePoes, if you change the /pen/ part in a CodePen url to /debug/, you get a frameless version :)
  53. StommePoes
    Gitter has higlighted one of my posts in pink and now it keeps scrolling it down. No idea why.
  54. StommePoes
    I'm not able to delete it either. Annoying.
  55. MichielBijl
    Or the /details/ part if it's linked to the details view.
  56. MichielBijl
  57. StommePoes
    If you've got no text in the labels, why not just an aria-labelledby directly on the inputs?
  58. StommePoes
    It counts in WCAG as a labelling method
  59. StommePoes
    Besides, demo questions should not be cuteness of kittens, but their softness. $husband and I regularly do walks around the neighbourhood and we pet all the local cats and rate their softness.
  60. StommePoes
    Though I've never touched anything under a 6 unless you count Sphinxes
  61. MichielBijl
    Good points
  62. MichielBijl
    Except for the label, because I can enlarge the touch area for the radio via the label :)
  63. MichielBijl
    So make them touchy friendly for clunky finger interfaces.
  64. StommePoes
    so what, an empty label with lots of padding?
  65. StommePoes
    (I'm looking at your last code idea, with the lists)
  66. MichielBijl
    For example :)
  67. MichielBijl
    Like how you'd make the click area on a close button larger for fingers.
  68. fstorr
    @MichielBijl @LjWatson Thanks for the replies about range input and aria-valuetext. I'm confused though. The spec for aria-valuetext says "Authors should only set the aria-valuetext attribute when the rendered value cannot be meaningfully represented as a number" and that's what I have: a range of numbers from 0–10. So it would seem that I shouldn't need that. I also don't understand why we need these extra aria attributes to hold values that are already present in my simple slider. Safari announcing 1 as 10%, 2 as 20%, etc. is surely a bug: if I specify a range of 0-10 with a step of 1 it should honor that.
  69. LjWatson
    @MichielBijl it's badly phrased.
  70. LjWatson
    It means when a number on its own would not be meaningful. For example "50" could be 50 anything, wheras 50% is meaningful.
  71. LjWatson
    So aria-valuenow="50" and aria-valuetext="50%"
  72. zakim-robot
    [allison] Hi everyone - trying to discuss contrast with a client - They seem to solely want a toggle that goes to a "high accessibility contrast mode". Would this alone still meet accessibility guidelines ( I'm of the mindset that they should just meet the guidelines straight out of the gate rather than create an alternate path/experience that might get ignored down the line. If anyone has any additional resources to back this up, that'd be great.
  73. LjWatson
    @Alison ideally the primary colour scheme should meet the recommended contrast ratio.
  74. fstorr
    @LjWatson If I have a question that says "rate this tasty beer from 0 to 10" and have a range with values from 0-10, which I can do without having to add any extra aria, then I'd expect the browser to announce those values correctly and not convert them to percentages. Having to add aria to stop Safari making assumptions is very odd.
  75. LjWatson
    @fstorr it is. That sounds like it may be a bug in Safari and/or VoiceOver.
  76. garcialo
    @Alison My default position is agreeing with @LjWatson. This instance is no exception. That said, providing a way to get to a sufficient contrast version would meet WCAG.
  77. zakim-robot
    [allison] Thanks @ljwatson & @garcialo !
  78. MichielBijl
    I agree with both, it should be the default, but it's better to have an alternative than none at all.
  79. MichielBijl
    @fstorr in your example, yes, it does make more sense to just announce the numbers. But your example is not the only use case. Not to say one should prevail the other. I for one think that defaulting to percentages being announced is better in more cases.
  80. MichielBijl
    And in most cases you'll want valuetext anyway.
  81. fstorr
    @LjWatson It works fine with Chrome and VoiceOver, so I assume it's a Safari issue. Chrome does have an oddity where moving the range slider with the keyboard announces the value of both the slider and the text in the <output> element. If you move the slider with a mouse, that doesn't happen. The fix is to hide the <output> with aria-hidden which feels like it should be fine.
  82. LjWatson
    @fstorr keep in mind that Chrome isn't officially supported with VO AFAIK.
  83. fstorr
    @MichielBijl The browser should honor what it's given. If I want percentages, or values like small, medium, or large, then I'll give it those in the correct way. But, out of the box, if the range 0-10 then the browser should announce those values.
  84. fstorr
    @LjWatson Indeed :(
  85. MichielBijl
    @fstorr how would you pass percentages? valuemin/now/max only accepts integers.
  86. MichielBijl
    “The value of aria-valuenow is a decimal number.”
  87. MichielBijl
    Wait, my mind is cluttered.
  88. fstorr
    @MichielBijl What I should have said is that I'd have to set the value of aria-valuetext to percentages, small, medium, large, etc. Because those values aren't the same as 0-10. But, in my example where I have values of 0-10, I should not have to add aria to stop a browser announcing 4 as 40%\
  89. zakim-robot

    [car] @allison: There was a conversation about convincing designers to follow WCAG for color contrast (started by @jdan that you might find interesting. I summarized it for my dev colleagues:

    ** Reasons to consider making the default theme pass WCAG 2.0 contrast guidelines:

    • the first sentence of the WCAG contrast guideline description: says, "this guideline is concerned with making the default presentation as easy to perceive as possible to people with disabilities.".
    • can see it properly when outside in bright sunlight (particularly mobile)
    • shows up more clearly when display brightness setting turned way down to conserve battery
    • presents better in meetings when projected on a dim projector screen:
    • easier to read on a small screen
    • remember that not everybody has a retina display
    • blog written by a designer, includes links to tools:
    • try​ it! You may like it! :)
    • Also, I recently saw this conversation on an accessibility list, and this is what changed my mind from "sure, just make a new theme" to "you know, with a bit more effort, we could make the default better for everyone":
      [person 1]: I like to make the distinction between ​sufficient_​ contrast and ​_high​ contrast.
      The former applies to all content, always - and the latter is is the case for vision outside of the "normal range", where "normal range" is all the way up to 80/20
      [person 2]: I love that distinction between “sufficient” and “high” contrast!
      I’ve had some designers ask me in the past about creating a separate high contrast mode for their sites.
      I’m adamantly against that because usually their idea of “high contrast mode” means “minimum viable contrast to meet WCAG 2.0”, and the “normal” mode is very low contrast.
      I much prefer that normal mode meets WCAG 2.0 AA, and if users prefer/need more contrast, they can use their operating system’s high contrast functionality.
  90. stevefaulkner

    @LjWatson It works fine with Chrome and VoiceOver, so I assume it's a Safari issue. Chrome does have an oddity where moving the range slider with the keyboard announces the value of both the slider and the text in the <output> element. If you move the slider with a mouse, that doesn't happen. The fix is to hide the <output> with aria-hidden which feels like it should be fine.

    output has a default of aria-live=polite which is implemented in some browsers, may be why. Note the appropriateness of this is under discussion

  91. LjWatson
    MichielBijl I'm not sure that assuming a slider is in percent is a good thing.
  92. stevefaulkner
    @StommePoes don't fixate on the group example, it could have been 5 paragraphs in the group, its just an example of how flowto works not how group works
  93. MichielBijl
    @fstorr @LjWatson yes I'm coming around to that. I have no good examples to test with.
  94. stevefaulkner
    @MichielBijl same goes for you :-)
  95. MichielBijl
    @stevefaulkner has spoken!
  96. stevefaulkner
    @StommePoes have added paragraphs of lorem ipsum into "group" does that help?
  97. MichielBijl
    Why is the image in a paragraph?
  98. MichielBijl
    That always seems redundant to me. Is it not?
  99. MichielBijl
    Are there any good arguments for/against?
  100. StommePoes
    I guess if group's just there so there's someone with a roley-enough role to get aria-label, I wonder if a better example would be closer to what a dev might be trying to solve with it, where they maybe don't have the option to just throw grue's onto stuff
  101. stevefaulkner
    @MichielBijl i give up
  102. StommePoes
  103. MichielBijl
  104. garcialo @garcialo congratulates @MichielBijl on breaking @stevefaulkner
  105. MichielBijl
    Haha, not sure I should be proud of that.
  106. MichielBijl
    @stevefaulkner that's not a knock against the example, just something I see more often and am just not sure about.
  107. StommePoes
    re the slider issue I wonder if lots of devs who have and want to stick with numbers are going to, by default, write a bit of redundant redundancy code that simply grabs the aria-value and stuffs it into the aria-text (since to me all I can see is the difference between them is one's a int or float? and the other is a string)
  108. MichielBijl
    Not even sure if it makes a difference.
  109. garcialo
    It shouldn't make a difference either way.
  110. garcialo
    You might as well put it in an empty span or div
  111. StommePoes
    and if there's an output it seems sad to have to aria-hidden it if as a dev you want to follow the principle of "aria-hidden goes on stuff meant to be hidden from All The Users"
  112. stevefaulkner
    not broken, but having a lie down after being lead off into weeds by dutch fuckers
  113. StommePoes
    outputs being generally meant to be viewed by All The Users
  114. StommePoes
    Steve dude you just need to relax like dutch fuckers
  115. StommePoes
    smoke something
  116. MichielBijl
    Take some of those weeds
  117. StommePoes @StommePoes takes a "high contrast" button and changes the text to "fix this broken website"
  118. MichielBijl @MichielBijl takes a low contrast heading and changes the font to Comic Sans.
  119. stevefaulkner
  120. StommePoes
    I was watching @getify's talk about breaking the broken web, and he was thinking of letting users decide how much jazzy crap they want in their web pages. We could go further: upon URL request, ask the user, do you want 1) the crappy 15MB graphical orgasm version or 2) the normal and readable version or 3) the I'm-in-a-hotel version
  121. MichielBijl
    Option 3 would just output a transcript in txt
  122. MichielBijl
    Very interesting.
  123. garcialo
    For those interested, I just checked with CCA2 and @stevefaulkner has sufficient contrast with his background.
  124. stevefaulkner
    @garcialo careful fella ;-)
  125. StommePoes
    Yeah @brucel twotted that and it made me think of me (not new to tech but very new to smartphones) and my uncle in the States (never really used a computer much and still has no idea what he should do with one...his mobile phone is barely a feature phone)
  126. StommePoes
    @michielBijl option 3 is exactly what you'd want in that instance.
  127. StommePoes
    But I think the best thing about such a button (or browser setting so people who don't give any shits can set it once and forget) is if we could measure how often people clicked the option 1
  128. StommePoes
    Maybe would let people know whether or not their 15MB retina images with parallax and WebGL animations were appreciated or "meh"
  129. StommePoes
    or "set my laptop on fire"
  130. fstorr
    @MichielBijl @LjWatson @stevefaulkner Hacked-together range slider example:
  131. StommePoes
    if via gitter I play with it using keys, am I supposed to see a new value on the right/at the end?
  132. StommePoes
    Using IE11
  133. StommePoes
    using mouse I get a tooltip with current value
  134. fstorr
    No idea what happens inside gitter, especially on IE. If you look at it on codepen, you should see a value at the end.
  135. StommePoes
    Ah FF is updating it, must be IE and ranges
  136. StommePoes
    Nothin in IE, and it should support onInput so maybe it's the range it has trouble with
  137. StommePoes
    I know in IE9 they added input listeners and some small bugs like backspace didn't trigger the event
  138. stevefaulkner
    @fstorr aria-live="off" may be the solution to the double announcement
  139. StommePoes
    lemme try with IE + NVDA
  140. stevefaulkner
    on the <output>
  141. StommePoes
    in NVDA exploring it as text didn't interact (normal I guess, I except form controls to stuff me into forms/focus mode), tabbing to it showed no visible number in IE but did correctly announce the value
  142. StommePoes
    FF just did everything right.
  143. fstorr
    @stevefaulkner That works and is better than aria-hidden="true". Thanks :)
  144. StommePoes
    So @stevefaulkner is there coming something similar in NVDA regarding the aria-flow[] stuff?
  145. stevefaulkner
    @Stommepes the only AT that currently supports flowto is JAWS, the only browser that implements (AFAIK) is Firefox, I have raised it as a possible solution to defining and implementing something new that is not implemented at all yet
  146. stevefaulkner
    @fstorr np
  147. stevefaulkner
    acc support in IE is crappy and NVDA does not always try to hack around the crap
  148. StommePoes
    Man I really hope the edge team and uia people can get that shizzle working
  149. powrsurg
    Is Edge somewhat usable from an AT standpoint with today's updates?
  150. powrsurg
    When guidelines like 508 and the like talk about letting the user disable animation do they mean you should provide some feature that will do things like disable all CSS keyframes/animation, disable any JavaScript that causes movement like making an element slide up/down, or causing the page to scroll smoothly? Basically letting the user reset to the type of changes one could make to a web page back in 2000 (that is, things happening instantly)?
  151. fstorr
    Does 508 say to disable animation? I can see "When animation is displayed, the information shall be displayable in at least one non-animated presentation mode at the option of the user" which isn't the same because, and I've seen this recently, you can have a separate "accessible" site without animation and therefore be in compliance with 508.
  152. powrsurg
    §1194.21 (h) When animation is displayed, the information shall be displayable in at least one non-animated presentation mode at the option of the user.
  153. powrsurg
    sorry, wrong paste
  154. powrsurg
    22:50 "Give users the choice of turning off animations and displaying information from the animations in other method;"
  155. zakim-robot
    [fstorr] The "and" in that is very interesting. Because that makes an application that has a standard site with animation that can't be turned off, and which uses an animation-free "accessible" site as at "get out" as non-508 compliant.