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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 5th of December 2015

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Dec 05 00:13
    [marcysutton] They have a bug tracker?
  2. zakim-robot
    Dec 05 00:14
    [marcysutton] Hi @blavalla!! A fellow former POPster!
  3. jnurthen
    Dec 05 00:17
    @LjWatson As I thought your disclosure widget worked fine with Dragon 13 (& IE). It should work the same with Chrome & FF as they all rely on extensions to provide the ARIA support.
  4. jnurthen
    Dec 05 00:18
    @LjWatson I could say "Click Help with Nationality" and it would expand and then say the same again and it would collapse.
  5. zakim-robot
    Dec 05 00:32
    [blavalla] Hey Marcy! Small world, eh?
  6. zakim-robot
    Dec 05 01:30
    [shawn.henning] Slack claims to be working to resolve a11y issues according to the replies I get from my numerous feedback emails. They are aware of the issue, and I've explained how to do things like turn on Voice Over and the screen curtain to "see" the behavior I am reporting.
  7. zakim-robot
    Dec 05 01:31
    [shawn.henning] They fix major issues and seem to be trying to improve general a11y. I suspect it is hard to get it on the fix list.
  8. zakim-robot
    Dec 05 01:32
    [shawn.henning] BTW: Hi all. I'm Shawn. I am a low vision project manager. I've only recently had a reduction in vision. I have been forking in software for many years as a tester and project manager.
  9. zakim-robot
    Dec 05 01:34
    [shawn.henning] *working
  10. garcialo
    Dec 05 01:40
    howdy, Shawn. =)
  11. zakim-robot
    [smashingmag] @marcysutton: Thank you so much for the kind welcome. Looking forward to the discussions here! :simple_smile:
  12. garcialo
    Unfortunately, it's pretty dead over the weekends.
  13. zakim-robot
    [marcysutton] Hi @shawn.henning :smile:
  14. StommePoes
    The dutchies will be absent this weekend fer sure
  15. MichielBijl
    What's this weekend?
  16. MichielBijl
    Why do people hate on specs if they could just as easily be contributing?
  17. MichielBijl
    It's open… Join and help out if you don't like something about it!
  18. MichielBijl
    Seriously don't get it.
  19. MichielBijl
    Get in touch with the people that write them if you can't be arsed to file bugs.
  20. powrsurg
    Because they weren't in on it when it was decided upon and it's not how they want it now because it doesn't help with the project they're on
  21. powrsurg
    I find people are scared to just dive in to things and contribute, but hey, complaining is easy!
  22. powrsurg
    BTW, since it really bothered me that I didn't get to put something together all week for sharing here I stayed up til 3 putting this together (and worked around a bug in Android that I wasn't aware of and will need to add to work on monday)
  23. powrsurg
    getUserMedia + Web Speech API to produce live transcripts!
  24. powrsurg
    Currently only works in Chrome desktop, but it follows the spec
  25. powrsurg
    Chrome for Android apparently uses a different Web Speech mechanism so that's why it doesn't work tehre
  26. garcialo
    Neat. =)
  27. garcialo
    Currently on my Android tablet, so can't check it out. =(
  28. powrsurg
    well, you can test out the playing and download feature ... but that's not the interesting part
  29. powrsurg
    I was really disappointed to find Android Chrome was using something different. I really wanted it to work there
  30. powrsurg
    Sorry I couldn't use jsfiddle or something like that for this. The recording needs a Web Worker and I can't get that in something like that without having cross-domain issues
  31. powrsurg
    I think either @MichielBijl or @LjWatson was looking for something related to that earlier this week
  32. garcialo
    finally got to my laptop; seems to work as well as the speech to text...which of course isn't perfect =p
  33. garcialo
    still cool =)
  34. powrsurg
    I'm finding the closeness and quality of the mic matters greatly
  35. garcialo
    Good point. Laptop mic wasn't doing that great.
  36. powrsurg
    When my webcam was still connected to my PC via USB, but was stuck behind my desk it sucked, but once I finally got it back on the desk it did a better job ...