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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 9th of April 2016

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. MichielBijl
    Apr 09 09:09
    stevefaulkner, thanks for the pep talk ;)
  2. MichielBijl
    Apr 09 09:09
    And could you give me write access to a11ySlackers?
  3. MichielBijl
    Apr 09 09:10
    Want to fix that messup that other TPG'er made.
  4. MichielBijl
    Apr 09 09:14
    And the pipe between Slack and Gitter is broken.
  5. stevefaulkner
    Apr 09 13:49
    Hey @MichielBijl will do and will look into pipe
  6. garcialo
    Apr 09 14:34
    @stevefaulkner check with Marcy. She blocked the bot after the unknown issue
  7. marcysutton
    Apr 09 17:53
    I unblocked it
  8. marcysutton
    Apr 09 17:53
    Thank you gents!
  9. metzessible
    Apr 09 20:49
    If there's something encase needin' breakin', just lemme know.
  10. MichielBijl
    Apr 09 21:54
    stevefaulkner, I have the chat log fixed locally, but cannot push yet