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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 14th of May 2016

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. Mallory
    May 14 21:40
    @jasonday all my previous employer's ecommerce product lists were lists and we had focusables inside (around the product name and image for large clickable area) to go to main product page. The competition either did lists or divs. The divs sucked
  2. Mallory
    May 14 21:41
    I also had tricks for when I needed to make the whole product clickable but didn't want long stupid link text.
  3. Mallory
    May 14 21:42
    One thing to keep in mind is let pagination be both before and after the list, so we don't have to tab a thousand times to get to the next-page-button, or shift-tab said thousand times to get back up to do it if we wanted to open the last item in a new tab but keep searching the list