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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 4th of June 2016

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Jun 04 01:13
    [nathanhammond] @marcysutton: I'm wondering if it's a race condition on populating the accessibility tree/buffer and can be hacked around with delays or if there are more fundamental issues.
  2. [nathanhammond] @marcysutton: So far I've tried 5s delays to setting focus to no avail, next attempt is going to be delaying insertion after removal. (Lifecycle being build fragment, remove existing, insert new, set focus.)
  3. zakim-robot
    Jun 04 01:18
    [nathanhammond] We've also tried the "set focus elsewhere" hack to no avail.
  4. zakim-robot
    Jun 04 10:29
    [gerbenvandijk] Morning all! (forgive my noob question) but I'd like to make my entire website keyboard navigatable. been playing around with tabindex etc. but it doesnt seem to give me a lot of control about the order of tabbing through; and when I research it it seems like a lot of people are using javascript for this purpose. I am wondering; is that a valid technique? e.g. aren't a lot of people who actually use their keyboard to navigate the internet disabling JS? And if so, are there any go-to js libs for noobs like me to get used to it before rolling sth custom?
  5. zakim-robot
    Jun 04 11:29

    [scottohara] Good morning

    So if you want your website to be keyboard accessible, you should really take a step back and look at your underlying HTML to make sure you're using the correct elements.

  6. [scottohara] Someone using a keyboard to navigate a website does not immediately mean they have JS turned off. But, you really don't need to be using JS or tabindexes to make your site keyboard accessible, unless you've built custom components that don't natively support keyboard focus
  7. zakim-robot
    Jun 04 13:48
    [gerbenvandijk] Thanks! Yea my HTML is fine by itself; all the elements that require interaction are accessible. Sometimes I'm running into scenario's where I'd like to change the order of the keyboard navigation; as some of the more complex resonsive navigation solutions that I use require a certain order in the HTML structure
  8. zakim-robot
    Jun 04 13:56
    [gerbenvandijk] A use case: i'd have a hamburger menu on smaller screens, it is possible that people who have an old desktop with low res screen see that. then I don't want to be tabbing through the content when the menu is open
  9. [gerbenvandijk] Atm I am just setting z-index: -1 on the content when opening the menu
  10. [gerbenvandijk] but I was wondering if there is a js lib that abstracts this kind of thing a bit more
  11. [gerbenvandijk] without me having to explicitely set it on every piece of js that might require sth like this
  12. [gerbenvandijk] i've seen things like .tabbable classes on elements for instance