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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 8th of December 2016

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. Job van Achterberg
    Dec 08 14:34
    Hey, Viget (of recent Progressive Enhancement discussion fame) is looking for a front-end developer :P add stealth PE!
  2. zakim-robot
    Dec 08 15:15
    [miwayha] An ARIA question: I’m working on a news site, and it makes sense to have a <header> for the site, and a <header> for each article. Does it make sense to give each header its own aria label, like “Site header” and “Article Header”, or is that overkill?
  3. Job van Achterberg
    Dec 08 15:18
    @miwayha The fact that semantically one header is a child of the article element, while the other one is not, would IMO provide enough.
  4. powrsurg
    Dec 08 15:18
    If you have multiples I would. If you have multiple articles on one page I'd go more unique
  5. don't use <articles> for a blog roll, just the main article page
  6. Job van Achterberg
    Dec 08 15:19
    Make sure the headings in the header are otherwise clear, which they should be anyway
  7. zakim-robot
    Dec 08 15:20
    [miwayha] Thanks much! @powrsurg, can say more why not to use multiple <articles> on a listing page?
  8. Job van Achterberg
    Dec 08 15:20
    They're supposed to be self-contained
  9. As in, the entire article content, not an overview
  10. powrsurg
    Dec 08 15:20
    Right. It's sort of like <main>
  11. I forget, isn't <section> recommended for a blogroll?
  12. zakim-robot
    Dec 08 15:21
    [miwayha] ah thanks. So there are just a ton of places doing it wrong? :laugh:
  13. powrsurg
    Dec 08 15:22
    Read the spec and follow it as best you can. If you find resources doing it wrong just understand that most people do things wrong
  14. zakim-robot
    Dec 08 15:24
    [miwayha] yeah I’ve read the spec and gone back and forth on the issue, but i appreciate the guidance
  15. Ian Devlin
    Dec 08 15:32
    Well you could argue that if a blog roll contains a summary of the blog post, then using an article would be ok, as the summary itself is self containing and could also be syndicated elsewhere.
  16. zakim-robot
    Dec 08 16:23
    [quidkid] hey guys! so I’m trying to figure out how to use this accessible accordion plugin and currently failing hard right now. XD
  17. [quidkid] Here’s my code pen: which looks nothing like the site demo
  18. [quidkid] has anyone used this plugin before and/or can help me with figuring out how to use it?
  19. zakim-robot
    Dec 08 17:23
    [miwayha] i wonder if there is any harm in giving two <aside> tags the same aria-label. Specifically, if i have a news story with two pull quotes, simply labeling each one with aria-label=”pull quote”
  20. [miwayha] or would these even merit an aria-label at all
  21. zakim-robot
    Dec 08 18:10
    [ted_drake] Hello all. I’m doing some research for my upcoming talk at CSUN on gathering useful metrics to help your accessibility team within a company or organization. I’d appreciate it if you spent a few minutes filling out this survey on what metrics you use. Thank you
  22. fstorr
    Dec 08 20:29
    Hi, all. I'm looking at the HTML spec for the fieldset element ( and am trying to work out if I can put aria-required and aria-invalid attributes on it. I can't work out if I can or whether I have to do something hacky like give the fieldset an attribute of radiogroup first. Interestingly, JAWS announces required and invalid on fieldsets which is useful; I can't remember what NVDA does, but VoiceOver ignores it.
  23. James Nurthen
    Dec 08 20:50
    aria-required is only allowed on
  24. fieldset doesn't map to any of those
  25. if you want to do that you would need to add a role=radiogroup on the fieldset as you suspect
  26. (not saying it will change the bahviour at all - but to comply with the spec this is necessary)
  27. VO is particularly picky on things like this and will ignore invalid attributes
  28. fstorr
    Dec 08 21:02
    Thanks. That what I think I'd worked out. A question, though: isn't a fieldset designed to group things like radio buttons and, if so, then isn't it by default a radiogroup?
  29. James Nurthen
    Dec 08 21:20
    Doesn't seem to be mapped that way. It can group all sorts of things so I don't see how HTML could do that.
  30. fstorr
    Dec 08 21:22
    Yeah, I was just thinking that it can group a lot more than radio buttons. Also, it probably makes more sense to put the role=radiogroup on the immediate container of the elements. That said, I tend to use <ul> elements to mark up forms and add role=presentation on the <ul> so that wouldn't work either.
  31. Although, that said, by changing the role from a list to a group of radio buttons, it's probably going to work fine.
  32. zakim-robot
    Dec 08 22:14
    [spell] Hey gang, super quick question. Have you ever seen search engines display the contents of aria-hidden? I know it might seem like a goofy question, and I would assume a search engine would take no interest in such things, nor can I imagine why it even would, but question was posed at work and I just wanted to be sure.
  33. [spell] Question should be :Do search engines honor aria, etc.?
  34. [spell] Thanks!
  35. [caesar] Quite recent discussion here.
  36. [caesar] Couldn't find anything more enlightening than that (which isn't saying much, I know).
  37. [caesar] Good luck!
  38. zakim-robot
    Dec 08 22:40
    [spell] Thanks, @caesar .