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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 5th of February 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. Mallory
    Feb 05 20:43
    If the stuff gets added much later than page load (like, pretty much every big Angular page I've seen), then yeah it gets added too late to be sent to the screen reader. It sounds like live regions is what you want but I know at work, due to Angular sucking donkey balls, they've put aria-live="polite" on the body and there's just so much stuff getting changed and added at a snails' pace that it doesn't read out nicely
  2. For small bits though
  3. You'd have something on the page at page load, a box, a div.
  4. Part of your own HTML
  5. you can put a live region on it, depending on what kind of content it is... there are some roles for certain kinds of things for types of content, like "status" or "log"... those are already live regions.
  6. I'd have to look up if "region" is still recommended for generic content, but just throwing aria-live on some div isn't enough.
  7. At least, that was the case back when I was putting aria-live on shopping cart divs.