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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 8th of March 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Mar 08 00:19
    [alice] Just got back to Sydney from CSUN :)
  2. [caesar] Nice.
  3. zakim-robot
    Mar 08 00:25
    [techthomas] A11yNYC is streaming live now
  4. [techthomas] Speaker Bio for Jack Chen: In 2010, Jack joined Google as patent counsel. Jack currently serves as lead product counsel for the Chrome family of operating systems and hardware devices such as Chromebooks.

    Jack serves on the board of various non-profit organizations, including Lime Connect, an organization rebranding disability through achievement, where he chairs the corporate governance committee and the nomination committee. Jack is currently writing a book that explores the success factors for people with disabilities and has recently launched a podcast focused on exploring the success factors for today’s disabled leaders, found at Jack Chen from Google

  5. zakim-robot
    Mar 08 03:55
    [ted_drake] @caesar title=“this link will open in a new tab/window"
  6. [ted_drake] It’s simple and solves the problem.
  7. [alice] @ted_drake What question were you answering there?
  8. [caesar] @alice a question I asked yesterday bout WCAG advisory techniques G200 and G201
  9. [alice] :)
  10. [alice] threading is hard
  11. [caesar] I'm not a fan (of Slack threading)
  12. Sean Elliott
    Mar 08 09:04
    Hey a11y slackers, is there anything in the WCAG 2.0 guidelines that states with single page apps that dynamically load content you should shift the users focus to the new content area? Obviously that is very specific but i was looking for a guidline to reference
  13. JP DeVries
    Mar 08 09:06
    Always want to be weary of changing focus on a user, but aria-live and aria-atomic might be worth looking into as a way to notify users content has updated
  14. Sean Elliott
    Mar 08 09:19

    Understandable this article talks about shifting the focus on SPA as seen in this example (if you click on about or home it focus on the main heading)

    So is this just a "good" design pattern or does it relate to the WCAG guidlines in someway?

  15. [caesar] Something like this?
  16. [caesar] "The objective of this technique is to place inserted user interface elements into the Document Object Model (DOM) in such a way that the tab order and screen-reader reading order are set correctly by the default behavior of the user agent. This technique can be used for any user interface element that is hidden and shown, such as menus and dialogs."
  17. Sean Elliott
    Mar 08 10:58

    Im thinking something like this

    This guideline works closely with Guideline 1.3, which ensures that any structure in the content can be perceived, a key to navigation as well. Headings are particularly important mechanisms for helping users orient themselves within content and navigate through it. Many users of assistive technologies rely on appropriate headings to skim through information and easily locate the different sections of content

  18. jgauvreau
    Mar 08 11:59
    Hi, I'm new to this group. I was wondering if anyone had any favorite Angular (Angular 2 not AngularJS) design pattern examples or sites that they show to developers as "good" examples?
  19. zakim-robot
    Mar 08 13:19
    [techthomas] Anyone have recommended links to the best CSUN 2017 roundups that includes links to the presentations? I didn’t get to go this year (sob emoji)
  20. zakim-robot
    Mar 08 13:33
    [alastc] I’d be interested in the presentations to, this got me interested in some of them:
  21. zakim-robot
    Mar 08 14:08
    [deconspray] @techthomas @alastc I created this, but I'm sure there'll be others soon.
  22. zakim-robot
    Mar 08 14:28
    [techthomas] Thank you @deconspray and @alastc
  23. zakim-robot
    Mar 08 15:03
    [dean] The Microsoft presentations are here:
  24. zakim-robot
    Mar 08 15:42
    [alastc] Thanks @deconspray, I’ll take a gander through.
  25. zakim-robot
    Mar 08 15:47
    [deconspray] Question: members of our team would benefit from access to this Slack channel. How do I invite others to join? Signed a relative newb. :)
  26. zakim-robot
    Mar 08 15:59
    [deconspray] Thanks much @dean :D
  27. [deconspray] Mobile Web A11Y question: When a user interacts with the device's keyboard, ex. numeric keyboard, who or what controls that; the operating system or the page/app? We're noticing that iOS communicates the focused/selected numbers via VoiceOver, but Talkback on Android does not.
  28. [deconspray] (more of a validation question, my assumption is the op sys. But would still like to know, if that is the case, if there are any work arounds)
  29. zakim-robot
    Mar 08 17:52
    [marcysutton] That is controlled at the OS/platform level @deconspray
  30. [deconspray] Yeeessssssss!!!
  31. [marcysutton] I would file a bug against Android
  32. [deconspray] @marcysutton Ok thanks. And no workarounds or hacks?
  33. [marcysutton] could potentially use a live region to announce the user input, but it might get weird in mobile Voiceover if there are multiple announcements. Sounds too hacky to be useful IMO. Have you tried other input types to see if all keyboards are impacted? (I.e. Text, number, search, etc.) What browser?
    Also here's a bug report URL for android:
  34. zakim-robot
    Mar 08 18:44
    [schoeyfield] Hey friends. A few days ago someone shared a link to ARIA support across browsers - and I totally failed to clip it to evernote.
  35. zakim-robot
    Mar 08 19:11
    [deconspray] @schoeyfield Was this it?
  36. [schoeyfield] That's it!
  37. [schoeyfield] :dancer:
  38. [cameron] How can I enable Lighthouse accessibility testing in Chrome Canary? cc @robdodson
  39. zakim-robot
    Mar 08 19:16
    [cameron] super shift?
  40. [robdodson] @cameron you can install the extension or if you want to play with Audits 2.0 you can enable chrome devtools experiments by going to:

    restart chrome. open devtools. go to experiments. shift 7 times, look for audits 2.0. restart devtools

  41. [robdodson] my PR to add most of the axe tests is still in review GoogleChrome/lighthouse#1768
  42. [robdodson] lol giant photo of me :p
  43. [robdodson] so right now there's only 8 axe tests in Lighthouse
  44. [robdodson] but that PR adds almost all of em
  45. [robdodson] our whole team is flying to sydney on Thursday. My hope is that once i've got everyone around me I can just wrap up that PR real quick and get it merged
  46. [cameron] <3
  47. [robdodson] and it sounds like we're aiming for March ~20-24 somewhere in there for the next release of Lighthouse. Not sure how long it takes to merge into the devtools experiment when we roll out a new version but i'm assuming it's pretty quick
  48. zakim-robot
    Mar 08 19:22
    [cameron] weird, I still have the old audits view
  49. [cameron] checked audits 2.0, restarted chrome, audits tab looks like this
  50. zakim-robot
    Mar 08 19:39
    [cameron] aha
  51. [cameron] working
  52. zakim-robot
    Mar 08 21:12
    [scotthdavis] Thank you @ryanflorence for the invite!