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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 6th of April 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Apr 06 16:20
    [sethkane] can someone recommend a Transcript service. It doesn't have to be for live media only pre-recordered. I am already researching but other recommendations would be welcomed.
  2. [tink] are good for captions. Not sure whether they can do a simple transcript, but worth asking.
  3. Jason Day
    Apr 06 17:34
  4. zakim-robot
    Apr 06 18:57

    [karlgroves] @sethkane We’ve used ACS a lot at TPG. They do the live transcriptioning for ID24 and for V&L.

    On a personal note, I’ve used CastingWords for a lot of transcription-after-the-fact

  5. [sethkane] Danke!
  6. zakim-robot
    Apr 06 22:55
    [vcurd] There are a number of accessible widgets around with good keyboard support, but I'm curious how do developers make users aware of the keyboard shortcuts? What is the best solution to avoid cluttering the UI but making it obvious to all keyboard users?
  7. [marcysutton] Maybe make a little help menu thing detailing the shortcuts?
  8. [garcialo] slack uses command+/
  9. [garcialo] I’m not sure if that’s a standard or not
  10. zakim-robot
    Apr 06 23:00
    [marcysutton] I would think something like Shift + ? would be a little intuitive (barring any AT conflicts).. and/or a help button somewhere in the UI
  11. zakim-robot
    Apr 06 23:14
    [vcurd] I was hoping this was a solved problem, after all for a widget to be operable the users need to know how to use it and not all keyboard users are aware of common keyboard shortcuts.
  12. [vcurd] Does anyone know of datepickers, WYSIWYGs or other widgets that provide easily accessible help?
  13. zakim-robot
    Apr 06 23:22
    [garcialo] obviously, if the design will accommodate it, just have it visible all the time in like a legend box thing
  14. [garcialo] if there are too many shortcuts, include the common ones and the shortcut for pulling up a menu or something
  15. [garcialo] if design hates always visible, you can do like a help modal thing like slack
  16. [garcialo] and just have the shortcut visible somewhere
  17. [garcialo] or have a button for it
  18. zakim-robot
    Apr 06 23:34
    [vcurd] @marcysutton @garcialo Okay thanks for the feedback. I'll have a go at developing something. Cheers.