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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 2nd of June 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 00:36

    [karlgroves] > required aria-required=“true” - are both needed on a text input these days?

    Not really. It depends on who the users of the system are. Some government and higher ed orgs are reeeeeeaaaaaalllllly slow to update systems. I mean, scarily slow. But for general stuff, I’d go for required

  2. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 08:39
    [veyfeyken] I'm struggling with the HTML5 required attribute and the "Please fill out this field" browser messages. In my humble opinion this doesn't comply to 3.3.1 Error Identification and/or 3.3.3 Error Suggestion. Correct?
  3. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 08:46
    [veyfeyken] The W3C tutorial on forms isn't helping. But still a great tutorial
  4. [veyfeyken] This drupal issue is interesting as well. Going on for 5 years :)
  5. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 09:50
    [jv] pls some articles if you know about accessibility in b2b apps
  6. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 12:49
    [deconspray] I'm looking for examples of bad and good examples of focus order in the wild. I can make up my own, but would prefer real world as I'm prepping a presentation. An example would be where you have a Submit button, followed by an "Advanced search" link. Any known examples out there? (TIA)
  7. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 13:06
    [cehfisher] @veyfeyken might want to ping @mgifford on the Drupal issue you posted. i know he’s in this channel and might have some answers to any q’s you might have. also he loves it when i volunteer him for things :)
  8. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 13:24
    [mgifford] Just not paying enough attention.. :) I’ll take a look @veyfeyken
  9. [mgifford] Right, so HTML5 “required” should only be used as a fallback for when Javascript is disabled. Unfortunately, it’s much easier to say that than to actually do that.
  10. [mgifford] I haven’t tested the patch from 10 days ago though
  11. [mgifford] it’s easy to test that out in Let me know if you need a hand with that @veyfeyken
  12. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 14:00
    [deconspray] A design question: a pattern I'm increasingly seeing are text input fields styled as transparent, possibly with a bottom border only. From an accessibility front, it would seem this is horrific. Is there known research on this pattern that spells out the pros and cons?
  13. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 14:24
    [dean] @deconspray - Jamie Knight spoke about that a little at CSUN, slide 26 here: - example of the BBC
  14. [deconspray] @Dean Great stuff. Thanks.
  15. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 14:46
    [garcialo] Thanks @dean I had completely forgotten about that part of the presentation.
  16. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 16:56
    [canfie1d] Can someone point me to an example of an a11y friendly custom select (custom options as well)? Or is this simply not a thing worth doing?
  17. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 17:20
    [cmegown] afaik you can't style the select options at all
  18. [cmegown] you can definitely...mask the containing select element though
  19. [cmegown] this is what i've been using for a while and it seems to work as expected:
  20. [cmegown] note: i would welcome an feedback
  21. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 17:27
    [canfie1d] I was looking for a full custom select (potentially not using the select element at all)
  22. [canfie1d] @cmegown I think that pattern is the most widely accepted way to make the input look custom though.
  23. [higley] @cmegown I use a similar approach, but if I want a fancier dropdown indicator with focus styles, I do something like this:
    // html <select>...</select> <div class="arrow" aria-hidden="true">...</div>  // css select:focus ~ .arrow { fun focus styles here }
  24. [cmegown] @higley that's definitely a great approach if you want something a bit more fun than my boilerplate example. thanks for sharing!
  25. [higley] @canfie1d for a custom select, I think a listbox pattern is probably best:
  26. [canfie1d] Something like:
    <div role="listbox" tabindex="0" id="listbox1" onclick="return listItemClick(event);" onkeydown="return listItemKeyEvent(event);" onkeypress="return listItemKeyEvent(event);" onfocus="this.className='focus';" onblur="this.className='blur';" aria-activedescendant="listbox1-1"> <div role="option" id="listbox1-1" class="selected">Green</div> <div role="option" id="listbox1-2">Orange</div> <div role="option" id="listbox1-3">Red</div> <div role="option" id="listbox1-4">Blue</div> <div role="option" id="listbox1-5">Violet</div> <div role="option" id="listbox1-6">Periwinkle</div> </div>
  27. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 17:35
    [higley] Yup! I wonder why they have both onkeypress and onkeydown there. I’d usually just use keydown
  28. [canfie1d] Know of any examples using that pattern? I feel like that could be implemented incorrectly pretty easily.
  29. [higley] Hm, the one I made is in Dojo 2 and uses vdom, so it’s a not great for just looking. The eBay MIND patterns combobox is sort of similar:
  30. [canfie1d] Oh nice! Thank you!
  31. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 18:14
    [garcialo] @higley It is?
  32. [garcialo] Oh…it is.
  33. [garcialo] :p
  34. [higley] =D
  35. [higley] at least in that it uses listbox and aria-activedescendant, although I know the latter is a little different when used on a textbox
  36. [garcialo] gotcha
  37. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 20:02
    [mikey] do radio buttons and checkboxes need to pass color contrast standards? i.e. we're trying to meet WCAG 2.0 AA here
  38. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 20:20
    [garcialo] nope
  39. [garcialo] 1.4.3 only covers text
  40. [garcialo] that said, it would definitely be a best practice to have some sort of internal contrast minimum for other stuff
  41. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 20:56
    [kelly] Does anyone have experience with ARIA live regions? Specifically I’m seeing an issue where aria live is not announced anymore after I interact with a modal
  42. [kelly] Reduced test case here:
  43. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 21:23
    [higley] @kelly it’s an issue with the overlay styles. It seems after you show and hide the dialog, you aren’t removing .overlay from the DOM, and VoiceOver thinks it’s covering your live region. You can fix it up un-commenting the display: none style in .overlay, or by removing .overlay another way
  44. [higley] essentially VoiceOver stops announcing the live region because it thinks it’s hidden behind the overlay :)
  45. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 21:29
    [kelly] @higley that makes sense. Do you think that’s why uncommenting the explanation unsorted list works? Because the page size becomes bigger and the SR perceives it as visible again?
  46. [higley] I didn’t try that, but probably. Any change that makes the SR think the live region is visible again will allow it to be read.
  47. [kelly] okay awesome, thank you!!
  48. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 21:43
    [kpk] @higley if we set display:none manually in the JS, it doesn't seem to help . Does it need something more specific to re-enable the live region?
  49. [cehfisher] late to the convo here, but wondering if this would be useful @canfie1d
  50. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 21:54
    [higley] @kpk based on playing around with it a little more, it seems that VoiceOver doesn’t recognize dynamically added inline styles if there were no inline styles to begin with. If you add style="display:none" to <div class="overlay"> in the html, it works fine. Seems like it’s probably a VoiceOver bug.
  51. zakim-robot
    Jun 02 23:21
    [kpk] @higley thx. I wasn't sure if chrome bug or voiceover bug. Definitely some weird effects there.