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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 24th of July 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Jul 24 11:11
    [erik] In a table with <th>'s for both rows and columns, what do you do with the first empty cell? Empty <td>, or empty <th>, either, neither?
  2. [erik] In a table with
    <th>'s for both rows and columns, what do you do with the first empty cell? Empty <td>
    , or empty
    , either, neither?
  3. [erik] In a table with <th> 's for both rows and columns, what do you do with the first empty cell? Empty <td> , or empty <th> , either, neither?
  4. zakim-robot
    Jul 24 12:05
    [dereklewis] <td>, even if it’s in <thead>
  5. [erik] Could you tell me why you would chose that option? Because it would be a <td> with both its row and column filled with <th> 's. And it would not have any data in it
  6. zakim-robot
    Jul 24 12:11
    [dereklewis] Is that what you are doing? It’s really dependent on the use case
  7. [erik] That's the case, exactly
  8. LauraOU
    Jul 24 12:35
    whats the first column for?
  9. Jason Day
    Jul 24 14:20

    Interesting issue that I could use some input on - I have essentially the following code on my site:

    <h3 id="testHeading">
    list heading

    <ul aria-describedby="testHeading">
    <a href="#">list 1</a>

  10. When using NVDA/Firefox, the aria-describedby is not being read when I tab (or l) into the list forward, but if I back into the list with shift-tab, it is being read.
  11. zakim-robot
    Jul 24 14:59
    [quidkid] If I have what is stylistically a button that is an anchor link.. like to a different section on the same page, should I use an a tag or a button tag?
  12. [quidkid] my gut says a tag but i want to double check with y’all!
  13. zakim-robot
    Jul 24 16:42
    [clairebones] @jasonday does it read the h3 as normal if you go through it forwards?
  14. Jason Day
    Jul 24 17:06
    I ended up changing the structure to a <section><h3><ul> and the section is labelled by the h3, which works for my purposes.
  15. That said, I found an odd nuance with lists and aria-described/labelledby
  16. If I have a heading and a ul, and I add aris-described/labelledby on the ul pointing to the heading nothing happens
  17. Except, if there is a form field prior. If you have a form field as an element before or after the, the aria-described/labelledby will be read when you focus into the list
  18. zakim-robot
    Jul 24 17:33
    [mtribone] @quidkid I’d say stick with your gut and make an <a> element for the anchor.
  19. zakim-robot
    Jul 24 20:14
    [fstorr] @marcysutton Hi :) I was wondering if you’ve got your accessible modal dialog ( working in non-Chrome browsers. I’m finding that anything non-Chrome fires this error when the Escape key is pressed: I’ve checked inspectors in Safari and FF and there’s definitely an open attribute on the <dialog>, and it works find if I click a close button in the <dialog>.
  20. zakim-robot
    Jul 24 20:26
    [marcysutton] I might not have added the polyfill to the jsbin example, let me check
  21. [marcysutton] Yep, that's exactly it. The examples points to node_modules like you would have on your local I demo in the video
  22. zakim-robot
    Jul 24 22:25
    [fstorr] So it does work without an error in non-Chrome when you press the Escape key on an open modal?
  23. [marcysutton] it should, yes
  24. [marcysutton] Yes it does, just confirmed on my machine.
  25. zakim-robot
    Jul 24 22:43
    [fstorr] Well, that means I’m doing something wrong then. Sigh. I really hate JavaScript a lot of the time :\
  26. [fstorr] Also: thanks for checking :)
  27. zakim-robot
    Jul 24 22:49
    [marcysutton] sent you a file.