
HTML 5: The Markup Language (ARIA Edition)


This section provides information about ARIA attributes.

Common ARIA attribute sets # T

common.attrs.aria = #
one aria.alert element, or one aria.alertdialog element, or one aria.application element, or one aria.article element, or one aria.banner element, or one aria.button element, or one aria.checkbox element, or one aria.combobox element, or one aria.complementary element, or one aria.contentinfo element, or one aria.definition element, or one aria.dialog element, or one aria.directory element, or one aria.document element, or one aria.grid element, or one aria.gridcell element, or one aria.group element, or one aria.img element, or one aria.link element, or one aria.list element, or one aria.listbox element, or one aria.listitem element, or one aria.log element, or one aria.main element, or one aria.marquee element, or one aria.math element, or one aria.menu element, or one aria.menubar element, or one aria.menuitem element, or one aria.menuitemcheckbox element, or one aria.menuitemradio element, or one aria.navigation element, or one aria.note element, or one aria.option element, or one aria.presentation element, or one aria.progressbar element, or one aria.radio element, or one aria.radiogroup element, or one aria.region element, or one aria.row element, or one aria.search element, or one aria.separator element, or one aria.slider element, or one aria.spinbutton element, or one aria.status element, or one aria.tab element, or one aria.tabpanel element, or one aria.textbox element, or one aria.timer element, or one aria.toolbar element, or one aria.tooltip element, or one aria.tree element, or one aria.treegrid element, or aria.treeitem

Alert #

aria.alert =
role="alert" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Alertdialog #

aria.alertdialog =
role="alertdialog" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Application #

aria.application =
role="application" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Article #

aria.article =
role="article" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Button #

aria.button =
role="button" intermixed with an optional aria-pressed element

Checkbox #

aria.checkbox =
role="checkbox" intermixed with aria-checked

Combobox #

aria.combobox =
role="combobox" intermixed with an optional aria-activedescendant element, intermixed with aria-expanded

Complementary #

aria.complementary =
role="complementary" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Contentinfo #

aria.contentinfo =
role="contentinfo" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Definition #

aria.definition =
role="definition" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Dialog #

aria.dialog =
role="dialog" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Directory #

aria.directory =
role="directory" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Document #

aria.document =
role="document" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Grid #

aria.grid =
role="grid" intermixed with an optional aria-level element, intermixed with an optional aria-multiselectable element, intermixed with an optional aria-readonly element, intermixed with an optional aria-activedescendant element, intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Gridcell #

aria.gridcell =
role="gridcell" intermixed with an optional aria-level element, intermixed with an optional aria-readonly element, intermixed with an optional aria-selected element, intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Group #

aria.group =
role="group" intermixed with an optional aria-activedescendant element, intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Img #

aria.img =
role="img" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

List #

aria.list =
role="list" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Listbox #

aria.listbox =
role="listbox" intermixed with an optional aria-multiselectable element, intermixed with an optional aria-activedescendant element, intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Listitem #

aria.listitem =
role="listitem" intermixed with an optional aria-posinset element, intermixed with an optional aria-setsize element, intermixed with an optional aria-level element, intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Log #

aria.log =
role="log" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Main #

aria.main =
role="main" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Marquee #

aria.marquee =
role="marquee" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Math #

aria.math =
role="math" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Note #

aria.note =
role="note" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Option #

aria.option =
role="option" intermixed with an optional aria-checked element, intermixed with an optional aria-selected element

Presentation #

aria.presentation =
role="presentation" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Progressbar #

aria.progressbar =
role="progressbar" intermixed with an optional aria-valuemax element, intermixed with an optional aria-valuemin element, intermixed with an optional aria-valuenow element, intermixed with an optional aria-valuetext element

Radio #

aria.radio =
role="radio" intermixed with one aria-checked element, intermixed with an optional aria-selected element

Radiogroup #

aria.radiogroup =
role="radiogroup" intermixed with an optional aria-activedescendant element, intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Region #

aria.region =
role="region" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Row #

aria.row =
role="row" intermixed with an optional aria-level element, intermixed with an optional aria-selected element, intermixed with an optional aria-activedescendant element, intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Search #

aria.search =
role="search" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Separator #

aria.separator =
role="separator" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Slider #

aria.slider =
role="slider" intermixed with one aria-valuemax element, intermixed with one aria-valuemin element, intermixed with one aria-valuenow element, intermixed with aria-valuetext

Spinbutton #

aria.spinbutton =
role="spinbutton" intermixed with an optional aria-activedescendant element, intermixed with one aria-valuemax element, intermixed with one aria-valuemin element, intermixed with one aria-valuenow element, intermixed with aria-valuetext

Status #

aria.status =
role="status" intermixed with an optional aria-activedescendant element, intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Tab #

aria.tab =
role="tab" intermixed with an optional aria-selected element, intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Tabpanel #

aria.tabpanel =
role="tabpanel" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Textbox #

aria.textbox =
role="textbox" intermixed with an optional aria-autocomplete element, intermixed with an optional aria-multiline element, intermixed with an optional aria-readonly element

Timer #

aria.timer =
role="timer" intermixed with an optional aria-activedescendant element, intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Toolbar #

aria.toolbar =
role="toolbar" intermixed with an optional aria-activedescendant element, intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Tooltip #

aria.tooltip =
role="tooltip" intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Tree #

aria.tree =
role="tree" intermixed with an optional aria-multiselectable element, intermixed with an optional aria-activedescendant element, intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element

Treegrid #

aria.treegrid =
role="treegrid" intermixed with an optional aria-activedescendant element, intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element, intermixed with an optional aria-level element, intermixed with an optional aria-multiselectable element, intermixed with an optional aria-readonly element

Treeitem #

aria.treeitem =
role="treeitem" intermixed with an optional aria-checked element, intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element, intermixed with an optional aria-level element, intermixed with an optional aria-posinset element, intermixed with an optional aria-selected element, intermixed with an optional aria-setsize element

ARIA attribute sets for implicit semantics # T

common.attrs.aria.implicit.region = #
an optional aria-expanded element
common.attrs.aria.implicit.group = #
an optional aria-expanded element, intermixed with an optional aria-activedescendant element
common.attrs.aria.implicit.th = #
an optional aria-sort element, intermixed with an optional aria-level element, intermixed with an optional aria-expanded element, intermixed with an optional aria-readonly element, intermixed with an optional aria-selected element
common.attrs.aria.implicit.listitem = #
an optional aria-posinset element, intermixed with an optional aria-setsize element

ARIA attribute sets for landmark roles # T

common.attrs.aria.landmark.application = #
common.attrs.aria.landmark.banner = #
common.attrs.aria.landmark.complementary = #
common.attrs.aria.landmark.contentinfo = #
common.attrs.aria.landmark.main = #
common.attrs.aria.landmark.navigation = #
common.attrs.aria.landmark.search = #
common.attrs.aria.landmark.article = #
common.attrs.aria.landmark.document = #
common.attrs.aria.landmark.note = #

ARIA attribute models # T

The semantics of the following attributes are normatively defined in the ARIA specification.

aria-activedescendant = ID reference #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-atomic = "true" or"false" #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-autocomplete = "inline" or"list" or"both" or"none" #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-busy = "true" or"false" #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-checked = "true" or"false" or"mixed" or"undefined" #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-controls = list of ID references #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-describedby = list of ID references #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-disabled = "true" or"false" #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-dropeffect = "none" or "popup" or "execute" or list{ "copy" followed by "execute" } or list{ "move" followed by "execute" } or list{ "reference" followed by "execute" } or list{ "execute" followed by "copy" } or list{ "execute" followed by "move" } or list{ "execute" followed by "reference" } #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-expanded = "true" or"false" or"undefined" #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-flowto = list of ID references #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-grabbed = "true" or"false" or"undefined" #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-haspopup = "true" or"false" #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-hidden = "true" or"false" #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-invalid = "true" or"false" or"grammar" or"spelling" #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-label = string #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-labelledby = list of ID references #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-level = positive integer #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-live = "off" or"polite" or"assertive" #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-multiline = "true" or"false" #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-multiselectable = "true" or"false" #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-owns = list of ID references #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-posinset = positive integer #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-pressed = "true" or"false" or"mixed" or"undefined" #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-readonly = "true" or"false" #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-relevant = "all" or list{ "additions" followed by "removals" followed by "text" } or list{ "additions" followed by "text" followed by "removals" } or list{ "removals" followed by "additions" followed by "text" } or list{ "removals" followed by "text" followed by "additions" } or list{ "text" followed by "additions" followed by "removals" } or list{ "text" followed by "removals" followed by "additions" } #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-required = "true" or"false" #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-selected = "true" or"false" or"undefined" #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-setsize = non-negative integer #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-sort = "ascending" or"descending" or"none" or"other" #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-valuemax = floating-point number #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-valuemin = floating-point number #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-valuenow = floating-point number #
(detailed attribute description to come)
aria-valuetext = string #
(detailed attribute description to come)