
African Language Enablement (afrlreq)

This is the place to explore gaps in African language support on the Web and in eBooks, and to document requirements.

We aim to address the problem that local users don’t know how to tell the W3C what problems exist for support of their language on the Web, and the W3C doesn’t know how to contact people who can help when questions arise.

Topics for discussion are suggested by the gap-analysis template. This work feeds into the language matrix which provides a heat-map for language issues on the Web.

See also work on Arabic & Persian and Amharic & Tigriña languages. That work will not be duplicated here.

Help wanted!

We’re looking for information about these writing systems. Follow the links for specific questions.


GitHub repoDiscussion threadsIssue tracker (with afrlreq filter) • Charter




Please use the GitHub issue list to report issues for language support, for discussions, and to send feedback about documents. (Learn how GitHub issues work.)

Note that the public-i18n-africa mailing list is used to send notification digests & meeting minutes. It is not for technical discussion.


You can participate in the work at various levels. In order of increasing commitment, these include List subscriber, Participant, Editor, and Chair. Explore the options.

To just follow the work: Rather than ‘Watch’ this repository, subscribe to the public-i18n-africa mailing list. That list is notified (no more than once a day, and in digest form), about changes to issues in this repository, but also about other W3C Working Group issues related to the African writing systems.

To contribute content: All contributors must read and agree with

To become a participant, editor, or chair: contact Richard Ishida. We welcome participation requests.


The following information describes work going on at the W3C to support languages on the Web.

If you end up creating a document, you should be familiar with and use the following: